on 3/25/12 2:16 am - Canada
RNY on 03/29/12
Hi my name is craig clarkson, I am 36 and a single  father of a beautiful 5 year old little girl, i have been raising since birth. My problem is that i was diagnosed with having insulin resitance it sarted 3 years ago my highest weight was 306 when i first realized this problem was when i weighed 243.
my mother and grandfather both were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in there early 40's my grandfather died at about 54 due to enlarged heart and not having his insulin while leaving for a trip and he suffered a heart attack my mother died at 42 in an automobile accident that was associated to her diabetes she either didn't take enough insulin or to much she nodded of at the wheel and hit another passer by head on both killed instantly. I am told that I not diabetic but considered pre-diabetic and all though there is no cure for this condition, i can stabalize insulin resitant  for a while through diet and exercise but i will always have the diease and can can come back full force if i stop my lifestyle change of diet and exercise, they also state that it is extremely hard for people with insulin resitance to loose and keep of the weight which just often leads them straight to being diabetes. Ahhh i feel cursed, lol i also have sleep apena due to the weight gain, i was never an obesed person actually the oposite i started gain more weight after my mother died, had a little depression and was given medicine that changed my eatting habbit drastically then i got of medication and started a eatting normal , lol now with that said i was born in canada and was raised in Louisiana and Louisiana food ain't no picnic, lmfao  smothered  and fried over rice, lol but i was never the guy to crave the buffey line or want more than my eyes. So here i am on Obeityhelp, i was given the option for the RNY i went through everything for 3 years doctor visits and medical exams and testings, my surgery is on march 29 5 days from now, thats right, lol but you know how you get nervous before the big day well that is me totally obessing, straight up im scared i have researched RNY surgery but for some reason never came up with certain things,
Like can you have the surgery and be complication free ?  if i follow all the doctors orders will that help me not to get any of the complications later in life ? like amenia, vitamen b deficincey and oseteprosis. i haven't found one person who has said i am 8 or 10 year post op with no complications besides a little weight gain here and there. I am scared that my trade wont be fair, trading becoming a diabectic for life of RNY . could some please help me, i really am trying to do the right thing i want to be here for my daughter who needs me there is no other family she has my mothers gone , her mothers is and still is an addict, my step dad lives in Louisiana we live here in London, ON and so does my uncle but hes not well. so she has me and i have her and dicession will affect the both of us dramactically. is there anyone who has had the surgery with hardly in any complications at all ?     
(deactivated member)
on 3/25/12 2:26 am, edited 3/25/12 2:41 am
Craig, you are making a great decision for both you and your daughter.  Follow your doctors instructions, get lab work done at least annually after RNY (you will initially have it more often).  Drink the protein, take your supplements, and you will do great.  It takes a commitment that only you can do.  While I am only three years out, I could not be happier!  All of my other health conditions have completely resolved.  I was on 10 prescription meds a day.  Now I don't take any.  I had heart issues (resolved), blood pressure and cholesterol, glucose,all normal.  No more CPAP for sleep apnea. 

And find support group!  Really!  I know it can be frightening.  Check out a group called CODA.  It is a great group!  I think they are in Canada.  Support group is very important. 


on 3/25/12 2:40 am - MI
I understand your concerns my rny is scheduled for april 16 and im 38 and have a two year old. I to have seen all these side effect on people but most of them admit they dont do the vitimins and stuff like there supose to. Its scary im scared but the life i live now no energy allways sick or in pain I need to be healthier. I wish you luck and feel that being scared is normal exspecialy when its so close only you can decide whats best and tell your surgeon your concerns im sure he can help combat some problems. Loretta
on 3/25/12 3:41 am
Are you set on RNY? There are 3 different surgeries for you to consider, RNY, VSG and DS. Make sure you research them all. The DS has the best resolution of comorbidities of any surgery. With RNY, about 85% will be diabetes free after surgery, but almost half of those people will see their diabetes come back within 10-15 years! Research all your options carefully before committing to a surgery!
on 3/25/12 4:14 am - Canada
RNY on 03/29/12
 Yes i did research but in canada they are paying for it and they wont give any other its there gold  standard , if i could afford it then yes i would go for something else but unfortunately i cant afford WLS surgery. 
on 3/25/12 8:58 am
Hmmm, it sounds like you haven't done your research. I just had a DS with Dr. Hong at St. Joseph's Hamilton two and a half weeks ago. They would like for you to believe that all they do is RNY but the reality is that they also do VSG and DS for people with good reasons why they would prefer an alternative surgery. For me, I couldn't have RNY because I need to take NSAID medications and have a history of anemia, and I didn't want the VSG because I am pre-diabetic with a strong family history of diabetes, so I had DS.

Also - what does 'gold standard' even mean? It just means its what they do the most often. There are plenty of reasons to prefer VSG and DS.
on 3/25/12 9:06 am - Canada
RNY on 03/29/12
will OHIP pay for it ?  I am on ODSP and cant travel to the states who should i talk to i have 4 days to state my case should i call another WLS hospital like the one and Hamilton and tell them whats going on and see if they can help me  ? how far will it set me back for a surgery date , will i have to go through the whole process again ? what should i say as far as why i want the DS ?
on 3/25/12 11:00 am
If you don't want RNY, your only course of action right now is to contact your centre tomorrow morning and cancel your surgery date and ask to meet with the surgeon again. Then you explain to him your concerns about RNY and that you are interested in alternatives and that you'd like to be referred to Dr. Hong in Hamilton to discuss alternatives. It is going to set you back by several months. But what is a few months over a lifetime? You need to know why you think VSG or DS is a better option for you and why the RNY is not a good surgery for you. I can't tell you why that is. The DS is a riskier surgery with a longer recovery and it requires you to take more supplements and protein after surgery - do you think you can realistically afford that if you're on ODSP? You need to go to and learn about the surgery and decide whether you want to fight for an alternative to RNY, because it is a fight, you need to present reasons why you want a different surgery and no one can tell you those reasons but you.

If you don't want to wait, or don't want to fight, then you have a date set for your RNY.
Karen M.
on 3/26/12 11:31 pm - Mississauga, Canada
That's not true.  People are being approved for RNY, VSG and occasionally DS in Ontario.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 3/25/12 3:41 am - Athens, GA

You may or may not have any complications from RNY. However you are pretty much guaranteed to have complications from being obese. You are doing the right thing. Best of luck with your surgery!


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