Isaiah 40:1

on 8/9/12 4:16 pm - Vancouver, WA
"Comfort, yes comfort My people!" When we accept Christ as our personal Savior we are given the Holy Spirit who is sent to comfort us. When times are rough and we face troubles or are captured by cir****tances beyond our control, we have only to look to our comforter, He is there at all times. He can help us find the silver lining in our cloud. He can give us strength to face what we must even when we don't want to have to do it. My grand daughter found her daughters daddy dead from a self inflicted shot gun blast. Of course she went thru all the trauma that that implies, however she is a Christian girl and leaned on God for a very long time just to be able to get up every day after that. We all thank God that she was, because she has come thru with a compassion and understanding that many never get. She had a very difficult time for awhile but she always kept her eye on God and the Holy Spirit to get her thru. Hopefully we as adults will remember to do the same.

God bless!
Patricia R.
on 8/9/12 7:51 pm - Perry, MI
Hi Karen,
I believe that God allows our trials so that we develop the very traits that your granddaughter possesses.  Somewhere in the New Testament is a verse that says we go through certain trials in order to minister to others who go through similar trials.  I can't help someone very well unless I have had a similar trial in my past.  Which tells me that God expects me to minister to a variety of people, because of the variety of things I've been through in my life.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/10/12 10:50 pm - Vancouver, WA

So very true, she's gotten involved in a group that helps teen suicides and trying to prevent them. I think we each get our own trials to steer us where God can use us too. When we are going thru it,it is sure hard to remember it is for a reason tho!

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