1st Visit with Personal Trainer

cindy platt
on 11/2/06 10:59 pm - Stockton, IL
Hi- We have a small gym here in town and I thought I was ready to go, so I made an appt with a personal trainer.  I went yesterday and quite frankly I don't know if I ever want to go back.  He said that he was going to work me till I "puked", and he was not kidding!  (I didn't puke, I have enough sense to quit before then, but I felt just terrible when I left).  He put me through a "routine" that supposedly most new people can not even get halfway through.  ( I made it a little past halfway till my legs gave out and I was too shakey to go on)  I didn't go in there with anything other than a positive outlook, and he mentioned I was a bit "overconfident" in the beginning, a "stereotypical" successful weight loser who overestimated her capacities! I sure didn't think I was that, heck I was there for HELP because I know I need to do more!  I guess his methods were meant to "humble" me, but they may have humbled me right out the door for good! Then he scrutinized my eating patterns BIGTIME!  I work with my nutritionist and I think we have that part going pretty good!  I nicely and politely said I didn't want to follow his eating patterns because after surgery some things are different.  I can't eat meat like he wants, nor take the supplements like he wants, nor drink a gallon of pure water like he wants!  I think this made him mad, but he has NO degrees nor any experience with bypass patients that I know, so why would I do what he says?  Besides I physically cannot! OK should I go back to him, give him a second chance?  There is another female trainer there who I could try, who may be more accomodating.  I want to do this, I know it will be hard, but should I be working to the part of being physically sick?  Is that normal? I found this humiliating really, very depressing.  I went there to feel good physically.  I am down 130 lbs, I have 25 more to go.  I feel fantastic.  I am so open to new things now, but maybe this wasn't it???? Is it supposed to go this way?  Am I overreacting?   I feel good today, a little sore, but nothing like I expected! Thanks! Cindy
on 11/2/06 11:31 pm - Johnson City, TN
Cindy, I am extremely sorry to hear about your first outing with a personal trainer. And I will be the first to say that you are not overreacting.  This situation clearly illustrates why there is a need for properly educated and qualified health and fitness professionals. His job is not too "humble you" the first time you see him....he is supposed to give you confidence and provide an atmosphere you feel comfortable and eager to learn about and participate in a structured exercise program.  Prior to me saying anything else about second chances I would like you to call me so I can discuss with you some things to look for when choosing a trainer. You can reach me at 423-202-6765.  Jeremy Gentles, CSCS ObesityHelp Professional
Amy M.
on 11/3/06 3:59 am - Vail, AZ

Hi Cindy,

The 1st visit that I had with a personal trainer at my gym was very similar.  He worked me so hard that my legs felt like jello when I walked and I fell down in the parking lot.  I went back and trained with someone else the next time and he is great.    I explained to him about my surgery so he backed off and said that my nutrition is under control and focused on my exercise program.  I work out with him 3 times a week and have nothing but good things to say.  There are good trainers out there.  If you can't find one at your gym maybe try somewhere else.


Tammy T.
on 11/3/06 5:09 pm, edited 11/3/06 5:23 pm - TX
That sounds scary.!  I don't know which trainer sounds worse, the one who will make you puke or the one who will make you fall down in the parking lot. I was going to try to save my money and get a personal trainer for at least a few sessions, but I have definitely changed my mind about this even though  I'm sure there are some good ones that treat you like a human being. I don't think you are overreacting. I don't know what to tell you about the exercise or personal trainer situation, but I just wanted to tell you that I hope you do well, and I will keep you in my thoughts. Congratulations on your weight loss! Way to go! Good luck!
on 11/5/06 11:27 am - Watsonville, CA
How about a new trainer. There are excellent ones out there. It is important to find one that you gel with. This trainer sounds insenstive and unfortunate.

on 11/6/06 2:42 am - Manchester, MO
Cindy, I am so sorry to here that your first experience with a Personal trainer was so negative.  I am a Personla Trainer in the Saint Louis, MO area and I hate to hear about situations like this. I was morbidly obese for years.  I had RNY bypass on June 21, 2004. I am 5' tall and at my highest weight I was 254 lbs.  I am now about 135 most of the time. I know that some Male trainers can be intimidating which can turn a new client off right away.  I would suggest trying the other trainer and see if you are more comfortable.   When I first started working with a Personal trainer I was assigned to a female trainer.  She was very caring and tailored the workouts to my special needs.  I have bad knees and she made sure that everything we did was gentle on my joints.  Now that I have become a trainer myself I am comfortable working with a male trainer.  He is great and pushes me when I need it but is also sensitive to my joint issues and if they are bothering me he will back off and concentrate more on upper body work that session. Do not give up.  The right trainer is out there for you it just may take you a few tries to find the right one. Bonnie Smith RNY 06/21/2004 254/236/ 120 is the goal the doctor set for me. I am now at 135 and I am very happy with where I am at.
John White
on 11/6/06 11:10 am - CA
If your trainer makes you feel uncomfortable, get a different trainer.  At my gym, I had a frank discussion with the fitness manager, who's job it is to oversee all the trainers.  I told him exactly what I was looking for, and I've been very happy.  
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