Tips for cruises, pretty please :)

on 2/6/13 11:04 pm - TX
VSG on 10/08/12

I'm going on a cruise with my hubs on Sunday.  Does anyone have any tips, helpful hints, etc for cruises?  I am determined to continue to lose weight while on this seven day cruise.  I got some Brita filter water bottles because I try to drink about a gallon of water a day.  I'm going to bring my shaker bottle & a bag of protein powder. 

Anything else? Any tips are appreciated.  Especially cash ones ;)

Thanks in advance!


on 2/6/13 11:31 pm - FL
VSG on 01/09/13

 I love cruises! They are so fun.  My parents just went on one in November and my mom has been maintaining a 40 pound weight loss for the last few years.  She only gained about 2 pounds which I thought was amazing.  She woke up every morning and either went to the gym or walked on the outdoor track they had on one of the decks.  Also, there are usually tons of healthy food options for all your meals.  Depending on your plan, I am sure there will be tons of choices for you so you won't be deviating too much from what you should be eating. 

The thing that usually gets me in trouble on cruises is the mentality that "I paid for all this food so I am going to get my money's worth".  That always gets me to overeat and feel like I have to push myself to eat constantly.  Try not to think like that and plan out your indulgences if you want them.  I think I'll take a break from cruising until I am close to goal because they are so fun but can be so tempting with all that food and alcohol! Good luck and have a great time!!

KittyKarin :-) Starting weight: 362 / Surgery weight: 353 / Current weight: 190 (03/27/2017)

on 2/7/13 3:05 am - TX
VSG on 10/08/12

Thanks!  Luckily this is a gift from my boss, so hopefully I won't be as tempted to eat my way through the trip, not that I think I really could.  My sleeve is very adamant when it doesn't enjoy something, and my husband eats enough for two people (skinny guy).


on 2/7/13 12:02 am - Canada
VSG on 10/23/12

I was on a cruise during the Christmas holidays and lost the same amount of weight that week as I had previously.

I did pack protein shakes and continued to have one every morning.  I found that my water consumption was not as good as usual...I just was too busy I guess...It didn't seem to impact things too much (it was only a one week cruise).  

I had my shake first thing in the morning, then I'd go walking on the walk/run track.  Then I would hit the breakfast buffet and usually just had eggs.

At lunch I went to the dinning room (buffet really only  had cold cuts or cheese for me...the rest was all carb filled food) and ordered a meat dish.  Same thing at dinner.  I tasted desserts....had appetizers but tried to keep them protein oriented.  It was easy to do as they offer such a variety of foods.  I honestly tasted everything that looked good to me.  My sleeve kept me in line, it was very easy!!

Have a good trip!!!


“Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.” 


on 2/7/13 3:03 am - TX
VSG on 10/08/12

Thank you for the ideas!  I looked over some of their sample menus, and I know I can eat well and I'm sure my sleeve will keep me in line as long as I'm doing protein first.  I'm hoping being toddler free for the week will actually help me be even more active, although I am looking forward to laying in the sun and reading (obviously with SPF 50 since I am a lovely shade of cadaver white)  :)


(deactivated member)
on 2/7/13 3:58 am

Cruises are great because of the buffets. Take tiny bits of all the things you love and you won't skip a beat.

on 2/7/13 4:09 am - NY
VSG on 10/12/12 with

my tip would be don't use the elevators!  Usually the wait times are forever and there's always a million people waiting to take them.  If you can, take the stairs often.  A little extra boost of exercise! :)

They offer SO MANY food choices that I'm sure you will find food that's good for you.  Also, make sure you bring a water bottle or two.  They only have little tiny cups at the water stations in the buffet area so if you want lots of water with you always, bring the bottles!  There *might* be a sign saying you can't do this but I do it anyway...

I'm insanely jealous that you are going on a cruise.  I LOVE cruises and I've been on 15 total already

band to sleeve revision and loving life!

You do you, and I'll do me

on 2/7/13 10:20 pm - TX
VSG on 10/08/12

We're bringing brita water bottles.  I had a mini-freakout when I realized you couldn't bring water onboard, and the water packages are expensive especially when you drink a gallon of water a day like me.  Love the stairs tips.  I hate waiting for elevators, and my hubs could use a little exercise.  I think he's got an allergy to physical activity :)


on 2/7/13 10:48 pm - NY
VSG on 10/12/12 with

I have to say the filtered water on cruise ships is not bad at all.  Some people don't like the taste but it's just fine IMO.  You will do great!

band to sleeve revision and loving life!

You do you, and I'll do me

on 2/7/13 11:00 am - Cleburne, TX
VSG on 11/27/12

This post really helped me. I was wondering the same thing. I take my first cruise in May. I'll be with my daughter. I'm sure I can talk her into a daily workout. I'll also be with several couch potatoes. Have fun


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