I have a question of the day......

on 7/29/05 10:49 pm - Altoona, IA
Hi All, I was posting a comment about being "Super Morbidly Obese" and a shock it is to be SMO, when I thought that I was only Obese/Overweight. I thought that SMO was only considered for those that are over 500lbs (no offense). But I started thinking as I was , and said to myself and a question to all, If WLS was not an option to lose weight, What would you do (pre-op'ers) OR What would you have done (post-op'ers) to lose this amount of weight? I am sure that this question has been asked before, but I missed the responses. Have a great day......Stay Blessed Too Nissah The F.AT Slayer 360/346/???/180 25 days 2 go.........woohoo
on 7/30/05 12:00 am
For me---there was nothing I COULD do, other than WLS. Believe me, I've tried every diet plan I've ever heard of. Regarding your comment about the SMO category being reserved for those over 500 pounds---you do understand it's based on BMI (Body Mass Index), don't you? In other words, when I weighed 395, the reason my BMI was 75 (Super-super MO) was because I'm only 5'1". Had I been my boyfriend's height (6'4"), my BMI would only have been 48.1, and I'd have been 'just' MO.
on 7/30/05 4:30 am - Altoona, IA
Ms. Batt, I think clarification is DUE. I am fairly new to this BMI thing. Although I have heard of it, I have never gotten the chance to really deal with it until I decided to have WLS. And even then I was not fully aware of what BMI was, to me it was just a number. Now that I have found this site and realized that it is not just a number, I have a better respect for BMI numbers. See where I am from being A BIG GIRL is accepted, Southside of Chicago, so my weight did not matter, but now that I live in a different city and state, where apparently BIG is bad, I understand more. Even at 318lbs, in Chicago, the doctor would call you Obese/Overweight, losing weight was not mentioned and BMI did not matter. Truthfully, I just found out that I was "Morbidly Obese" at my psych eval in June, which was a shocker and now that I have found this messageboard and found that I am now "Super Morbidly Obese" is an even BIGGER shock. Why are Heavier people the only ones to be labeled? Overweight, Obese, Morbidly Obese, Super Morbidly Obese, Super Super Morbildy Obese.......etc...... So when I made the opinionated comment "I thought being "Super Morbidly Obese" was for those weighing over 500lbs (no offense)" was due to past experiences and what I didn't know at the time. I was still thinking that opinion UNTIL I found this messageboard. Thats the reason why I had to pose the question that I did, because my eyes were opened about BMI. So to make things a little bit simple, which I could have said at the begining, but did not because I wanted to clarifiy my comment, "NO, I did not realize that BMI was really based on height/weight porportion, until I started researching this surgery". For those of you that are/were over 500lbs, I apoligize if I stepped on any toes or offended anyone with my opinion. Everybody is entitled to there own opinion, whether people agree or disagree. Thanks for listening.... Nissah The F.AT Slayer 360/346/???/180 25 days 2 go.....:horse....woohoo
G. Carter
on 7/30/05 4:55 am - Columbus, OH
No offense taken here Nissah. I like yourself was not aware of the categoies of obesity extending beyond MO ... nor did I understand the concept of BMI numbers until I came to OH. At 545 lbs. I thought I was Morbidly Obese when I was actually considered Super Super Morbid Obese. After losing 115 lbs I'm considerd super obese. One good thing is that we all may fall into any one of these categories ... but we now have a choice to not stay there. Best wishes to you in your upcoming surgery. Georgeann
on 7/30/05 12:35 am - Magna, UT
Nissah, I had breast cancer 3 years ago. Once I finished my treatments and started feeling okay again, I committed myself to losing weight and getting healthy. Well, over the last 2 and 1/2 years, I did develop healthy eating habits, but, didn't lose weight. I tried some other diets like South Beach and Atkins, I lost 25 lbs, then was stuck. I really only did this surgery as a last resort for me. It scared me greatly and still does. There are very many people who have a lot of problems with the surgery. I have been very fortunate, no complications. Now, I'm down 60.5 lbs and feeling good, knowing this was my only "real" choice. Lori 384/323.5/170
on 7/30/05 3:43 am
Nissah, If WLS wasnt an option for me.....i guess i would have to die supermorbidlyobese( and dont you just LOVE that term?) I'm sure in between now and the time I die i could lose...say....40 pounds about 4 times. So lets see......lose 40 gain back 60.....oh, ok...i could weigh 240 pounds more than I do now by dieting. WHAT?????????? After all of my complaining about this process taking so long....at least its an option for me. Guess I have to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Good Luck on your surgery!! Take care!
G. Carter
on 7/30/05 4:36 am - Columbus, OH
I probably would not have lived long enough to lose 115 lbs. Nissah. I had tryied many diets and programs and lost weight to only gain it back plus more. I beleive in my heart WLS was my only option. Georgeann 545/430/200?
Sallykate Losing

on 7/30/05 5:50 am - North, FL
Hi Nissah, Funny you should ask this hypothetical question because in reality, I am facing it right now. I might not be able to get WLS due to uncooperative insurance. It scares me deeply when I think that my last resort may not be a "resort" at all. I think that no matter what happens... I will fight to get healthy. I have tried it all like the rest of us but what sacres me most is that I am headed toward being wheel chair bound. I cannot walk more than 15 feet. Anything past that distance puts me in a wheel chair. I do all my shopping in a wheel chair. I will be 34 next week. I am young, so I will fight. I have to. Sallykate
on 7/30/05 6:55 am - MA
I was familiar with BMI and the term Morbidly Obese but I have to admit SMO was a term that was new once I started the WLS investigation and research. I mean Obesity that will cause death.... who would have thought that there was something worse than that. I didn't. I knew I was beyond Obese and knew I was MO but never knew there was yet another category of SMO. What would I have done without WLS. Maybe died. I don't really know. Pre-consultation for WLS I had already been dieting (with success but who knows about whether it would be long term success) and exercising. WOW I must say that here I caught the bug and through the grace of God found a trainer who could have been designed just for me. He was fat friendly and felt there was NOONE he couldn't help. He does NOT have a egotistical bone in his body. He just believes in EVERY person's ability to improve. Improve I did. I lost 79 pound with his efforts and would have kept that tone just with his help. (sooooooooo miss him now since I am on medical leave due to back issues) Would I have lost weight in the program without WLS. YES ! ! ! ! ! Would I have kept it off... probably not. I guess without this option of surgery which was life altering for me I would have continued on my yo-yo dieting attempts until the point my body gave out. This truely has been a new lease on life for me. I may still be battling health issues related to the surgery but I would do it again in a heartbeat. Only thing I'd change would be my surgeon. He was a great surgeon but personality wise we didn't mesh. I would have waited for the other surgeon who would have meshed better with my mindset and determination. Not sure if that helps at all but I tried. CArolyn
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