Newbie - Any Help Appreciated

Diminishing Dawn
on 10/14/05 11:18 pm - Windsor, Canada
Hello there! I'm a newbie who is a little confused over the whole OHIP process. I would like to get roux en y surgery (lap hopefully). I know the waiting times are horrendous and I have a few acquaintances who went through OOCC in the Detroit area and was kind of hoping to do the same if I'm that lucky. Are the waiting lists still 5-7 years in Ontario as I've heard said before? I'm a little confused. I have a seminar that I'm going to for information in a few weeks but I have a doctor's appointment this week. I have not yet brought up the topic with my doctor. Do I delay my appointment until AFTER I've gone to the seminar when maybe I'll have more information and possibly a doctor that I want to go through. Or should I keep my appointment and bring up the topic with my doctor? I'm worried that she won't mark tissue damage because I don't have alot of comorbidities. At the same time, I know someone that doesn't have any big comorbidities (like diabetes etc) and she got coverage, so it is my understanding that it all depends on your level of doctor support and how adamant your doctor is with fighting for you. I'm 35, around 5'4 and around 270 ? lbs. Don't have a scale that's working right now so I could be more. My comorbities aren't huge - very out of breath and tired all the time, lower back pain, I have high 'bad' cholesterol (but also high 'good' cholesterol so I'm not yet on any medications for that), stress incontinence, migraines, a family of heart attacks (My mom had a massive heart attack last year at age 59.). My occupation requires me to be fairly active but I don't have the energy and feel like I'm too tired to do the best at my job. And lastly, my question is, if I apply for OOCC do I also apply for in country coverage at the same time as a second option? I want to get it done. While I'd absolutely would hate to wait, I want it done however I get it done - here or there. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance, Stef
Joyce J.
on 10/15/05 6:16 am - Scarborough, Canada
Hi Stef, I think some surgeons may be a little less as far as waiting times. There is a new Dr named Dr Starr who people are apparently getting into pretty quick. There is a post above with his info. Good luck I had my surgery Michegan, I sent my first Out of Country application the beginning of April and had my surgery Aug 1. Take care Joyce
Karen G
on 10/16/05 11:35 pm - Brampton, Canada
You have significant co-morbidities, especially when you factor in the genetics of your family history. No doctor can guarantee you, that you will be healthy enough to wait 5 years for surgery in Ontario. Tell your doctor that you believe your family history puts you at risk for a serious heart attack and that you want to take immediate proactive steps to prevent such from happening. If you properly explain the importance of the tissue damage and/or death selection boxes, I'm sure your doctor will agree that no-one can guarantee that you won't suffer if you attempt the long waiting list. Join Toronto area OSSG on Yahoo Health Groups for the absolute best help with your OCC application questions. Karen G
Karen G
on 10/16/05 11:36 pm - Brampton, Canada
I believe there is also a Windsor OSSG on Yahoo Groups which might be an even better option. You can attend their actual meetings, too. Good luck, Karen G
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