Dr. Christou anyone?

Sim W.
on 1/11/07 9:22 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hello Quebec, I live in Vancouver, BC and have been on the waitlist for WLS for almost 2 years now. We only have 2 surgeons who are approved to do the WLS and there is a waitlist of 600 names. Another surgeon started to take new patients as of this past summer and many of us were hopeful and excited. Well I had all my tests done and was ready to be called for WLS early this year withb him. Then we got a bomb shell dropped on us and were told that he has not received approval to do the surgeries by the Coastal Helath Authority yet and they were in negotations and considering it. He told me to write letters to the Health Authorities, email them etc. You can read our struggles on the BC message board if you are curious. I have spent countless hours doing that and asking all the BC support groups to do the same and we are getting noticed. Anyway, to make a long story shorter, I have no co-morbidities yet but realize that it temporary and it won't be long before I start to have some. I alreasdy have pain in my lower back and knees, etc but the blood work, ultrasounds, scope all came back fine. I am going to apply for out of country in the next few weeks but here in BC only a handful of people get the approval for it and it is usually gvien to people who have major complications, and rightfully so. Therefore, I am anticipating that I won't get it so I have been researching where to go as i will probably have to self pay as I dont want to wait for a years. I heard Dr. Christou does the WLS in a private clinic in Montreal for out of province patients who are not Quebec residents who are willing to pay. I was told it would cost $18, 500. Yikes, what can I do? Well here is my question, did anybody over there had the WLS with Dr. Christou and would not mind sharing with me their experience. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much Sim from Vancouver
Mrs. SmartiePants
on 1/22/07 1:49 am
Dr. Christou is performing my RNY in April at that clinic (even though I live in QC) because the wait is 4 to 7 years and they are only taking emergency cases. When I went for my appointment there were 4 women who had all gone to his private clinic and had nothing but good things to say. I was told to ask my insurrance company about coverage on gastric banding, so it can be covered through private insurrance. Dr. Christou did say though to keep all bills and receipts because he expects the federal and/or provincial governments to make an announcement about covering gastric bypass...so those who have gotten it can get refunded somehow. I don't know all the details though. He is a very nice man...not to worry, I had heard nothing but good things about him before meeting him, he was a pleasure! Best of luck!
on 3/17/07 7:08 am - Montreal, Canada
Hey Sim White, Congratulations on your decision to have surgery. You won't regret it. I had surgery with Dr.Christou on october 24th 2006 and everything went great. I'm down 73 pounds already and feel awesome. I chose the lap band because I was more comfortable with that operation. I had to pay 17000$ in advance for the surgery. My insurance ended up paying me back only 7000$ after promising me they were going to give me 10000$. Anyways I would do it again every week (o.k. maybe every month..) if I had to. Don't forget whichever surgery you decide to get...it's only a tool. I walk 40 mins a day on a treadmill and eat healthy 90% of the time. You can do it...Good luck and contact me if you have any questions
on 3/23/07 5:45 am - Granby, Canada
I'm having my operation done by Dr. Christou on May 2, 2007. I know a few people that got operated by him and they all say he is the best in the field. Lyne
Sim W.
on 3/24/07 2:10 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Hi everyone, Thanks for your replies, I really appreciate it. I heard great things about him as well so I am looking into it. I finally got an appt on July 10th in Victoria with the only surgeon in BC who does the WLS (RNY). His name is Dr. Amson. He has a support forum website where lots of people talk to each other. You can access it on victoriabariatricsurgery.com if you are interested. Anyway, I have been waiting since the summer of 2005 to get a consult with him. How pathetic is that? He has around 600 patients waiting to get the surgery. Some people don't want to wait anymore so they are going to Mexico and self paying or getting a lap band which is a much shorter wait time as there are a few surgeons doing the procedure. The government does not pay for lapbanding here. Sim from Vancouver
Alba V.
on 1/9/08 8:20 am - Kingston, Canada
How did the sugery go, I'm thinking of having the same procedure by him. Please send me am email Thank you Alba
niina m.
on 12/24/09 10:26 pm - kingston, Canada
 im having my surgery feb 2nd with him, and its being paid for by OHIP im from ontario....i had a great pre op visit with him and his nutrionist.....
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