Need some encouragement here!

on 2/26/08 11:04 pm - MN
Friday is my final appt with my dr for the 6 mo supervised weight loss. I'm also going back to the bariatric center for my training session to get ready for surgery. I'm so excited, nervous - you name it!  I'm starting to freak that maybe I really didn't reach my goal that they wanted me to lose. My scale says I'm down 14 lbs, which is what I was told to lose. I'm just nervous that the dr's office and/or the bariatric center will show less of a loss. Those scales are always different than my scale. SIGH...I know I shouldn't let this get to me. I did talk to the nurse handling my case a week or so ago. She told me that I have up until the date of surgery to lose the weight. So why am I stressing over this so much now?! Maybe just because it's getting so close? I don't know...I think I could use some words of encouragement from those that know what I'm going through. TIA

Jojoplus 2 aka Joanie
Total unfil 8-19-10 -4.6ccs
Refill 8-30-10 to 2.5ccs
2nd Refill 9-20-10 to 3.55ccs

(deactivated member)
on 2/26/08 11:09 pm - MN
Minnesotans always reach out to fellow Minnesotans.  It's in our DNA. You are being over the top.  If your scale says you are down the required amount, I'm sure you are.  Just exercise and eat as you have been for the next few days and go to the Dr. appt. Friday with confidence.
on 2/26/08 11:15 pm
How true!  I grew up in Apple Valley.  We've got to stick together!!! (Even though I'm in VA now!!!!)
on 2/26/08 11:14 pm

I know exactly what it feels like to be pre-op and face the doctor's scale knowing you haven't quite reached your goal and you've been working so hard at it.  I was told to lose 10 pounds, and only lost 6...but my scale at home said I'd lost 11.  Everything you lose is good...and it helps to shrink your liver so they don't have to move so many of your "inner-bits" around to get the band in place.  You're losing weight to help them well as reduce your risk of complications.  Sometimes I think the docs just want to see if you are really dedicated as well.

When I get discouraged, I try to remind myself that I'm worth it.  I deserve to be healthy, and I'm working on it.  It's a process...and if the doctor sees your'll be ok.  Hang in there...the fun has only just begun!!! Keep remembering that you are worth it!!!!   CeCi

on 2/26/08 11:23 pm - Vegas, BABY! And in a smaller Human Suit, NV
Many many ofus  egin to have all kind of emotions as the milestoned leading to surgery come and go. We get erratic, irrational, emotional, happy, sad, crazy, mad, giddy......all the things at once sometimes! Hang in and keep posting to keep sane!

on 2/26/08 11:28 pm - NW, OR

I know what you're saying about the dr's scales and how they differ from ours at home.  I always weigh in the am completely nekkid so how would this weight match the dr's in the afternoon?  It's not going to.  This might sound funny, but I'd be tempted to have someone take a pic of me on my scale showing the 14lb weight loss just so they know this is what you've been seeing and working towards.  To be on the safe side, and I'm sure you're already doing this, you can cut; salt, sugar and carbs for the rest of the wee****il you weigh in on Fri.  I have a feeling you're going to do great and see an even better number at the dr's office---think positive, you can do this!!


on 2/26/08 11:40 pm - MN
Minnesotans or not, you guys are great! Thanks for the kind words. I know all of the stuff you said is true. I guess I just needed a group hug. After I started this post, I closed my office door so I could do some stretches and deep breathing. Then I did a thing I learned from my therapist to sort of re-set my mind, which really did the trick. I cleared my desk off and put just the project I need to work on in front of me. I'm feeling very calm and put together!  I'll let you know how my appts go on Friday! 

Jojoplus 2 aka Joanie
Total unfil 8-19-10 -4.6ccs
Refill 8-30-10 to 2.5ccs
2nd Refill 9-20-10 to 3.55ccs

Jean B.
on 2/27/08 12:15 am - St. Paul, MN
Joanie! Take a a deep breath - and do your relaxing thingie again if you need to. It's going to be fine! Big hugs to you. Let us know how it goes! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

on 2/27/08 12:57 am - OH
I was close, but not at my doctor's goal at pre-op 5 days before my surgery.  They never said anything and I was not weighed on the day of my surgery.  BTW, according to my home scales, I made my goal weight for surgery.  I know that I shared your fear that I would show up on the morning of surgery and be turned away over 1-2 pounds. I know that all will go well for you! Michelle

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