Doing the DS&RNY TANGO!

on 3/27/11 1:21 am - WA
Please CAREFULLY consider the after care that each surgery demands. Really be honest about what you are willing to do for "THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!"

DS very demanding and exacting care needed
RNY some demanding and exacting care needed
VSG some demanding and exacting care needed
BAND forget aboud it!

This is a permanent thing and please do as much research into all options as you possibly can BEFORE you make a decision!
Good luck and God bless....

A really good tool to help you see the reality of WLS is youtube.
on 3/27/11 1:37 am, edited 3/27/11 1:37 am
This is a great website with an appeal letter and much of the research that explains and documents why many of us have chosen DS over any other surgery.   Do not give up, but be sure you understand all the information and why you have picked DS for yourself.  My partner had RNY (Jan 2009) as have many I work with. The most successful patients have been those that followed the advice of the WLS community and their doctors. You have to be on your side and decide to do this the right way from this day forward. Yes, I know people who have failed in various manners and it is obvious why. They chose to disregard the information out there. I believe Duke WLS is a top notch program but you still have to check information and do the work. I have heard it a thousand times... WLS is not a pill, a cure or a quick fix. And it is not easy or the easy way out.
I wish you the best and hope the website helps. If you want links to any of the referenced studies or any other information let me know. Google is my tool and the information is out there.
Zan - Life's too short...        
Believe in yourself and seek clarity.  Be your own advocate because it is your life and your body.

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