I have

on 8/20/04 7:47 am - Greensboro, NC
A Mini Puddle she is 10 1/2mths old her name is GIGI and she is adorable! My kids are in love with her and I couldnt have asked for a better pup. GiGi is the new baby of the family and plays the part well lol.She is so small and lovable Was thinking of finding her a mate so we can have some puppies. My friend has her brother { from the same liter}and she suggested we mated them but I didnt think that sounded right, I am a first time dog owner so I am not sure how the mating process worked. isnt it just like us mating with our brother or sister? would they have problem pups? if someone can answer that for me I would appreciate it so I can lay this to rest with her cause she seems really insistant on that point. I was thinking of just finding her another male mini puddle. Another question I did have is when do you know your girl is in heat? are there signs or warnings? Anywho glad to see there a board here with people who share my same interest and I hope to chat with some of you real soon Sophia
Liz P.
on 8/20/04 9:38 pm - Swansboro, NC
Sophie, I know that most breeders do not mate siblings. Too much chance of creating genetic defects. I would suggest you find someone with another mini poodle to breed your pup with. Your dog sounds cute! I like the mini breeds although I have a Jack Russell and a Havanese - small but not minis! Usually before going into season you will notice your dogs genitals get slightly swollen and darker in color. She may get moody as well (puppy PMS) or you may notice her spotting a little. Hope this information helps! Liz
on 8/21/04 1:11 am - Greensboro, NC
Thank you, It has been a great help! I knew it didnt sound to right to me but hse said oh no there wont be any problems at all. I kind of thought of when brothers and sisters mate they have handicap or mentally disabled children. I didnt want that for my baby and especially not her first liter. I didnt want to mate her until she was at least 2 but my friend is like she is ok to mate at 1. I am gonna have to tell her to back off my sweetness cause she cant have her lol now that I know for sure she is just gonna have to go someplace else to mate her dog Thank You also for the info on her time of the on the month, since she is almost 11mts can she start a cycle this young or will she wait til after she is a year or more. she does seem alitttle crancky lately but I thoght it was cause they kids might have been bothering her to much and she wasnt in the mood to play. I am still learning I want to be sure I have a happy and healthy puppy Thanks again for your help Sophia
Linda H.
on 8/24/04 1:23 am - Lincoln, NE
Sophia, I breed mini schnauzers. It is ok to breed your dog at the second heat. Most small breeds come into heat at about 6 months old and about every 6 months after that. It's usually pretty easy to tell when they are in heat. It usually lasts about 3 weeks and you want to have her bred during the second week. It is ok to breed mother to son or father to daughter, but not brother and sister. Hope this helps. Linda
Kimberly A.
on 8/30/04 4:30 pm - Fresno, CA
Just one more note everyone has given you great advise. But Please, Please, Please take into consideration all of the homless animals that are put down every year because homes couldnt be found. It may seem like a cute idea to ahve a litter of puppies and all that sweetness that goes with it but bear in mind that you should have good homes that are really serious about taking one of yours. Sometime people say OOoooo how cute! you should breed her, so you do then when you try and get the same person to take the puppy, theyve changed their mind. A good way to do this is by asking for a small deposit up front. Also keep in mind that a female dog becomes more susceptible to breast cancer and pyometria as they get older. ---> Steps down off soap box. Having said that I wish you good luck and good fortune with your new puppy!!
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