sreed1966’s Posts

on 4/1/10 1:44 pm
Topic: RE: x-post: band slip experiences anyone?
If at all possible, get that thing out of your body, and revise to anything else....I can only talk for about 4 hours before I loose my voice (yes completely as only a squeak comes out) due to a good year of reflux from the band. Permanent damage to my vocal cords.....I am now on steroids as one last ditch effort to shrink them down. So far, no such luck.

Lapband 2003 - Lost 85 lbs...
Revision to VSG 12/09

on 1/12/10 11:06 am
Topic: RE: Failed Band Patients.. Question
4cc placed in 2004. Did great for 5 years. I just revised to the sleeve on 12/29. I had quite a bit of adhesions and scar tissue from the band. Glad it's gone...

Lapband 2003 - Lost 85 lbs...
Revision to VSG 12/09

on 12/22/09 8:03 pm
Topic: RE: Getting rid of the crap-band in a few weeks!!!

Thanks much.....If your insurance paid to have it placed, they should pay to have it removed. My insurance doesn't cover the VSG, but since my insurance is covering the OR and everything else, my surgeon is charging me a much smaller portion to "upgrade".

Best of luck to you!

Lapband 2003 - Lost 85 lbs...
Revision to VSG 12/09

on 12/22/09 8:13 am
Topic: RE: Getting rid of the crap-band in a few weeks!!!
I completely agree that no weight loss "tool" is perfect..however, acid reflux I can handle....the thing I have an issue with is:

I was ready for a slip,
I was ready for erosion,
I was ready for acid reflux, I was ready for anything they told me I might get....Those were the chances I took...

I was not ready for half of my stomach to be pretty much "dead" and they have to cut away part of it anyway.......The longer they are out, the more problems they are finding....there are people out there that have had the band a few years, and have so much scar tissue on their stomach it's causing serious problems. However, unless they have another issue, and have to have surgery again, they don't find it. I practically have to have the sleeve done anyway to cut out all the scar tissue and adhesions.....It's also attached itself to my liver (never was told that was a complication) I had it separated from that last year and it's adhered itself to it again. I was ready for everything they told me....I wasn't ready for what they did not. These are my opinions of the band. If you love the band, that's great....I'm not going to try and change your mind. I loved mine for 7 years....Now, in my opinion, it's a crap band....and no one is going to be able to convince me otherwise.

Lapband 2003 - Lost 85 lbs...
Revision to VSG 12/09

on 12/14/09 4:39 am
Topic: RE: Getting rid of the crap-band in a few weeks!!!
Thanks everyone!!!!!.....:)

Lapband 2003 - Lost 85 lbs...
Revision to VSG 12/09

on 12/12/09 6:54 am
Topic: RE: Getting rid of the crap-band in a few weeks!!!
This is a board for people to vent regarding  failed weight loss. I'm glad your doing well with your surgery. How would you feel if I went to the lap-band board and started to berate everyone there. I don't do that like some people do. I'm here, on this board where I should be...

Lol... Jade, all I can say is I'm sorry you don't have more to do....At least I had a reason to post here........Perhaps a spelling and grammar course might fill some of that void you seem to have...Peace

Lapband 2003 - Lost 85 lbs...
Revision to VSG 12/09

on 12/12/09 5:57 am
Topic: RE: Getting rid of the crap-band in a few weeks!!!
Actually, they are finding out that the bands "just go wrong"....I was meticulous as a band patient, lost all my weight, and maintained for 7 years.....Let me know how you are in 7 years....I loved my band up to 6 years out.....For the rest of my life I will be on medication  for esophogeal damage due to the acid that was backing up so bad and coming out my nose at night, not to mention the amound of scar tissue that is filling up around my band where it sits.....In my's now a crapband....My doctor won't even place them anymore.....And I'd rather spew "crap" out of my pie hole than acid any day....And I believe this is the failed WLS site...if you don't have a failed surgery, why are you here

Lapband 2003 - Lost 85 lbs...
Revision to VSG 12/09

on 12/9/09 6:48 am
Topic: RE: Getting rid of the crap-band in a few weeks!!!
Just thought I would post this. I'm getting this thing out of my body for good.

Yes, I lost weight

Yes, I lost all my weight and maintained for almost 7 years

Yes, I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread until I was over 6 years out

Yes, I now have permanent esophogeal damage

Yes, I have tons of damaged tissue were my band has rested for over 7 years....(They are starting to look at the damage done to the area when removing it, even though the patient had no symptoms)

Yes, it completely "broke" one day (not mechanically) and I was throwing up acid all night long

Yes, I rocked that thing like there was no tomorrow

NO...I would not do it again.....less invasive my *ss!

The only good thing I can say about the band...Having a second WL surgery (VSG), I know alot more about weight loss, and will not make mistakes again....Thinking my band was going to start working again, I gained alot of weight ...that is completely my time I see that scale move 3 pounds up, and it's not "that time"......I'm breaking out a can of whoop ass on myself....

Lapband 2003 - Lost 85 lbs...
Revision to VSG 12/09

on 12/9/09 6:32 am
Topic: RE: lapband finally out after 5 years
I'm so glad I'm not crazy!!!!

I had wonderful results with my band..lost all my weight, and maintained it. One day in Aug. 2008 something just happened...and that night I threw up acid and then on for a month until I finally got unfilled....had surgery because they thought I had a slip....turns out, it was hiatal hernia and my band looked perfect....started to get filled a few months later, and instantly started heaving up acid again....I finally unfilled MYSELF at the end of April. I am still never without my rolaids!!!

I hae gained back 60 pounds...I have had this band in me for 7 years, and I am scheduled for VSG on Dec. 29th.....

PS...the doctor that did the hiatal hernia surgery kept trying to tell me I must have the flu, hence why I unfilled myself because he refused....he did not place my band, and he is not doing the revision. It's very difficult to describe to a physician what is going on when #1) They are not experiencing it...#2) It's not in the books as something that happens!!! My new doctor hates to even put then in unless the patient is 100% sure....I still tell him to give them my #.

Lapband 2003 - Lost 85 lbs...
Revision to VSG 12/09

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