eat rite pizza

on 4/26/11 11:04 am
 hey guys...i've been reading a lot about these eat rite pizzas..and they are about $4.50 a pizza!! i was wondering if you guys had any recommendations on the flavors...

and do you eat one per meal?  I have no idea how big they are...or does one pizza last two meals?
on 4/26/11 11:34 am - Fayetteville, GA
I tried the Uno and it was awesome. I had a friend order a whole bunch (very expensive) but it made 4 meals for 1 pizza!

VSG: 4/11/11 by Dr. Kevin McGill at Buckhead Bariatrics, Atlanta, GA.

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(deactivated member)
on 4/26/11 11:37 am
 I like then a lot, and can eat about 1/2 per meal.  They are all pretty good, so you can't really go wrong.  I also really like their Parma Bake.
on 4/26/11 12:13 pm
 thanks!! that makes me feel better...$2.25 a meal isn't so bad...especially for something satisfying..healthy..and on plan!
on 4/26/11 12:14 pm
 oh yeah..another they taste like the healthy choice type of pizzas? like the dough is kind of like cardboard...? with plastic cheese?
(deactivated member)
on 4/26/11 1:28 pm
No, they taste really quite good.  I was very surprised at how much I liked them.  I would not be able to tell at all that they are low carb.  I think you will enjoy them, I did.
on 4/26/11 1:49 pm - NJ
I had the breakfast one..Ottavo I think..hands down, one of the best things I have ever eaten. could just about get 1/2 in for breakfast, 1/4 for each snack..worked out well

on 4/26/11 2:20 pm - LA
Where do ya'll get them from?  The store? A website?  I would love to try these also but would like a reputable source for buying them!
If you fear nothing, then you love nothing. If you love nothing, what joy can there be in life?
                       VSG-3/3/2011 HW-308 SW-298 CW-152 GW-160
                                                156LBS. LOST

on 4/26/11 5:08 pm
 i haven't had any yet because i'm not so sure i'm ready to spend $100 on pizza lol if you order it online there is a 24 pizza minimum to purchase.  so i called the eat rite people today and asked for local locations...i left the number at work so i can't leave it here but if you call the number on the website..they can tell you all of the local stores! 

at my local store..if you buys 6 you get one free..which is even cheaper than they are online!
on 8/10/12 11:44 am - MN
 Be careful with those pizzas! A report came out and it seems like they have been lying about the nutritional values.. Ie the calories isn't 207 but 530. They are super delicious but you may want to be weary :( I was so pissd when I saw the study but just wanted to share!
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