These are my feelings

Suzanne B.
on 6/22/11 1:44 pm - OR
Hi Everyone,

I know that I can only speak about what I have experienced. Everyone who has had WLS feels the same about the doctor they had as I do my doctor who I had.

So for me, I new without a doubt my insurance was NEVER going to pay for my weight loss surgery. So it was my mission to figure out how I was going to have the weight loss surgery.  I knew after a lot of research that I was only interested in "Sleeve or VGS" weight loss surgery.  Then the next mountain to climb was how was I going to pay for this.  I had a little money set aside for an emergency--almost enough to pay for my surgery.  I put about $1,000 on my credit card when it came time to have the surgery.

My next challenge was WHO was I going to have do the surgery.  I had worked with someone who had weight loss surgery and I must have asked her a million questions--she is a Nurse Practitioner and I really trusted her judgment.  She made me do a lot of research on my own.

I kept hearing the name Dr. Aceves over and over when I got on this board and two other boards.  I called his office, I loved the people who worked for him and how open they were an listened to my concerns and answered my questions over and over.  I found that asking others who had been to him really gave me a lot of great information too.  They were honest and told me the good, the bad and the ugly about having sleeve surgery.  They were all so honest and helpful. When I was scared or had all kinds of feeling an emotions they were there for me too!

So, I am here to say, Dr. Aceves is rated extremely high in my book--the BEST.  If he lived closer to me I would make him my Primary Care Doctor in a heart beat.  He is so caring, and kind along with being a high skilled doctor. He really cares about his patients.

I am a real person who lives here in Eugene, OR.  Honestly if you are sitting on the fence please give me a shout out, I would be happy to talk to you and answer any of your questions.  YES, he is in Mexicali, Mexico.  It is a very safe boarder to cross.  They have a fully equipped hospital and NOT just a clinic.  They pick you up at the airport in San Diego and take you to the hospital and return you back to San Diego when it is time to go back home.  You have nothing to fear.  I went alone and ALWAYS felt safe, comfortable and well taken care of.  I have never in my life ever received the kind of care in any US hospital that I received by this team of excellent medical people. 

So this it my story and how I lost 105 pounds.  I am almost 66 years old and I lost this almost 3 years ago.  So don't wait as long as I did to have WLS.  This is a life changing event, and one that I have never regretted.  I wish you all the success in the world on your journey.

Suzanne B
Eugene, OR
Dr. Aceves
Start lbs 225
Now 120
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