Jillian O.
on 5/16/11 12:30 pm - Fort Riley, KS
I am using one of the plan on beginner triathlete, I bought a membership just so I could have access to all the plans. The training is taking a toll physically and mentally, but I know I can handle it for 14 more weeks.

No coach for me after buying those Sram wheels, but so worth it!

Swimming is my weak point as well, I'm going to switch up my swim training a little. Two of my swims I'm going to do short sets with drills to focus on my form and pull and such, and do the one endurance swim. 3 swims a week.

Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran, Army Wife, 3x Ironman Finisher

on 5/16/11 10:59 pm - Montgomery, NY
 I am no expert on swimming, and my tri results prove that :)  but I can tell you the biggest improvement I saw in my swim was when I started using the paddles.  It just got me to understand my form better, built up strength a lot and in general gives a great workout.  I highly recommend.  

Jillian O.
on 5/16/11 11:15 pm - Fort Riley, KS
I can try some paddles out. I bought my own pull buoy and doing drills with them seems to have helped. I am also looking to get a swim MP3 player, swimming is very boring to me, so I could really use some tunes in the water.

My strength training has really been slacking the past 2-3 weeks. I need to figure out a way to work it in. My kids are 2 and 4, and I go to school full time, so sometimes it seems that there are not enough hours in the day, especially when I have 2 training sessions a day swimming, biking, or running.

Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran, Army Wife, 3x Ironman Finisher

on 5/16/11 11:24 pm - Montgomery, NY
 I haven't done a decent lifting workout in weeks.  There just is no time or energy I think as the IM training volume gets up there.  I plan to just focus on lower back and abs, and maybe do a full body high rep routine during lower volume cycle weeks.  

on 5/16/11 1:01 am
Lap Band on 11/17/09 with
Brick today 20 mile ride average speed 16
2.5 mile run 
Lisa Martinez
on 5/16/11 3:08 am - TX
20 Min. Brisk/Inclined walk on Treadmill - 150 Cals.
20 Min. Stride/Step - 200 Cals.

Lisa D. Martinez
OH Support Group Leader - Fitter Healthier Happier

                    ** OH Magazine Promo Code: Martinez11 **

(deactivated member)
on 5/16/11 7:17 am - TX
Karate tonight for three hours - 2 hours teaching, one hour working out. Then a one mile run after class.
Sue M.
on 5/16/11 8:02 am - Nantucket, MA
35 minutes on the elliptical.  rain sucks.
Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
on 5/16/11 10:49 am - Grandville, MI
 No running or official workout today.  Still taking it easy from my 25K on Saturday.  Took the day off from work (planned) and it was a gloriously sunny day, so my wife and I did a ton of yard work.  Got all the beds planted and mulched around the house.  Place looks great.  It was just great to be outside and moving all day.  Pain in my left leg from the ITB issues are pretty much resolved.  I've been doing the foam roller, iceing, and it's feeling pretty good.  Will likely do an easy 3-4 tomorrow.  Run ON!

Eating junk food and CRAP is not a's a punishment...
  it's a DEATH sentence...Reward yourself with Good Health!
Highest Weight: 287 Lbs-January 2010; Reached Goal 195 Lbs - Dec 2010 
Total Lost: 92 Lbs;  Completed FULL MARATHON (26.2 Miles) 10-16-2011
Katie H.
on 5/16/11 11:11 am - Charlton, MA
60 minutes on the cross ramp

then did my first spin class later tonight at a new gym - so much fun, going again tomorrow!!


"Running has the power to change your life. It will make you fitter, healthier, even happier."   ~Selene Yeager, "Let's Get Started," May 2010 issue of Runner's World

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