Alissa A.
on 6/4/11 9:41 pm - Keller, TX
Alissa A.
on 6/4/11 9:44 pm - Keller, TX
I woke at 5 and was wide awake. Why doesn't that happen during the week?! My foot has really been bothering me since all of the standing I did at Legoland. So, I started picking up around the living room and kitchen so that I could get everything clean before we have Chris's birthday party at 3. We're just having a few friends over and Bryan is making carnitas. His carnitas are the BEST. We are also celebrating my sister Christy's birthday a few days late as hers was 5/31.
This week will be a busy one for sure.

Hope everyone has a great day today!
on 6/4/11 10:33 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Good Morning one and all!! Today is post office , moms and then graduation this evening. I also need to get pulled together for Cleveland Clinic since we have to leave for the airport at 6am on wednesday!

Lets really pull together and contact people who have been absent and make the June 18th Central Market (corner of I30 and Hulen in Ft Worth at 9:30 am) a homecomming of sorts. If each person will contact and bring a missing TMBer or formerRise and Shiner, or a new person, we can all pull together and have a really fabulous meet up! I thought it would be fun if everyone brought copies of their favorite WLS friendly recipe! I have several to bring!! There is something for everyone to eat or drink from fresh fruits and vegetables to chef prepared dishes, salads and breakfast! You can even bring a bowl( or use one of their carry out containers and get a small milk and a box of cereal. For drinks, the list is endless including chilled protein drinks! If you dont like their food their is a Chick fil a and a Starbucks right behind it! They dont care if you bring a drink or food from somewhere else!! Remember it is about the support not the food!!

Wed -sun of the up comming week I dont know if I will be able to post butif you are comming and bringing some one let me know!! I will continue to repost this message!

Have a fabulous Sunday and make it mean something!!
Don 1962
on 6/4/11 10:41 pm


Hope your foot gets to feeling better.  Aggravating old injuries is just that - aggravating!

Walking partner canceled out on me for this morning so likely to go get some preaching.  Roast has been cooking all night in the crock pot and it smells good!  Going to try and stay around the house since I know next week at work is going to be a ______________! 

Never, and I mean NEVER, trust a fart!! 

Gina 21 Years Out
on 6/4/11 10:53 pm - Burleson, TX

Good morning, ALISSA and all!! I'm feeling pretty much human this morning. Yesterday's headache wiped a whole day out of my life..hate when that happens...but today is a new day, and I'm going to try to make the most of it. I have to move a bit slowly. I feel like "the morning after"-even though I didn't get to enjoy "the night before"--NO FAIR !!

I'd like to send some time outdoors today..Anyone want to come over and dig me a swimming pool? My sister lives a 5K away and has a gorgeous pool. You'd THINK that would be a motivation to get me to run...

Hope everyone gets some rest today and finds some FUN stuff to do-just for YOU!

Gina AKA Nurse Diva

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Saundra P.
on 6/4/11 11:15 pm - Mesquite, TX
Good morning,

About to start getting ready for Sunday School was going to go to early service but just didn't get my butt moving this morning, after SS will go out to breakfast with DH and MIL.  Think we are going to go camera shopping, we are going to Hawaii in August so we need a decent one.  The one we bought last year sucks.  

Have a support group meeting this afternoon then dinner afterwards so I have a busy day planned.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

VBG - 12/02/96   (High weight 283)
Revision to RNY - 06/11
/09 (Start weight 219)

Goal for weight to always start with 11*
At Goal - maintaining between 115 - 119

(deactivated member)
on 6/5/11 4:55 am - GA
I am up and about...have been for several hours.  Working on sending out my resume to a CPA firms in my target market.  Right now, I have 43 ready to go...ran out of stationary and envelopes, so I am off to Office Depot.  Will get stamps while I am there, then to post office.  I have about another 20 or so to do.

That is all that is on the agenda for today.  House did not get shown at all this past week...I guess it needed a break.  I just need it to be shown one good time, they fall in love with it, and give me a good offer.  At least that is what I am praying for.
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