Welcome Back, Diabetes (Not)

on 7/1/14 6:48 am - Garland, TX

(cross-posted from the DS forum)


Hello Everyone,

I know it's been a long time since I've visited.  The good news (I guess) is that I have only regained about 1/3 of my EWL at almost 8 years out, and the past year have been staying steady in the 320s.  The bad news is I have watched my A1c level slowly increase this year from the usual 5.2-ish to 5.6, then 5.8, and now 6.0, which = full blown Type II diabetes.  My family doc has put me back on Metformin to try to keep it under control w/o insulin. 

 I'm curious as to whether any other DSers have had a return of their diabetes, post-op? 

 My next visit with the doc I'm going to have a blood lipid panel run, to see if at least that part of the DS is still working for me. 

 I guess what some have said about the DS not being a "cure" for diabetes but rather a procedure that makes diabetics "asymptomatic" must be correct. 


Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "

HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )

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