VENT: This Process is SOOOO Unfair

Diminishing Dawn
on 11/8/05 6:07 am - Windsor, Canada
I'm really, really disgusted right now. I spent the last half an hour crying. Yesterday, I went to my doctor in regards to the gastric bypass. She then said "Well I don't think you qualify". She checked the BMI chart and was surprised at how much I weighed. BMI 48. She then said I'd have to get some new blood work done and I'd have to see an Endocrinologist to see if it was "medically necessary". Today she called and said that she talked to the Endocrinologist today and that I don't qualify because gastric bypass is not "medically necessary for me". I'm really really disgusted by this. I know someone whose doctor "fudged" on the forms to get the surgery and was approved and she has less problems than I do related to her weight. My doctor won't even look at the forms or make a referral unless surgery is "medically necessary" for me. I'm just disgusted at everything right now. Sorry, just had to vent. I'm just soooo disappointed. stef
on 11/8/05 7:23 am - Southampton, Canada
I don't blame you for venting - that really stinks. Have you thought of contacting Dr. Starr in Toronto. Quite a few of us on the boards are having luck at getting a date with him. I know a few of the girls went last week and are scheduled in May for surgery. Maybe it's not too late to hop on the wagon. I know the U.S. would have been closer for you but if your willing to travel then Dr. Starr may be able to help. I am so sorry for your disappointment. It's just not fair. Is there anyone in your area that could recommend you to another doctor? Lori
Diminishing Dawn
on 11/8/05 11:20 am - Windsor, Canada
Thank you for the kind words. The thing that bothers me about my doctor is that she didn't even ask why I want the surgery. Like she didn't care. Up until today, I really, really liked her. She's young and hip and I thought she would be more in the "know" about these issues. From Dr. Starr's website, you need a referral from your family physician and so I won't get that. She won't refer me because it's not medically necessary. Grrr... Otherwise, I would love to go with that as the second option. I am seriously considering changing family doctors. My hubby's doctor would take me. But how would I know that he would do anymore for me. I know that he's recommended hubby for surgery but hubby also has big time problems with diabetes/blood pressure. The ironic thing is that he doesn't want it (at least for now). And I do, and I can't get it. It seems like I'll have to wait til I have a heart attack like my mother before I'll even qualify for this darn surgery. I just think that if there are qualifications, then there should clearly be the same process for everyone. Some doctors are great, others suck at taking it seriously. I just find that very inequitable. Thanks for listening to my vent, Stef
on 11/8/05 8:34 am - Windsor, Canada
hi steph, i live in Windsor as well, and i just had my surgery NOvember 1st, by a dr abawi in Bowmanville ontario. here is my phone number give me a call perhaps i can help in some way. 258-9327, I went to see my family doctor Dr Gary INg and then went to see Dr Chueng. he is an endraconalagist, i brought lists of doctors with me , that same day i saw him he sent a referal, i got into see him in 2 took me 19 months to get the surgery.. however perhaps if you call dr Cheung and talk to the lady there and see what she says about it.... i can send u any other information u may need if you would like. or just need to vent about this surgery or lack there of, give me a call. I hope i can help in some way.. I also have a list of doctors taking new patients if you are interested in that.. I have the Windsor Essex county Medical Society General website that has all new doctors.. also there is one doc taking new patients that is not on there, and he is located at 2224 walker road second floor, not sure on the name or the phone number but i know for sure as Dr ing was on the 2nd floor till he moved to Met hospital. so again if there is something i can do feel free to give a email or call. I am home recovering right now. keep up the posative thoughts cause it will happen, just need to WORK WORK WOrk at it. the more information u bring in with you and the better informed you are the better your chances. Paula
Diminishing Dawn
on 11/8/05 11:25 am - Windsor, Canada
Hi Paula, Thanks for the info. I don't think talking to Dr. Chueng's office will do anything for me without a referral from my doctor. If I can get past the tears tomorrow, I will call my doctor and find out exactly why I didn't qualify. I'm just so emotional right now, that I couldn't do it today. I really feel let down by my doctor and I feel like she isn't an advocate for my health at all. I might have to seek another doctor, but I don't know if the next doctor will be any better than her, so I'm nervous about that too. Thanks for listening, Stef
Joyce J.
on 11/8/05 8:06 pm - Scarborough, Canada
Hey Stef, Looking at your profile, it looks as though you have quite a few co-morbities. I don't know what is with some of these doctors. Just curious, how old are you and have you tried all sorts of diets? This sometimes makes Doctors think you can do it without surgery. They bug us our whole life about losing the weight and when you want to do something about it they put up roadblocks E-mail me or call if you want to vent further 416-297-8061. Wipe away the tears,call your doctor, and if worse comes to worse, talk to another doctor. This is your life. Take care Joyce
Diminishing Dawn
on 11/9/05 5:25 am - Windsor, Canada
Hi Joyce, I am 35. I have been overweight my entire life. I've done Richard Simmons, Deal a Meal, Weigh****chers (3 times), TOPS (3 years), Scarsdale diet, Sommercize, Slimfast, Xenical, Exchange Program, South Beach etc, etc. I am an expert at all things diet. I have even impressed dieticians with what I know. Thanks for your kind words Stef
Karen G
on 11/9/05 1:15 am - Brampton, Canada
Stef... Te bottom line here is YOUR DOCTOR IS WRONG !!! Do not accept this answer. Take action to save yourself, even if your doctor won't. Go to any walk-in clinic and speak to the doctor on staff. Tell them that you need a referral to Dr. David Starr for gastric bypass. You can be honest, if you want, and tell them that your family physician does not agree with the procedure and won't give you the necessary referral. Also tell them, you are looking for a new physician, one who actually cares about trying to save your life. I urge you to stand up for yourself. OHIP defines "medically necessary" as having a BMI of over 40 or a BMI of over 35 with associated co-morbidities. Access to appropriate medical care is your RIGHT... not a privilege. Check out the Canada Health Act and know your rights. Be prepared and WIN this battle. I did and I have no regrets. Many blessings. Karen G -96 pounds
on 11/9/05 3:03 am - Powassan, Canada
Don't give up on your doctor yet. The problem is that she probably knows very little about WLS. My doctor was supportive of my decision, but required me to research it and present him with the information including the process required for approval. Not only did my PCP learn more about WLS, it also showed him the seriousness of the decison I was making. Previous to me presenting him with the information, he was unaware that I did indeed qualify and what the process was. My PCP tells me he has had numerous arguments with other doctors who dismiss WLS as an unnecessary procedure. He has learned through the process of supporting my decision and would support other patients if they chose the same route. He states he has argued with the other doctors that he believes WLS was a life saving procedure and doctors are in the field of saving lives. I appreciated the fact that he made me part of the process, and because I came equiped with all the necessary information including the steps he as the physician needed to undertake, it was a positive thing for both of us. Many of the doctors he talked to said : "if she'd loose the weight, she wouldn't need WLS". He in return stated that "this patient has made numerous attempts at weight loss, and has now developed health problems that prevent her from agressive dieting and exercising.". I would suggest you gather all the information you can to present it to your PCP, and do it in a positive manner. I realize that it can be difficult when you are feeling you aren't being supported, but you may be surprised. Approach your doctor, present the information, and ask for her support. Good luck in your journey. Sandra-Lee (had RNY in US - approved in less than 2 weeks. Total weight loss from highest weight is approx 150 lbs (100 since WLS).
on 11/9/05 3:40 am - Burnaby, Canada
My doctor was the same way, so I just went to a walk in clinic and asked for a referal to the WLS doctor of my choosing. It was no problem. Leanne
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