How to deal with an unsupportive sibling? (venting)

Ashley O.
on 6/18/11 9:53 am
Long story short, i'm stuck living at home. i'm 15. i have no way out of being in this tiny house with my dad and my three little brothers. my 12 year old brother, quinn, is overweight aswell... but his is just cause he overeats. hes been tested for everything under the sun but the bottom line is he just compulsivley overeats. so his bmi is like 30 somthing and hes about where i was at his age.. He constantly makes fun of me for how i diet and drink water instead of dr pepper like he does or that i cant have gatorade all the time..

I love soccer. i played soccer from the time i was 3 till i was 13, when i had to stop cause i physically couldnt play anymore.. it hurt.. my bloodpressure got so high and i wasnt as fast as other girls and i physically was just too exhausted to keep going.. I was on a select team, iw as really good.. i miss it a lot. so he constantly rubs in my face that i cant play soccer anymore and that hes better than me because he can still run. 

His ignorance really gets on my nerves. Ive tried to talk to him and explain things to him but it doesnt matter. he thinks he knows everything, and makes stuipd coments like 'well at least i dont have to have surgery to lose weight, i cand o it on my own'... if i could do it on my own do you think i would be getting wls? honestly? and quite frankly, he cant on his own. if he can, he certainlyd oesnt try.. he eats way too much for the sports he plays and calories burned with them, to cancel out...

hes 12. i dont expect him to totally understand this. i just wish he would accept i wouldnt be doing this if i didnt erally need to.. blah.

hes the worst cause i have to live withhim.. most of my family doesnt support me.. at all.. my mom and dad, my younger two brothers, my moms dad.. but my dads parents, and everyone else has always made fun of me for my weight.. i have depression, caused my numerous different things, and they say the only reason im ever depressed is because im morbidly obese at 15 years old. my dads mom says 'oh yourgoing to die just liek your other grandmother if you dont get things on track.' but then she finds out im gtting surgery and its a total switch. 'no you wont be able to handle that blahblahblah'

12 year old brother is the worst.. cause i have to live with him.. but its hard having so much negativity around me.. I dont have many friends to call and ask for support.

they're all on my last nerve.. any advice? anyone else have ridiculously unsupportive family?

Sorry this was so longgg. just needed to rant. get it off my chest. -.- aha. thanks /:

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

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(deactivated member)
on 6/18/11 10:08 am
Sweetheart all I can tell you is that I have 5 older sisters (one is passed away), 3 younger sisters (one is passed away also) and 2 younger brothers.  I am in the middle of this whole big family.  I am the only fat one in the family including grandmas, grandpas, cousins and anyone else that matters.  You just have to get tough.  I want you to develope the shell of a turtle....hard but comfortable.  Boys say stuff just because they are boys and their brains just havent caught up with their mouths yet.  You have to just let it roll off your back.  You can choose to let things bother you or you can get tuff and not go there.  It doesn't matter who in your family supports or doesn't support you in your surgery because you have to make this journey yourself and you have to decide that you are worth the journey.  We are all here to support you just like a real family would because we have been there and we know what its like.  Your brother may grow out of his fat or he may watch you and in a few years be where you are now and guess what?  You will be the one he goes to for support!  I hope if that happens you will forget his behavior now and be there for him.  Remember we are all here for you!  We care about you and your successes.  In a few years we will still be here clapping for you when you graduation from school in your skinny dress and when you get married in your form fitting mermaid wedding dress and when you are mad because you gained 2 lbs on your honeymoon.
Ashley O.
on 6/18/11 10:14 am
Shell of a turtle.. I'm going to have to work on that. Haha, thanks for the response though, really. And yeah, of course iw ould forget his behavior.. Maybe not forget but it wouldnt stop me from not supporting him.

I feel like an idiot. you would think after 12 years of having brother(s), i would be used to the stuipd comments by now :P guess not. but i'll work on it.

But thanks. (: I needed to hear that.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

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on 6/18/11 11:06 am
You sound like you've done your homework and know your heart. What matters is that you follow your path to a healthy life, and to show your little brothers (don't bother telling ) how it's done.

Love the turtle shell picture. I was thinking of letting the hurtful and negative stuff roll off you like water off a duck's back. Different animal, same thing.

You stay strong knowing you're doing what's right for you, and keep on looking for support, from us, from your medical team, and don't hesitate to ask for a counselor. It can probably be arranged through your bariatric program. This is a long journey and you don't need to do it alone dear. You can do it.

Hugs and blessings.
Ashley O.
on 6/18/11 11:15 am
Yeah, i'm not sure i want to see their reaction of me explaining to them how its done.. lol.

turtles, ducks, same concept. i'm putting a post it note on my wall saying pretty much that. haha.

I have a counselor, ive been seeing different ones since i was 12, i just havent seen her in a couple weeks. i probably should.

thanks. (:

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

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