how do I get them to believe me?

(deactivated member)
on 6/3/14 12:46 pm

I am in the part of the process I am calling appointment city

Over the years I have tried to explain how hard I work on my weight & have never felt believed. I recently saw medical records from a "specialist" few years a ago that said "patient claims to exercise but this is not evident in her appearance".

The person I saw today isnt as vital to this whole process as other medical/doctors I will be seeing, but is helping get documentation ready. She seem not to actually believe my food intake level and exercise routine.

How do I get the people *****ally count to believe me? What happens If I dont lost weight b4 even if I try?

Once a relative lived with us for a yr & she told me she was shocked at how hard I work on my portions/exercise with no results. How do I get them see that I am skinny lady stuck in this sasquatch body?

on 6/3/14 1:37 pm

Believe me, they really do know about the problems of Metabolic Disorder, so don't get discouraged. 

on 6/3/14 2:57 pm, edited 6/3/14 2:57 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

You were experiencing weight bias and sadly it's all too common: 2303/1891883  I would share with these new doctors what you are sharing in this post... what you experienced, how it made you feel and ask them how you can work to together to make sure you don't experience that again. 

Best wishes to you!!

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 6/3/14 3:17 pm

It's sad that there are people working in the medical field that should be helping you that are ignorant of metabolic issues. I had read similar things in my own reports, and spent years trying to prove myself with things like going to the gym right in the hospital that had workers document every thing you did, which my doctor ignored anyway. 

All my food logs were of course a waste of time as well, since she surely thought I was inaccurate or lying, if she couldn't even see how the hospitals gym workers records were also somehow too flawed. No, you are a sloth-like glutton. That is the only possible explanation. 

All you can do is go through the steps, and document as best you can. If they are skeptical, well, you aren't likely to cure their ignorance. At worst, you may have to switch surgeons to get one that understands how metabolically compromised some of us are.

White Dove
on 6/3/14 9:56 pm - Warren, OH

I spent my life dieting and exercising and could not get rid of the weight.  Doctors and others were sure I was binging in private.

What was good about it is that there was no adjustment period after my RNY surgery. 

I just did the same things that I always had but with the surgery it finally worked.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

H.A.L.A B.
on 6/3/14 10:23 pm

Most normal size people either have no problem keeping their weight and size, and if they gain some weight, they drop couple of snacks for 2-3 weeks and are back to their safe zone.  So they assume that should work for everyone.  And there are others that work supper hard to lose and maintain and since they can do, they assume others can also. 

And there is also a group of people that claim they don't eat much and really are on a diet, but when you actually see them eating (lunches, dinner, parties, etc) you know why they can't lose any weight (I know at least a couple).  

And there are some of us that had to work supper hard just to maintain. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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