on 7/17/11 9:08 pm
Is there a medical school close by where you could check into their program, or are these docs associated with a teaching hospital?

Elizabeth N.
on 7/17/11 11:15 pm - Burlington County, NJ
If you have not yet consulted with Dr. David Greenbaum in NJ, please do so. or

on 7/18/11 4:18 am
Regardless of how you proceed, you should get a copy of your operative report to determine whether you do have that nisson or not.  And if you proceed with a doctor that has a contract with your insurance company and they try to balance bill you, report that to the insurance company.  They will contact the provider and determine whether he has or not breeched the contract.  If he is a habitual offender they can alway cancel the contract and that might deter patients from going to him.  
Good luck. 

Ht 5' 4  SW 181  GW 120 - 125  Age 61  CW 130


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on 7/18/11 6:57 am - VA
Thanks for your advice!  All of you!  I REALLY do appreciate it!...........

I do have a problem with upsetting a doctor that will be working on my insides.   Just bad karma.
I have thought about Mexico (even mentioned it as I left Doc A's office, under my breath).  He laughed and said well u will be back here then

I have checked in N.C. but not N.J. yet.   

I have spoken with my insurance and they are confused as to how Doc B is getting by with this.       It seems to me that it has become common practice.

I am having an UGI to see where we stand as far as the hernia repair is and if there is a nisson and if there is a reason for CONSTANT diarrhea since last years surgery.  That is how I lost 32 lbs I am sure.

                                                                                           Thx again,   Diana
on 7/18/11 12:07 pm - Alexandria, KY
Obviously you need to do what you feel most comfortable with, but personally, I would never return to a doctor who was offended that you (in essence) got a "second opinion."  Any reputable doctor would encourage their patients to be as informed as possible.  I don't have ANY doctors who take offense at my seeking other doctors' opinions.  In fact, they usually encourage it.

I'd go somewhere else and report him to his governing authorities.  Even if they're in private practice, they ultimately have to answer to someone if they want to keep their licenses current.
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