NIGH****CHMAN - Thursday - 2/19

George T.
on 2/19/09 3:56 am - Grand Prairie, TX
Good afternoon one and all.  Good sleep today.  5 hours or so, but what I got was good. 

Tonight is Survivor.  Ready for it.  Trying to make sure I do some reading these days too.  Right now is The Whole Truth by David Baldacci.  Grisham's new one is next on my list.

Gotta go get my lunch together, will check back later.

Now for the prayer requests.  Please keep these people in your prayers.  Thanks.

If you have any prayer requests, please post them here and I will add them to the list.  All I ask is you keep us updated of  your status.

Prayer requests:

Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness.  Please thank God for these men and women every day.  In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.

Three wonderful people - Ramon, Yvonne, and Debra - are having their conference in May (15-17) in Galveston.  Prayers for a successful weekend of paying it forward.


Please add these people to your list.  With the job market the way it is, I wanted to start a separate section.

Vanessa (Butterfly Reborn)
Anne (Lalocaweta)
Cheryl P.'s spouse
Rachel (bluesun) - 2 interviews on 2/9, let's hope for positive results
Shawn (Vivian's son)
Paul in Dallas
Oleta (my daughter in law)

New Prayer Requests:

Rebecca Cagle asks for prayer for her husband, Mike, who with one month left in Iraq, was extended for a month.  Prayers for the family too.

Debbi asks for prayer for her spouse Jeff as he adjusts to his new job.

Vivian asks for prayer for the family of Tiffany, a high school student that fell and hit her head.  She passed away during the night due to a blood clot on her brain.

Michelle S. asks for prayer for her father.  His knee surgery to attach his knee cap to his knee evidently did not take well and he is in pain.

Vivian asks for prayer for Becky_Tx's son Jeff who has been sick since Christmas. 

John's_Michelle asks for prayer for Robin in her fight with cancer.     

Previous prayer requests still desiring your attention:

Brenda F. - Prayers for her her little momma Madine, who is having heart failure.

Dana (Cajungirl) requests prayer for her and her family with some issues.  Wants strength and understanding. 

Debbie W. asks for prayer for her daughter who is having some emotional issues at this time.  Also pray for Debbie and her husband that they have the words needed at this time to support her. This situation can be very trying on a family.

Debra - requests prayer for her health situation. 

Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2. Recent lab work was not good, doc asked for more tests.  Pray for this brave little girl.

Janice (Just Janice) - Pray for her and her family as they are still maintaining two households.  Their relocation package is about to expire and the sale of the home is tough, as the market is tough right now.  They have put in a request for an extension, pray for approval.

Jennifer M. - Father-in-law is responding to chemo/radiation.  The lumps have gotten smaller.  Pray for continued success of the battle. 

July asks for prayer for 8th grader Austin S.who has been found to have cancer (leukemia).  He is at home and undergoing treatments.

Kateri asks prayer for her and her daughter (Bethany) as they have gotten through Christmas, now need help with the new year.  Also, Kateri is looking for a new place to live.

Nina -  requests prayer for Lee as he seeks new employment, allowing him to leave where he currently works.  And pray for his health while he deals with his current situation.

Stephanie (tickledpink) - Her colleague Eric wa**** by a car while running at White Rock.  He is going back to work part time, but he's got a very long road to recovery ahead of him.

Stephanie (tickledpink) is having health issues with an acid reflux type of symptom.

Vanessa - We have all followed the story of Elizabeth.  Here is her Caringbridge page:

As always, remember the unspoken prayer requests.  I am sure there are many.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Vivian Prouty
on 2/19/09 5:33 am - Fort Worth, TX
Thanks so much for adding Tiffany's family to the prayer list.   I know that they are probably thankful for all the prayers that they can get.    Her funeral was today.    Becky's son is having good days and bad days.    They still have not totally pin pointed everything that is going on with him.    He starts being homeschooled this week or next till he is well enough to go back to school.   She is thinking that will probably be April.\

Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


Avis N.
on 2/19/09 1:58 pm - McKinney, TX
Good Evening All,

Not much new here.  Guess I got "too much" fresh air yesterday, sneezing like crazy today.  I hope everyone has had a blessed day.

Prayers for all of the spoken and unspoken requests, and especially to those that don't realize they need them.  Special prayers for our military folks and their families   Thank you for the sacrifices that you make daily.   Special prayers for anyone hurting tonight, whether it be physically or mentally.  Special prayers for those seeking employment, may God bring you to the perfect job.  Special prayers for our great country, Lord may you continue to bless this great country I call home, may You see us through all of the difficult times, and lead us in the right direction.

Blessings to all,
Jill P
on 2/19/09 2:02 pm - Katy, TX
Ok everyone, aside of George, of course, and Vivian, where the heck is everyone?  In bed already??? 

Busy day, as usual.  Had to drive half way into Houston to get a couple tennis skirts (a specific color) for both Heather and Viktoria.  While I was there, they just happened to have a good sale (thank heavens....uh, tennis attire is NOT cheap!!!) so I ended up getting five things for right at $100.  Seems high, but ONE stupid tennis skirt is always $50!  Those suckers have been $50 for years, no matter whether you order them or get them at a store.  Our problem is the color.   The girls HAVE to get red.  That is NOT easy, even though one would THINK it's a "regular" color.  We have an athletic wear store that is just slammed with all the Katy area parents getting stuff for their kids and their sports but for WHATEVER reason, no matter that tennis is starting to really get "busy" again, they just do not carry them nor do they even have the option of ordering stuff for us!  Irritating to say the least.  Of course if it were football related...... (rolling eyes)

So anyway, half way out the door when Heather calls me.  She had stuffed some envelope full of research paper stuff into my desk for "safe keeping" then forgot to take it out and with her to school.  She was like, "uh, where are you"?  I said, "you called me at the house Heather, where the heck do you THINK I'm at"!  She wanted to know what room I was in as she knew exactly where the envelope was.  I found it and said, "when do you need it" (grumble grumble).  She says, "in 15 minutes"  (GRRRRRRRRRRR).  I told her she owed me...AGAIN, and bailed her out.  She really has gotten better at not leaving stuff at home so I can't kill her just yet!  She used to leave something WEEKLY at the house and I finally said, "nope, that's IT"!  I think the screwed up day with the tennis threw her off.  Oh well, that envelope is ON her pile of crap she has to take to school tomorrow so I know I won't be getting a call saying I need to bring it!  The kids only have a half day tomorrow anyway.  Paul will drop the two older ones off, then go to work for a half day himself, then off he flies to see his parents.  WHATEVER (again...rolling eyes).  Oh well, his mommy will love to get to see her "favorite one."  He plans on partaking in plenty of Philly cheesesteaks, Italian water ices and soft pretzels.  Fine, they will end up on HIS a$$ and NOT mine!     Those soft pretzels may TASTE good, but having learned the hard way, they sit like CONCRETE in the belly.  So, he's upstairs now packing.  He won't get bac****il Monday so I've got 24/7 kiddo duty (oh well, nothing new there!!!).  Only about three more weeks until we hit the friendly skies and go do the Disney thing.  Sarah asks CONSTANTLY when we are going.  Makes me crazy!!!    I know she's excited but GEEEEZ!!!!!!

Ok, time to go find my warmer PJ's cuz for WHATEVER reason, the temps have dipped back down and I'm FREEZING in my summer PJ's!  Birrrrr........
Jill P. 

George T.
on 2/19/09 2:23 pm - Grand Prairie, TX

Tell Paul there are 4 good things about Philadelphia.

1.  Cheesesteaks
2.  Italian ice
3.  Soft Pretzels
4.  Leaving

I do love all three of those items.  I actually found Italian Ice in Sam's here.   And it was sugarfree.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Alissa A.
on 2/19/09 3:55 pm - Keller, TX
Italian Ice.......yummmmmmmmmy..... my folks live up near there. I don't like cheesesteaks and I can generally stay away from the soft pretzels-though sometimes they just call my name, but rarely can I say no to REAL italian ice-not stuff they sell down here as the same thing.... just a few bites now though!!!
Avis N.
on 2/19/09 2:37 pm - McKinney, TX
ROFLMAO!!!  I'm so glad my DD decided not to go out for tennis!!!  Kudo's to you Jill, I'll second George's recommendation of SuperMom for you!!

George T.
on 2/19/09 2:42 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Knowing Jill is to love her.  She is really something else.  I love when she comes on here and tells about her day.  It always involves doing something for her family.  That makes her special.  I know her family appreciates here most of the time, but they also take her for granted.  But I think that is the same for all of us that are just "nice" people.

My kids are realizing now things I did for them growing up.  Every once in a while one of them will say something about it.  They are 31 and 33 right now.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Alissa A.
on 2/19/09 4:00 pm - Keller, TX
I'm up because I do indeed have shingles and I woke in pain. Hoping to get back to sleep a little while on the heating pad before the alarm goes off at 4am. Or I might just stay up- sometimes its harder on me to sleep just 2 hours and wake again. And going in late with the traffic I endure really isn't an option. Best to go in early! Less stress that way! Can't stay home today- too much to do. Appts I can't cancel really.
I've allowed alot of the stress to come into my life lately-thus the reccurrance of the shingles-so now I've got to work on that! I've learned though- if you can name it, you can claim it, and I might be slow but I know now that I've got to do better.
I wish I could say work is just work but for me its a passion and there have been so many changes lately - alot of extra work- that I've got to figure out the balance once again and focus on what's really real and what can be let go.
Maybe I can power nap during lunch..... lol.

George T.
on 2/19/09 4:12 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I like that phrase - if you can name it, you can claim it.  It looks like you have taken step one.  Now take it a step further.  Bring it to the Man upstairs.  He will help you.  He always does, we just don't always recognize it.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

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