Just thinkin'.....

on 7/28/12 11:25 am
I know that everyone has their reasons for considering surgery and that there are some really amazing reasons for sure.  I felt very certain about surgery all the way along.....but am now having some fears and doubts.  Don't get me wrong...I'm still proceeding with the appointments because I am fully aware that I (and probably many others) am an overthinker and rarely ever feel 100% about anything in life.  That being said, am I normal? I've thought about what would happen if I don't have the surgery....and it looks grim.   I've thought about every detail a thousand times.  Anyone else out there have some words of wisdom?  Any feedback would be appreciated.


January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


Nadurra Deb
on 7/28/12 12:02 pm - CO
VSG on 08/06/12
I hope you are normal because I am feeling the same way! I have 9 days until my surgery and I'm just plain a space cadet... I'm thinking about it so much. I know I want to do this and I'm going to do this but AHHHH its scary to be so close to actually doing it. I think it would worry more if you didn't have a care in the world. This is a HUGE thing we are doing....of course we are thinking about it. Your fear is about being real. Anyone who has no fear IMO is either in denial about their fear or clueless and not aware of what they are about to undertake. We've done our research. We know the risks and the benefits. In this case, I think you can't know too much to prepare yourself. I just keep coming on here and reading posts about people like you who are feeling the same way.

You are not alone!


  YouTube WLS Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/NadurraDeb


on 7/28/12 12:05 pm
Thank you Deb!  I appreciate your feedback! 

January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


on 7/28/12 12:03 pm - IA
VSG on 06/14/12
I was like that. Last summer my doctor suggested I get the sleeve. I was very  nervous as I had never had surgery and had heard a few bad things about bariatric surgery. I would lay awake at night worrying, going through the pros and cons and everything. I also kept going to the necessary appts that I needed in case I did decide. It got so stressful that one night I said you know, if God wants me to have it I will. From then on it was like the decision was made for me and I was at peace with the decision. No second thoughts or anything. I am now 6 weeks out. I've already lost 46 pounds and if that is all I would loose, I'll take it. I already feel so much better. (I know that won't be all I'll lose). I do question myself every once in awhile about if I made the right decision. Most of the time just cause I want something to eat and I know I can't eat it. So I know I made the right decision. If not I would be eating things I shouldn't be eating still!

Take a break from making the decision. You can still go to appts and all but don't let anyone pressure you or talk you out of it. This is your life! Good luck!
on 7/28/12 12:07 pm
Thanks so much.....I have left it to God and proceeding, but when I let the thoughts take over....lol

January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


on 7/28/12 12:13 pm
Yes, you're normal. The journey for me to even start considering weight loss surgery was full of thought, rethought, overthought, analysis, synthesis, thesis, etc....

First of all, I don't like being put to sleep so that was a big hurdle. No lie, I asked my surgeon the morning of if there was a way that this could be accomplished with a local (you never know if you don't ask, right?).

Anyway, you're not weird. You're smart. It wouldn't make any sense to jump into something like this not do through a thorough thought process.
on 7/28/12 12:19 pm - NV
VSG on 11/02/12
 I was just at my wls seminar today with the doc who will hopefully do my procedure and he said it's normal to be worried and actually that he would be concerned if we werent thinking about it lol I hope that helps.

I dont even have a date yet so I don't think it has really occurred to me to be worried yet :)
on 7/28/12 12:44 pm
I don't have a date either....had my orientation/info session last week....I guess with each step it becomes more of a reality....

January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


on 7/28/12 1:01 pm
VSG on 06/07/12
It was recommended to me, by my cardiologist, to have this surgery back in 2009. I made an appointment, cancelled, rescheduled....etc. I hemmed and hawed until this year. Once I became dedicated to this, I knew it was the right decision.

It is totally reasonable to be nervous and what not. Once you come to terms with yourself and you determine that you have given dieting and regaining enough of your life, you will become completely dedicated as well...to eating healthier...with or without surgery. Only you can decide what you have invested in you.


on 7/28/12 2:25 pm
well...that's it really.....either I do this now before I become higher risk...or I go yet another year, add another maybe 10 or 15lbs....etc etc.....I feel "done" with my regular diet/exercise/lose and then gain back routine.....I'm 43 now....time's a ticking

January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


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