So my surgeon...
Your PCP can write blood orders and ask them to be sure to include your vitamin, calcium, and iron levels. Those are the only things I saw that were different from the normal orders my PCP draws. Most of the other metabolic things are normally ordered by a PCP for your yearly work up. You need to have them drawn at three months, six months, and a year. Then yearly from then on. If you are taking your vitamins as instructed and eating according to plan, you will be okay. It is good to monitor everything anyway but honestly your PCP can do it.
Your surgeon was probably in trouble for a long time so move on down the road and don't go back to him. If for some reason your PCP doesn't know what to draw, PM me and I'll tell you what is on my latest orders from my surgeon. It's the same thing every time. Good luck.
800 calories and less than 20 net carbs is the shizzle