Galations 1:23

on 8/31/12 5:26 pm - Vancouver, WA
"He who formerly persecuted us now preaches the faith which he once tried to destroy." This verse really hits home for me because in my past I have gone from believing in nothing to following more of the eastern type religions. Even studied under the disiple of a guru, the sad part is I learned more about the Bible and Jesus from him than I had in the Methodist church I went to as a youngster. Then I just kind of drifted for quite a few years. 

One day I decided to read the Bible cover to cover so I could argue and get rid of those annoying Christian people who kept trying to "save" me. Well, a funny thing happened on the way to the revolution I got interested in God's word and the next thing you know I'm on my knees begging for forgiveness and saving! Yep you guessed it I accepted Christ as my Savior and the rest as they say is history.  So much so that a few years ago I was teaching a group of senior ladies Sunday School classes. I must have done ok cause they didn't argue with my teaching or try to correct me and they probably knew more than I did! 

When you repent and turn your life around 180 degrees it is really pretty easy because the Holy Spirit works in you to help make the changes so you always have assistance with the changes. If you can surrender to the Spirit you will also grow closer to God. So repenting leads to changing that leads to a closer relationship with God and that is always a good thing!

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!

God bless!
Patricia R.
on 9/3/12 7:05 am - Perry, MI
This is interesting for me too.  

I was raised Roman Catholic, but had no clue about a personal relationship with Christ.  Then, some ladies witnessed to my Mom and me, and we prayed.  They then suggested we attend their extremely Conservative Baptist church, and "Confess" our faith in front of their congregation.  Well, that was totally against what we believed people should do.  

After that, I got involved in the typical three things teens in the 70's did, Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll.  Then, I had two best friends in high school.  One read Tarot cards, and had me read a really blasphemous book called, "Judas, My Brother," which denied the deity of Christ.  The other attended a little Conservative church, where I started attending in the evenings, because I went back to singing in the Catholic church's choir.  Well, my Christian friend kept witnessing to me, and loving me, inspite of my constant failures.  

Eventually, I was baptized, but also got pregnant to my then 17 year old boyfriend.  He was still in high school, while I had just graduated a few months previous.  Somehow, we got married.  He went in the Army.  We had a really rough 25 years together, before he gave up on me, with good reason.

Point is, all throughout my marriage, God sent me angels to guide me and teach me, until I found Ruth.  She has stuck by me for almost 20 years now.  It's been such a blessing to learn from her.

Sorry if I got off track.  I almost lost track of my Tarot card reading friend.  We are on Facebook together.  She is still into horoscopes, and all of the sun goddess, Earth worshipping stuff.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/3/12 4:20 pm - Vancouver, WA
Oh yeah unfortunately I know all about tarot and goddesses. My daughter that was here this summer is into all that nonsense, says she's a pagan. However when she was in her teens she accepted Christ so won't she be surprised when she ends up in the rapture. At least from my understanding once a Christian always a Christian even when acting against it. Just means you have more 'splainin' come judgment day. I still pray for her tho and hope she'll come around before then.
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