Tail bone pain

Amy R.
on 8/14/12 7:15 pm
Have you "talked" here on OH with Lady Lithia? She usually hangs out on the RnY Forum.

She dealt with tailbone pain for a long time. Eventually, she had her tail bone removed it got so bad. She might have some ideas on how to make yourself at least as comfortable as possible.

Hope you find some relief=)
on 8/15/12 12:44 pm - United Kingdom
Thanks for that.  I am not prepared to have another op at the moment.  If I see her name I'll say 'hello'.
on 8/14/12 7:56 pm - MI
 ibstarted having tailbone pain while pregnant and it never fully went away. my chiropractor keeps it much more manageable if i do my part to schedule regular adjustments.
on 8/15/12 12:46 pm - United Kingdom
I'm still researching chiros, may give one a try.... 
on 8/15/12 2:28 pm - MI
 there are quacks and good ones, just like any other profession. find yourself a good one and you will be so happy!
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