Alissa A.
on 5/25/11 7:47 pm - Keller, TX
GOOD MORNING!! Its Friday eve. What are your plans for the holiday weekend?

Alissa A.
on 5/25/11 7:52 pm - Keller, TX
I stayed up too late and then couldn't get into a deep sleep. I'm sure I'll pay for that later today.
Christopher has a appointment this afternoon with an oral surgeon. He has an extra tooth above one of his front teeth and it will need to be removed. So, I can always take a nap when we get home from the doc.

Our plans for the weekend are to relax. My sister's birthday is Tuesday so we're going to get together on Monday.
I've decided to try the whole coupon thing. I'm developing some ways to be organized about it. Up until now I would just do coupons every once in a while but often they'd expire before I used them because I was not organized. Hopefully that will go well.

I hope everyone has a great day today!!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/25/11 8:05 pm - GA
Not much planned for the weekend, other than my normal routine.  May try to clean out a couple of closets to get them less cluttered.  I also need to work on my resume' cover letter, and mailing list.  Nothing exciting.

Next week, we start reduced hours at work...good and bad...8 hours/month tax season comp time, but 5 hours a week leave without pay.  This is the 3rd year that we do this type of scenario starting this time of year, and it continues to approx November.  I may get back to full pay when it is closer to tax deadlines (September/October 15).  At least I still have employment. 

Have a great day!!
Karla Lewis
on 5/25/11 9:25 pm - Livingston, TX
Good morning! Ready for the weekend to get here. Have plenty to keep me busy at work.

Hope everyone has a good day.


Karla Lewis     337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006     Dr. Terry Scarborough   Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty  7-18-2008       Dr. David Wainwright    Houston, TX


Alissa A.
on 5/25/11 9:28 pm - Keller, TX
I'm sure all of the ARD end of year stuff is keeping you busy!
Don 1962
on 5/25/11 9:56 pm
Today it is a "lawn party"!  Have no idea about the Holiday. 

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Saundra P.
on 5/25/11 10:21 pm - Mesquite, TX
Good morning,

Work on the agenda today and I have several projects I am working on so will be busy which makes the day go faster.  I am off tomorrow and Tuesday so I will have a nice LONG weekend. 

The in-laws are camping this weekend so we are going out to the lake Sunday to spend the day with them, spending the rest of my long weekend relaxing, shopping or whatever I decide to do. 

Have a great day!

VBG - 12/02/96   (High weight 283)
Revision to RNY - 06/11
/09 (Start weight 219)

Goal for weight to always start with 11*
At Goal - maintaining between 115 - 119

Phyllis M.
on 5/25/11 11:28 pm - Irving, TX
Nothing planned really for me..

Sat - am - breakfast with friends
Sat  PM  Meeting with friends - girls time.... 
Sat evening......dunno.....Laundry - house stuff -  then again - maybee not

Sunday -  3rd job is calling me   :)
Sunday evening - what I ever I didn't get done on Sat and don't plan to do on Monday

Monday - 3rd job - for extra hours......
Monday evning - getting ready for the upcoming work week - and whatever I didn't finish on Sat and sunday cuz I managed to find to to PLAY !!   

Tuesday - back to work week !!

Need I say more? 
  • Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose.  Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email.  I'll answer it as soon as possible.  
  • Total Lost:  139 lbs
  • Current Weight:  263  
  • As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain.  Not happy about that.
  • RNY: 10-16-07 = 338:  Highest weight: 350+  Lowest Weight: 199 




on 5/26/11 3:29 am - DFW, TX
Hey You Guys!

My redneck self is going four wheeling this weekend with a group of about 20-30 people. Our family is loading up a few four wheelers and a Mule and going through about 5200 acres of woods. We are taking the RV so I'm not really adventuring it too much. We are all taking turns watching Blake so he's going too. The last time I did this I learned how to pee in the woods. It would be the first and only time that I've ever done such a task. I am hoping that I don't have to resort to such measures this weekend. A little bit of alcohol and no bathrooms makes for a long ride back to "camp".

When we did the Disney Princess marathon there were lines and lines of women waiting for porta potties at the start of the race, so a few women decided to just go to the woods along the path (none of us btw) . Someone standing in line shouted out "Princesses don't pee in the woods!" Sooo when I returned from the four wheeling adventure the last time I was shamefully telling my fellow princesses that I learned how to pee in the woods. I think it was Loralea that said "how DO princesses pee in the woods?" to which Jody replied "Not on their glass slippers!" Sorry, I digress!

Hope everyone has fun this weekend!
Love you!

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>

Phyllis M.
on 5/26/11 6:03 am - Irving, TX
   CUTE !! 
  • Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose.  Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email.  I'll answer it as soon as possible.  
  • Total Lost:  139 lbs
  • Current Weight:  263  
  • As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain.  Not happy about that.
  • RNY: 10-16-07 = 338:  Highest weight: 350+  Lowest Weight: 199 




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