Need a NY workout partner
Hey all,
I am looking for someone in Long Island NY to workout with.
I currently go to the Dolphine Fitness in westbury and would like to start with resistance training on free weights. I currently try and get in between 30 min and 1 hour of cardio a day like 5 times a week.
Anyway if there is anyone out there who would like to work out together let me know!!!
Hey Enzo..If you had said Ballys or Goldd, I'd be up for it.. There is a Dolphins in Amityville, but Im not a member there.
I currently do 40-60 interval on the treadmill, inclines 3% to 9% and then 45 mins on the Precor stairmaster at levels 12-18 and then I hit the weights
leg sled/quads/hamstrings/ vertical row/lat pull down/shoulder press etc
depending what Im working..
If you ever change memberships let me know I've lost 100lbs and its my 8 mos anniversary on Saturday!
Since my last post I have gone into cardio hardcore.
I am doing the elliptical for an hour a day.
I reached my first goal of losing a hundred pounds on my last weigh in, it feels great right??
anyway I ended up hiring a CPT at the gym. I need to get this done as i want to try for the January 07 NYPD Academy class.