Help! Shopping for Health Insurance

on 10/21/15 9:42 am

Thanks Nik_H

That was my problem i had the Obamacare. It's been a year of this on going battle, but im still at it.

I Thank You again

Blessings your way.

on 10/21/15 1:26 pm - Rocky Point, NC

Your Obamacare statement is not true. That is exactly what I had to go with and every plan covers it in my state. This could be a state to state issue. When I lost my job I had too much unemployment coming in for Medicaid I am now self employed. My obamacare is better than the insurance I had with my job and it made it easier to afford my therapist visits and surgery cost. Check out the marketplace. They were also very helpful through customer service in helping me verify that wls was covered

White Dove
on 10/20/15 3:47 pm - Warren, OH

Search for a health insurance broker near you. They can go though the various plans and find one that suits your needs. You can also do some internet searches for the coverage that you need.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/21/15 9:01 am

I called one he talked to me about Aetna. Im on the hunt..

Thank you for your reply

on 10/21/15 5:30 am, edited 10/20/15 10:30 pm
RNY on 04/07/09 with

if you're buying insurance on the marketplace, start at might be helpful to talk with a navigator who can give you the low down on each of the plans.

edited because link isn't working:

(deactivated member)
on 10/21/15 9:35 am - CA

Unfortunately, Obamacare is only required to cover weight loss surgery in some states. PA is not one of them. Sad, but it needs to be across the board so other people can have the benefit and not be excluded due to the state they live in! :(

on 10/21/15 9:50 am

I agree.. I was paying 278.00 a month and every specialist visit was 80.00 more out of pocket.

I hope PA recognize and better the ObamaCare for people who need WLS.

on 10/21/15 10:11 am
RNY on 04/07/09 with

thanks for the info. i didn't realize that states could implement exclusions across the board, i thought it was just plan by plan. sorry to hear that.

on 10/21/15 9:59 am

Chris_ruff is with the ObamaCare Health Insurance?

I ask because that is what i had and they do not cover WLS.

on 10/21/15 10:10 am, edited 10/21/15 3:11 am
RNY on 04/07/09 with

yes, it is. i know that different plans can cover or exclude various treatments, but i didn't know that PA excludes WLS totally from all plans in the state. sorry to hear that.

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