My Secret Identity Was Almost Exposed At Wal-Mart Last Night

kindredspirit fl
on 3/22/08 1:23 am - islander, FL
You have a way with words.That is so funny,my kids are reading along with me,we are all cracking up

kindred spirits

Nancy K.
on 3/22/08 3:41 am - Joliet, IL

You are as bad as my older brother in LaPorte. The difference is he would be standing there laughing his a$$ off and everyone would know it was him and he would not care. LMAO
on 3/22/08 3:49 am - Orange County :), TN
I almost peed my pants reading your story.

06/07/12 - Dr. Sauceda LBL, BL/BA, Arm Lift, Fat Transfer and Neck Lift

Jackie W.
on 3/22/08 7:16 am
 Gas  I couldn't decide which one to put I put both smiley's in the post!!!  You are a better man than my dad.  He farted in line at a store and proceeded to walk away!!!!  My sister and I smelled something, then turned to my dad (who was gone).  He was 2 checkouts over!!!  Fart In Elevator 

There are never any problems, only solutions.  quoted by a dear and special friend!!!

My stats:
Starting weight 234 lbs    Height 5 ft 6 in
Goal in 7 months (127 lbs)
Currently: 120-123 lbs
Tops Small   Bottoms size 2!!!!
UPDATED: 11/11

(deactivated member)
on 3/22/08 7:28 am
That is pretty funny!! Once in club back in my single days.  My best friend (who happens to be this really hot dude) walked up to me and gave me a great big hug to say hello.  He let one rip then walked away.   I was so mad because there was this really cute guy buying me a drink and he happened to return just as the stink was settling in.  We still laugh about it till this day, although he thinks it is way more funnier then I do!! I should let one rip in his car then crank the heat!!!  The stink will be there for a month Bwahahaha Kelly
on 3/22/08 7:59 am - The Bay Area, CA
Why on earth do you think this is funny?! You are a rude jerk! You post about doing this to people week after week. I could understand if this happen by accident  heck I'm sure most people have had one slip out in public before but you know full well you have a very bad gas problem and you do nothing to control it. Your co-workers have to suffer and now innocent people in stores. Grown up. Farts are only this funny to teenagers & kids. Sheesh, no wonder no one showed up for your support meeting.

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on 3/22/08 2:47 pm, edited 3/22/08 2:48 pm - Garland, TX
 geez  calm down, girl ..   Just wait until you have DS and THEN you'll understand ..   You have no idea what I have done to try to control it (I have never even seen you post here before, btw) and 100% control is not possible for any DSer, unless they eat protein and only protein, arguably  ..  Yes, on occasion I enjoy carbos ..  For the record, again, I have tried two bottles of Devrom, chrolophyl pills and various probiotics, including one of the most expensive on the market - Culturelle ..     I have used Flagyl in the past, but my PCP refuses to give me a regular script for it, as he is afraid I am setting myself up for a superinfection later on if I take it daily like some DSers do (I have argued with him to the contrary, to no avail) ..   If you know of any secret weapons out there, please do share with all of us ..  (btrw -it wasn't "my" meeting .. it is our local DS group and the apathy at attending of late has nothing to do with gasi issues, mine or anyone else's)
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
on 3/22/08 9:51 am - Huntsville, AL
Paul, does you protein bar possibly contain Maltitol?  That could be your dirty culprit right there.  Maltitol is SATAN.
on 3/22/08 2:55 pm - Garland, TX
Good thinking, LeaAnn ..  I eat one of  those "Go Protein" bars (I think they are called) from Wal-Mart for my lunch at work ..  I don't think they contain sugar esters, but I'll have to look next time I have one ..  Those esters usually give me bad diarrhea, and that hasn't been a problem with the bars ..
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
on 3/23/08 5:58 am - NM
LMAO that is funny!!! Mia

SW 294.7 CW 126 GW 150  Live in joy even though you have all the facts.

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