Where can I go to report a doctors office??

on 9/7/11 4:46 pm - ENCINO, CA
I am so happy for you. I'm glad you finally got it done. And I'm glad that someone truly understand what its like to have your life put on hold for other people's inconsistencies.  I found out after seven months of dealing with that office that they were not even contracted to do vertical sleeve with my insurance(I should have been informed about that at consultation not after my 6 month diet). They wanted me to wait out the contract negotiation process which would be months before they would settle on an agreement.  But I had to wait 3 weeks for someone to tell me that after I had been approved.  The nurses never returned phone calls they put me in limbo for about 1 1/2 whenever I needed information.  My case manager from BCBS called me and asked me what was going on because they were suppose to be informing her of what was going on and she never recieved anything regarding my surgery. By the time someone wanted to start talking I had switch providers. If it was going to be that hard to contact you before surgery just to get answers, chances are I will have issues with contacting  you after surgery.  They constantly gave me the run around about simple stuff. I'm just glad I have a new surgeon and the staff is a lot better.
on 9/7/11 4:30 pm - Eugene, OR
Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon problem.  Before I had my surgery, I spent a few days one week going around to all of the doctor's offices I needed to get records from, because despite repeated requests, none of them had sent my records.  As they say, if you want something done right -- do it yourself.

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 9/7/11 4:47 pm - ENCINO, CA
You are so right and through this process it has become more apparent more and more everyday.
on 9/7/11 8:51 pm
I understand where you are coming from.  I started my process with another surgeon and changed early on. I thought the surgeon had a good reputation but the staff turned me totally off.  They would never return a phone call or an email.  Gave me the runaround and lied to me on several occasions.  I came to the conclusion that if I was being treated that way before the surgery, I would not be able to rely on them after the surgery.

I came to the conclusion that he just had too many patients and potential patients and they were chasing their tails.  Changing was the best thing that could have happened to me as I was very satisfied with the surgeon who ultimately did my surgery as well as the entire office staff.

I have come to the conclusion that often doctors do not know how the patients are being treated. I think if they knew they would attempt to do something about it.  You should write him but try to find a way that he will be the only one who can open it.  If you can find out where he lives you can send it to his home.  Otherwise send it certified mail, return receipt requested with restricted delivery so he will have to sign for it himself.  You can write "personal" on the outside of the envelope.

I am confident that things will get better.  I hope you are able to have your surgery soon.

HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

on 9/8/11 2:27 am
First, do no harm.

They took that oath when they started medical school.

Doris, deleting your records like that was negligent and unethical. It may even be illegal in your state. Depends on the statute of limitations in yor state. It is that serious.

How can they even prove they performed the services they billed for? Without the records they would never survive an audit. If they got sued for malpractice, inability to produce the records pretty much means they write a big check to you because to the courts it looks like they are hiding something. I have seen cases lost because of this. The rule is that "If it was not documented, it was ot done." Or it incriminates the doctor so badly they don't want to produce it.

If they didn't want to deal with Medicare, they just should have said so. Or not become a Center of Excellence.

A lot of bariatric surgeons list the insurances they accept on their website.

As for the OP, yes, it does help to know the whole story. Now it makes sense that they didn't want to do your request. Or anything else at this point in time since they knew you were on the back burner. Your recent troubles with them are nothing compared to the bigger issue.

Run, Forrest, Run!

I'm pretty sure that not telling you they were not on your insurers panel to do surgery was also unethical. In fact, they should have told you that as soon as they did the insurance verification. That should have happened at your first contact beyond the seminar you went to. So many people are not covered, or the coveraged for a non-approved surgeon is so small, they have to do this. It doesn't make sense to waste everyone's time to do otherwise.

Charging for records that you request be sent to you or an attorney is one thing. But to another doctor for continuity of care? Would never happen in this town. In fact, two of the big systems where I live went on the same electronic record platform and are eying one another to see how to access each other's records in case of an emergency.

Checking yourself that a doctor--any doctor--is on the approved list for anything is something you need to do before you see a new doctor. Check to see if they are board certified or board eligible in their specialty. It applies to hospitals as well. This is a lesson we ALL need to learn.

That is why many surgeons list the insurances they accept on their websites. That could have been accomplished with a phone call to your insurer, or looking in the provider directory they should have given you, or even calling the surgeon of your choice to talk to the insurance verifier.

If they told you anything but the truth it was unethical. That is what you should write to him about. There is no good defense for that.

But right now, put that office on the back burner. As surgery approaches your emotions are going to take you for a roller coaster ride. After surgery, the hills on that coaster get wilder as the hormones are released from their fatty prison all at once. Not to mention adjusting to all the changes. You do not need the tukeys messing up your mind right now. Besides, revenge is a dish best served cold.

And I'm betting if your insurer knew what was going on, it might affect their decision to be a preferred provider. What actually happens is that if an insurer is not happy with a preferred provider--often on the basis of cost or outcomes--they simply don't renew their contract. No reason given.

What happened to you is unbelievable. But at least now you know what to do to protect yourself. My surgeon's office at first thought I was not covered. But I knew my insurance plan well enough to know that I could go anywhere. The insurer sent them a copy of the bariatric coverage, and even included a note at my request specifically saying they were covered. I got an e-mail of it, too.

Maybe I just live in a town that does better because health care is big business here. We have two medical schools with another not too far away. A fourth sends medical students here for regular rotations even though they are 4-5 hours away. you cannot play games with patients.

But if you get mad at them, remain calm. Don't give them a reason to tune you out. It gives them control.

We will all be rooting for you when you have your surgery.
Doris Cervenka
on 9/11/11 3:56 pm, edited 9/12/11 1:33 am - Ganado, TX
   I was going to say.  The craziest I went through at my Surgeon,s  office.  Is not that uncommon for Medicare patient.  I was told by my new surgeon.  That  most surgeon on do one Medicare patient a month.  Some on two or three patients a year. I have found out.   The doctor don,t make big money off of Medicare patients.  But, They do get paid well for the office visits.  So they get money back by extending  them for as long as possible.  They keep you coming back lose more weight.   At least that,s what they did to me for 2 years worth of visits and I was not any closer to getting my surgery.

 Now , The problem with my Medical doctor and all my files being deleted.  Was only one of the problem at my doctor office. The two building that the doctors work in are next to each other.  I was told if by the nurse. After see my doctor for several months. That we could no longer  park aways near the front of the building or go into the other building at all.   The Dr.V----S patients would be towed if they parked any near in the front car lot.  The buildings were joined. We would be towed. By the other doctors office. The other doctor nurse actually  Patroled the parking lot at thirdy minutes basis and called with license numbers to the other office.  That we all now to park in the back of building.  If we were Dr. V----s patients. 
    Both my  Doctor also new I was Medicare patient from the beginning. We talked about all the requirements.   Both , My medical Doctor and Surgeon knew.  That I was referred by Gulf Bend Mental Health Sevices and Rehabitation.  So I asummed,   They knew what they were doing and had worked with pervious other Medicare patients. The  Surgeon was consider one of the very best in town.  I learned that does not stop people from being Jerks.
     Who Knows for all I  know they were probabily all were working together. 
           All  know that the P.A. at my Surgeon,s office took 8 months before.   She even decided to looked at my files and six month diet plan to tell every thing was done wrong.  It should not have been a big problem.  Just redo the records and hand write them.  But, My Medical doctor office did not have my records.  At this time.
         If the P.A.  at my Surgeon,s office had just actually done her job right from the beginning and started. When was suppose to and not waited two month extra to  even reveiw my charts. Or even just once  looked at my case in the previous six-months just once  Then none of this would have happened. But, When I questioned her about it. What have you  done  for my case in the last year.  How did this happen.   She got down right hateful and rude. 
    For shy person who never leaves their home.  Because, Of my weight.  I just thought.  This was important to me. she made feel it was all my fault and how dare.  I  question her. Especially some fat person.                        
        The Surgeon and his P.A. looked  down on me after that. I       have know idea what she told the surgeon to cover her Ass.      But, it made me a fraid to ask question.  Who was   I to  ask  how she did her job or did not do it.  She made me feel  like. I was wrong for asking the question. I had no right since ,I was the fat person asking for help.  I should be glad she took the time to look at all.  I was not worth her time.
   I then went to my Caseworker at Gulf Bend Mental and Rehabilation. but, He had referred the doctor.  He said was nothing he could do.  That  was my choice to go to that doctor and He could do nothing about my medical records being Deleted or Lost or .  The  Doctor his ex-partner owned the computers and They said.  He had deleted all the files.  
     I had know Idea what to do after that.  He   suggested I  repeat my six-month diet plan again with my doctor.  One month of  my records were saved.  So I thought  go back.      It  made  since at the time.   I had had know idea what to do.   So I thought in 5 monthes.  I can get my surgery.  I can do this again.
           I  just wanted to say that I am a very shy person.  All I know that the point I was in a crisis mode.  My weight  had been 395 pounds. And my weight was killing me. I lost down to 355 with my weight.  I never believed in my heart.  I  never thought  I would get under 300 pounds without the surgery.   But,  My  Surgeon kept telling I had to be at or under 300 pounds. 
My story,   I lost my Dad and my brother died at a young age.  They died because of their weight.   My brother died weighing close to or at 600 pounds.   His weight  had killed him.  I was afraid of dying.
        I have not once in my life been a normal weight.  So getting Surgery.  Was the most important thing in my life at the time.  Being told again and again that had to lose more weight.  When I just felt hopeless and lost.  I  had tried to lose weight my entire life.  I was exercising everyday.
   I have never wanted to fight with anyone in my life.  All I wanted was help to get my surgery.

    Thank  God  I have wonderful sister.  Who  found  another Surgeon. Who would do the surgery without playing games.  I could not  believed that after all the craziest.   That the Medical doctors office would try to charge me 300.00 for doing my Medicare   paperwork.  It had to be  hand written a second time.  For new Surgeon.  Now looking back I  can see  how cold blooded his  office staff  was and Even doing it with a strait face. Trying to Charge me 300.00  After, seeing me for almost two years and half making alot of money off of Medicare. 
     After I had my Gastric-by-pass.   
I  just wanted to put it all the bad stuff. Behind me and forget about it.  I don,t know if it was really all that bad or if was just such a depressed stated of mine the everything seemed worst. 

       My Medical Doctor was not that bad a Doctor.   We only had to hold down to get him to force him to sign the Medicare paper work my sister filled out from my Medical record for my New Surgeon.  So I  could finally get my surgery. My sister just let him know nicely that.  He was not leaving the Exam room til he signed them.
  Looking back it was that bad.  Some  things are best forgotten. Hopefully no laws were broken.
But, I don,t care if they were because, I finally got my Surgery.  YAH!!!!!!!!!
on 9/8/11 5:30 am - Colton, CA
If you are seeing your provider via a health plan - you can file a grievance with the health plan on office staff.  That is your right as a patient and the health plan will look into it further and also determine if they have had similar complaints from other members.  You have stated several times that there is more to it than just this incident so you can document all your experiences and submit that to your health plan for review.

Best of luck to you.

on 9/12/11 1:47 pm
No records found? Remember what I said about Medicare and Medicaid doing audits? What happens if you can't produce the charts--you get to give all the money back. Plus the govt gets to be your BFF. Not to mention the time it is going to take them. Believe me, the most fearful I ever saw a Finance VP was when those particular auditors were in house. We even had lessons on how to spy on them and make sure nobody was talking near them.
Medicare has an 800 number somethere. Every state has a review contractor in place to do audits. They may not like the $300 charge for records. Or that they deleted all the records. There are certain things you can't do with Medicare patients.

And again, if they got sued they don't have anything to prove their case. Get out the check book. Unlikely they did what they are telling you.

Decades ago a lot of foreign trained physicians came to this country. If there is one thing they knew, it was you don't trust the govt. So even if they were allowed to have their cases reviewed in-house, the foreign born didn't want to co-operate. The end result is that they actually lost the ability to have a friendly reviewer hired by the hospital do them. Instead, a review organization did them. These people were usually not liked by anybody and they knew it. Didn't make for a friendly review where they would give you a break.

If you can nicely tell Medicare's Inspector General of your problems they might be able to investigate.
Doris Cervenka
on 9/21/11 7:04 am - Ganado, TX
Thanks for your help.
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