Do I have Hodgkin's Lymphoma?

Tatem Kennedy
on 7/3/09 11:41 am - la jolla, CA
I have a hard lump right above my elbow on my inner arm, it's right above the crease, which i have read is the supratrochlear lymph node. It's about the size of a golf ball, and i think i can move it a little, and it hurts really bad. Then on the same arm, my armpit is very swollen, probably twice the size of my other armpit. The whole arm is very sore, and it's scaring me. If this isn't Hodgkin's Lymphoma, then what is it? any ideas?

And yes I know i need to go to the doctor, I'm going in a couple days but I wanted to see if you guys knew anything for right now.

on 7/5/09 2:17 pm - Alpharetta, GA
I had Hodgkin's a few years ago and actually diagnosed myself online from the symptoms I was having. It took several different doctors to finally get the official diagnosis. I had even named my swollen nodes - Ned & Norris the Naughty Nodes. After chemo and rads, I am happy to say I'm cancer free!

Do you have any other symptoms? Itching? night sweats? pain after alcohol consumption? sternal pain?

Definitely go get checked out. Good luck!

on 3/31/11 2:57 pm
Think of community oncologists as the primary care physicians of the cancer world. It's a good place to start, but if you are close to an academic hospital, you may be in better hands.

As someone who has had much experience with blood cancers, you need to be in the hand of an oncologist who deals with blood cancers only-preferably one who deals with the one IF you have one.

on 8/10/11 4:05 am
I just finished 6 rounds of CHEMO after having Non Hodgkin's Lymphome, Stage IV. The cancer was in my spleen, removed it in Feb. 11, the cancer also was in my bone marrow. After my Gastric -by-pass surgery (June, 2010), the Dr. told my family that my spleen was enlarge, but a lot of obese patients had en larged spleens. So we never gave it a thought.  Until Feb. 2011, and I received the bad news that I had cancer.  A PET SCAN and a BONE MARROW BIOPSY showed CLEAR of cancer. I will have many scans and blood work over the next several years. 
This wasy we can keep ahead of the caner.  Any that is told they have an en-large spleen needs to look into it. If we had, the cancer might not have gotten into my bone marrow.
brenda F.
on 1/22/10 11:49 pm - whitney, TX
Hun ,r they bis lumps or just a bunch of little one .i have then all over my arms and some on legs . didn't notice them till i started losing wt hugs red in TX .
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