Waiting is boring

on 12/25/12 11:32 am - TX
VSG on 02/18/13

I started a countdown clock. I check it often even though it doesn't move very fast. I don't have the whole "anticipation is killing me" thing going right now. I'm just ready for it to be here. It's kind of boring. It's nice to know things are moving forward, but I feel like I'm just sitting around waiting for my life to begin.

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on 12/25/12 11:40 am
VSG on 01/28/13
I feel the same way!!!! I keep saying I feel like I am waiting for my life to begin! 5 more weeks for me! Its all I can think about and hearing ev eryones sucess storys are making me so excited! Hopefully time will go fast!
on 12/25/12 11:48 am - TX
VSG on 02/18/13

It will be here before we know it. I just feel like my whole life is on pause. I don't want to buy new clothes or shoes. I'm just here. Waiting. Ah, the things we have to complain about!! Life could be so much worse. I'm joyous for this gift. I just wi**** was here already!

This too shall pass!!

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(deactivated member)
on 12/25/12 11:48 am

Bella, stop waiting and start acknowledging that you are preparing for this great journey.  Just like going on a great quest should not be done without some serious preparation, so too should you really take a little inventory and prepare the tools that you will need for this to be successful.  This is a very important time, it is not about simply waiting, it is all about getting yourself ready. 

Do you have a shopping list of things you will need?

Do you know how you will keep track of your calories, protein and carbs?

Have you read and reread your after care program?

How are you changing your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors right now in ways that will help you after the VSG?

Have you considered losing some weight right now? Maybe through going low carb?

Do you have the small dishes, scale, food scale, and everything else you will need?

Have you thought about the whole idea of food funerals and what you would like your last 54 days of eating before the VSG to be about?

What are you willing to do right now that will get you to goal faster? 

How about getting your support system together?  Any good support groups in your area?  Why not start going to them right now?

Start keeping a journal of what you are eating now?  Is this easy or hard?  Is there anything that will make it work better?

Do you have a plan for the first two weeks, month, six weeks an and three months?

Do you have a collection of recipes for each stage?

I could go on and on and on, but I think you get the idea.  YOU are preparing for the fight of your life, this is not only about losing the weight but changing your whole relationship with food and it even goes further than this, you will grow in ways you never thought possible.  Don't let it just happen, take an active role every step of the way. 

OK, I also totally get where you are coming from, I hated to wait for the surgery too.  I had to do all of the above to keep myself from losing it, but it was a great help in the end. 


on 12/25/12 12:15 pm - TX
VSG on 02/18/13

I'm sure I don't have everything!! So, let me see...


Do you have a shopping list of things you will need? I have a few list. I am up for suggestions on anything I may not list below.

Do you know how you will keep track of your calories, protein and carbs? I'm assuming you mean something like MFP. I have an account there that I will be using for sure. I am already very familiar and comfortable with it.

Have you read and reread your after care program? Unfortunately, I have a doctor that does not provide much physical documents or directions, but I have been looking into as much information I can find regarding Dr. Cirangle's program.

How are you changing your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors right now in ways that will help you after the VSG? I have been working on this. I am trying to listen to my body and know when I am full and when I am hungry. I am trying to look at foods for what they are. No food funerals here

Have you considered losing some weight right now? Maybe through going low carb? I am starting on losing weight now. I refuse to go back for my pre-op appointment at the same weight, or worse, higher.  At first I was afraid and didn't want to try until I was approved, but now I have no excuse.

Do you have the small dishes, scale, food scale, and everything else you will need? I do have small bowls/dishes, bathroom scale, food scale, measuring cups/spoons, immersion blender, Vitamix and a Ninja.

Have you thought about the whole idea of food funerals and what you would like your last 54 days of eating before the VSG to be about? Oops, already answered this above. I am working on this. I am starting to cut out eating out and NO FOOD FUNERALS!! I am eating to live not living to eat!

What are you willing to do right now that will get you to goal faster? Stalk you until you put a restraining order on me, then possibly stalk Frisco and repeat, lol. I plan on taking full advantage of my 6 month honeymoon. I will not cheat myself and lose precious time!

How about getting your support system together?  Any good support groups in your area?  Why not start going to them right now? I did find one online that I believe gets together locally. Only problem I have is right now I work 2 jobs. I did see some that are online. I have to look into those more. Not sure how they work, but I know I need to find some that I can get in.

Start keeping a journal of what you are eating now?  Is this easy or hard?  Is there anything that will make it work better? I haven't started a journal, but I can. It wouldn't be hard. I can track on MFP.

Do you have a plan for the first two weeks, month, six weeks an and three months? I do need to put together a spreadsheet. This will occupy me a bit!

Do you have a collection of recipes for each stage? I have some, but not nearly enough (who could have enough?)! Another good thing to keep me occupied!


Wow! Way to get my mind straight!! Thank you!!

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(deactivated member)
on 12/25/12 2:44 pm

You do know that you are awesome right?  You so have this.  I think following Dr. C's plan really is the way to go and I am pretty sure you are going to love, and I mean really, really love your sleeve and your progress. I wish I could make this time just fly by for you, but it will happen soon enough.  (It drove me crazy too, so I get it, really, I do).  If you need anything at any time in the process, just ask.  We really are here for you. 

I know I threw a bunch of stuff at you, but it's all really good stuff to get together before surgery and it really helps to put you in the best frame of mind for after surgery.  If you start to feel like you are just waiting, go back through the list or come up with some other things, and start being active about getting ready (I know that I am preaching to the choir, but who else listens?)   :)

on 12/25/12 3:46 pm - TX
VSG on 02/18/13

This meant the world to me! Thank you so much Elina.

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Michael L.
on 12/25/12 1:22 pm - Fall River, MA
Bella, Lol at the stalking and restraining order answer. That made me belly laugh. Love it!

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on 12/25/12 1:32 pm - TX
VSG on 02/18/13
Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do

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