Intussusception - A Long Term Post Op RNY Complication

on 7/31/13 2:34 am - woodside, NY

hey guys,

was doing some research and came across this post..this is very 7 years post op and just had to have emergency surgery 2 weeks ago to correct this..i went to the ER with excruciating stomach pains ..something I never felt in my life EVER and after 11 hours and a CT scan they came back with this. The recovery and surgery is indeed worse than my original gastric bypass surgery..I am currently healing and waiting for my wounds to close where they cut me...I do not wish this on anyone..I reccommend getting a CT scan yearly just in not ignore the pain.

on 2/25/17 1:45 pm

Intussusception - I've gotten so good at spelling it, LOL

I am a 38 year old female.  I had an open RNY procedure performed in October of 2004.  I was very successful and lost 1/2 of my SW.

I can remember moments here and there and even a few ER visits over the years where I had the pain, nausea and vomiting but would always be held and treated for my symptoms before being sent home.  Always with a diagnosis of a viral bug, food poisoning, dehydration or even small hernias (which were operated on each time due to the extreme pain I was in).

Cut to November of 2015.  6 days spent at hospital for same symptoms.  Feel better, tolerate food, go home.  A month later, same deal.  1 week later...spent NYE 2016 in hospital room.  

My bariatric doctor even went as far that time to perform ER exploratory surgery and could only state that my fallopian tube was shot and recommended f/u with OB/GYN for hysterectomy a year ago.

I was in ER and admitted 3 or 4 more times between June and September of 2016.  At an ER visit in 9/16...CT scan actually caught the intussusception in action!  2 feet of bowels removed a few days later.

After an excruciating recovery from my bowel recession -I've returned to hospital and urgent care facilities more times than I can count...most recently this week.  Diagnosis = viral stomach bug.

Anyone else?  I feel so alone on this and am tired of not being believed by most of the docs/staff at hospital.


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