The dog adopted us!

Kimberly A.
on 10/25/04 6:35 pm - Fresno, CA
O.k. I just have to put this tail to paper! We have one dog. Shes a big dog! G.S.D./ Akita/ Greyhound. We live in a smallish apartment and where not looking to add on to our canidae side of the family. We had just returned from Canada and I had just picked Kiera (The BIG girl) up from the hotel. (I dare not call it a kennel!) We were enjoying a bit of a snack (On only the most rarest of occasions I will buy her a cheese burger- she relishes every moment of them as she gets maybe three a year) O.K. yes I was trying to bribe her. As we were sitting there in the shade of a tree in the back of the Explorer with the gate down and the windows all open to catch the breeze, we noticed a bit of a parade. There was this woman who was chasing this smallish brown dog all over the street. she had 2 people trying to help her and the dog was obviously not interested in ending the game. I knew my presence would add to the idea of it being a game so I sat back and watched. This dog had them all traipsing thru traffic, up and down the side walk etc... This went on for a good 20 mins. when all of a sudden the dog froze, turned looked at me (And I swear started to smile) Started running right for me leaped into the truck made her way up to the passenger seat and just sat there. Looking at me like O.K., let's go. Meanwhile Kiera has only given her a passing sniff and is sitting in her spot right behind the seat (no dogs in the front, and they have to be belted in) The people chasing the dog finally catch up at my truck and angerly demand to know if she belongs to me. I try to say no, I have never seen her before, but they look at her looking at me while seated in the passengers seat. I know there is no way they believe me, so I explain that I have been out of country and have only just returned. I even showed them my kennel slip showing boarding for 1 dog for 14 days. They believed me after that, but none of them could take her. I said ok fine, I'll take her home and drop her at the SPCA in the morning. (I swear I heard snickering from up front!) When we got to my place, she walked right over to Kieras' bed and lied down. No sniffing, no investigating- It was like she even knew where the bed was. After an hour or so, she got up and walked to the kitchen pantry where the water bowl was and had a drink. SHE KNEW WHERE IT WAS WITHOUT LOOKING! She and My Kiera hit it off so well that My DH and I decided to give her a chance first. And here she has been ever since. I know that she has had major surgery on her neck as the result of an imbedded collar, but other than that she has been a pretty good pup. Her name is Morgan but i end up callin her Moose most the time. She loves people and has fit right into our cramped family. She even likes our kitties! Just kind of amazes me how they find us when they need us!
Ms. Ang
on 10/25/04 9:42 pm - Transplanted Motown to the Big Country, TX
Aww! What a cute story! Thanks for sharing.
(deactivated member)
on 10/27/04 12:51 pm - clovis, CA
OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU!!!! i have 2 adopties in my home and anyone who keeps a big dog has an A++ in my book. I hope that you and your new sweetie enjoy each other for a long time to come!!!
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