"Crashing" after exercise

on 11/1/06 5:10 am - Baltimore, MD
Hi all. Been lurking here for a couple of months now. I'm wondering if you can offer some advice.   I'm on a pretty nice cardio/weight resistance program through my gym. I'm averaging 15 miles eliptical per week thrown in with a core strengthening/weight lifting regimin and a couple of classes a week as well. I'm eating between 1200 - 1500 calories a day and getting about 120 grams of protein (about 30 through whey protein drinks). What happens is about half an hour after I workout (morning or afternoon) I crash hard. I'm at a desk job and absolutely cannot keep my eyes open for about half an hour, then I'm fine.   Do you have any advice to how I can avoid this crash?  My current eating schedule is B/S/Protein drink before workout/Protein Drink after/lunch/snack/dinner. Thanks for any advice. -Daniel


on 11/2/06 12:40 am - Johnson City, TN
Dan, Good questions here.  So often protein becomes such a focus that the most powerful energy providing nutrient is forgotten about. While adding a couple of protein shakes a day to your dietary intake will make sure you are getting enough protein, do not neglect the importance of complex carbohydrates.  My advice to you would be to either drop the protein shake prior to working out and replace it with something like a small bowl of oatmeal or a piece or two of whole wheat/grain bread. You could also try having a much smaller serving of your protein shake in combination with some form of complex carb. Protein supplements and/or protein rich foods by themselves in are generally not very efficient at meeting energy demands or keeping blood sugar levels stable.  Jeremy Gentles, CSCS ObesityHelp Professional
on 11/2/06 1:27 am - Baltimore, MD
Thanks Jeremy. I'll give that a shot.


on 11/2/06 4:46 am - Upland, CA
Dan, I had that problem beginning after my 8 mile runs and higher. I went to the vitamin shoppe and started supplementing. I use electorlyte beans, gu, and powders to keep myself up and give my body back what it loses. I found some great stuff there this week for recovery. Watch the labels and try the stuff near home or on your day off for the first time. All the best to you, Lynn
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