The Big Fat Answer!

Building A Cocoon
on 8/23/07 1:49 am - South Central PA, PA
I just came back from Physical Therapy (PT). I was pissed that I had to go. You see, I had gone to my doctor's office with pain in my hips and lower back. "I'm afraid you have arthritis", she told me. "How can this be? I'm only 39 years old?"I queried. She looked at my sympathetically and tilted her head to the side "Oh... your weight is a big contributor" My face hung low and I fought back the tears. My weight has effected my body in every conceivable way and now my bones are rebelling. We completed my visit and I went home with a very strange feeling inside me. So today at physical therapy, dejected and humiliated that I was there the woman asked me. "So why are you here?" "Because I'm fat" I said. "That can't be the only reason." "Well I have arthritis and my doctor told me it was because of my weight so..." "No... everyone over the age of 25 has some form of arthritis even if it doesn't hurt until years later." "Oh really?"I exclaimed "Really." she said with finality Well damn! So as the meeting goes on we find out that it was probably due to a car accident I had years ago. My hip bone had rotated some and was therefore higher than the right one and causing pain in the nerves and surrounding muscles... and rubbing against the bone. It's not JUST because I'm fat. Yet no matter what is wrong I always get the BIG FAT ANSWER! I was angry because it was such a blow to me. I am even willing to say it hurt me. I know it wasn't her intention but why is it that no matter what goes wrong with you they say it's your weight? I wonder what they tell skinny people. What do they say to thin post-ops when they have issues? Anyway... just wanted to let those frustrated feelings out into the universe. Thanks for reading.
Christina B.
on 8/23/07 1:58 am - Conestoga, PA
Don't let it bother you......the pain may or may not be related to weight but does anyone (even a doctor) really KNOW that for is what it is.....the key is to deal with it in an effective manner......if it is related to weight then you are on the right path with wanting to lose weight to be healthier.....bru**** off and move on.

chrissig.jpg picture by profileholy

on 8/23/07 2:00 am - Wylie, TX
Big hugs girl , I'm glad there was at least someone out there with a brain and gave you a real answer not just the standard fat one. Keep on venting thats what we are here for

Philosophy of life "Treat others like you wish to be Treated" 
              Only you can make yourself happy!!!

Building A Cocoon
on 8/23/07 2:56 am - South Central PA, PA
Thank you. I really like your new avatar, although I like seeing your shining face better
on 8/23/07 2:10 am - Eugene, OR
Well, I'm glad you went and got a better answer! I was just reading a thing on CNN about how we start aging right after we stop growing, around 20!  How depressing is that?  Oh well.  Now that you have a good answer, the day will be better.  I hope your pain improves! Linda

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

Building A Cocoon
on 8/23/07 2:55 am - South Central PA, PA
The PT said that there is a good possibility that I can put the hip back in it's place with the therapy. Thank you for replying.
on 8/23/07 2:10 am - grove city, OH
I'm 32 and was told the same thing. I was told just before my surgery (about 6 months). Of course my doctor said at the time the surgery would help bvecause it would take weight off and so on. I am now seeing a new doctor (location reasons) and she's great. She said that some people just notice it before others. The weight might have made it worse but did not "cause" the problem. It has gotten a little better since I've dropped 150 pounds since finding out but its not a big difference. I keep moving and trying not to let it stop me. I know you'll be able to do the same.
  VERY proud to have this double century card
432 hi/338 surgery/220 gaol, Current 204 22 months post op
If I don't ever loose anymore that's ok. I'm happy where I am at, weight and in life

Building A Cocoon
on 8/23/07 2:54 am - South Central PA, PA
Yep they said that the pressure wouldn't be as severe if I loss weight but that's not the same as it causing it. I am so glad that the therapist was a BBW which meant she had sensitivity and was educated about the needs of the obese patient. Also she was in the field only 4 years which meant she wasn't there long enough to be jaded. I am sore and achy but so glad that I have hope now.
on 8/23/07 2:28 am - Cottage Grove, OR
When I was 28 my DH and I were trying to get pregnant. After a year of trying, I finally went to my PCP with my concerns that I wasn't getting pregnant.  The first thing he said to me:  Its because you're obese.  I'm like, WTH? You're telling me I can't get pregnant cuz I'm fat?  Noooo... I know LOTS of fat women that have kids.... So I finally see a "specialist" for fertility, and I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).  Part of me was SO MAD at my PCP for just telling me it was because I was fat!!  But when learning about PCOS, it seems to go hand-in-hand with being overweight.  Still, there are women that have PCOS that aren't overweight, but many have weight problems because of the hormone problems of PCOS. Same thing with arthritis.  I was 31 when I went to my dr. with knee pain. They took xrays and told me I have arthritis in my knees.  I'm like, WTH?  I'm ONLY 31!!!  How can I have arthritis at 31??  and of course, I bet you can guess what they said:  Its because you're obese... Now I'm mad all over again because your physical therapist said everyone has some form of arthritis after the age of 25... LOL  I feel like my fat was blamed again! :)  But I realize that arthritis can be aggravated by the extra weight we carry...

Before-AfterR.jpg image by Becca62368_album
Rebecca, 5'8" tall
288 /   156  / 155

Building A Cocoon
on 8/23/07 2:57 am - South Central PA, PA
ooh let me correct a tiny bit she did say "MOST" but still the fact remains. Thanks for answering.
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