What are your favorite WOW moments?

on 4/4/14 10:33 pm - AL
VSG on 03/13/14

Hi, I just recently had VSG surgery on 3/13 but have already had several WOW moments.  I know I've got a ways to go before I hit goal & can't wait for all the other WOW moments yet to come.  First WOW is how amazing I feel, I feel better than I have in years! Second I can wear normal shoes again if I want but have been staying so active that I'm still be-boping around in my tennis shoes, Third I'm able to wear jeans that used to not fit any longer & I've gone down two shirt sizes, + something a little crazy perhaps tmi but I was amazed...my underwear is getting baggy, my wrists & fingers are shrinking-looking forward to the day I can wear my real wedding rings again instead of costume jewelry- but even those are getting loose.  I've lost 30 pounds so far, my Mom has complimented me on my neck shrinking, my daughter has said she can get her arms around me tighter when we hug, my bariatric center ladies have complimented me on my positive attitude & weight loss so far...I could go on & on & just shout it from the mountaintops that I'm so blessed to have had this surgery.


With God ALL things are possible! VSG 3/13/14 Dr. John Mathews


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