on 5/5/09 10:15 pm
Good Morning Everyone,

SO I am needing some help today! It is 22 days till my surgery. I am now questioning if I should do it! I was reading some posts about how is works for some and doesn't for others, just the HUGE change it will be, how you can eat somethings can't others. I'm just a bit freaked out today!  Is this normal? I know its going to be the best thing for me but still can't wrap my head around it! 

Krista C.
on 5/5/09 10:23 pm - Quispamsis, Canada
My take on this whenever I see this question is this -- what are the chances you will lose weight WITHOUT the surgery? For me, it was none.


(deactivated member)
on 5/5/09 10:25 pm - Ft. Worth, TX
Good Morning! 
Yep, its normal.  Surgery followed by a major lifestyle change is enough to drive anyone nuts thinking about it.  BUT I think you'll find the rewards worth the sacrifice.  Try to focus on the positives and not dwell on the fears.  Read back through your posts to remind yourself of the reasons for having the surgery..... You're going to do great!   Best Wishes ~ We're saving a spot for you here on the Losers Bench
on 5/5/09 10:27 pm - Metairie, LA
It is a very good tool, you just have to learn to use it. I can't eat any lettuce, but I can eat pretty much anything else. You will have your good and bad days just like everyone else. Everyone who has gotten the band has had at least one bad day where they felt that maybe they made the wrong decision. Own it and you will do great. JT

Banded on 7/12/07 and had a major set back, Banded again 10/20/08 but this time It will be better!!!

(deactivated member)
on 5/5/09 10:35 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
The ultimate decision does come down to you, but I think we have all gone through this. You will read a lot of success and failure stories here, no one can argue with you about that. I have found that the success of this surgery will come down to me and me only. I will have to follow the rules, exercise on a regular basis, eat the right foods and change my lifestyle, and enjoy a bit of cake or ice cream on the way, but not let it bloom into a full out habit. I would recommend that you take a deep breath and reflect back on why you wanted to do this in the first place. Think of how you are going to look and feel in the future, but keep in mind how you are going to get there. Also, I have found that people tend to make more posts about failure than success at times, you could find this on any message board so really think about you.

on 5/5/09 10:46 pm - NC
 Well said.

Start/293lbs   Current/189lbs  Goal/160lbs

on 5/5/09 11:38 pm - MO
I totally agree with Mr. Green.  What you need to do is think about why you want this surgery and the outcome that you are looking for.  I think everyone gets cold feet when they are doing something as drastic as WLS, it's part of the process.  When you get nervous or have doubts, just think about the end result.  That is always enough to keep me going. 

Take Care,
Start-238  Current-149  Goal-129

(deactivated member)
on 5/5/09 11:54 pm
This is definately something I beleive most of us went through.  I know I was doubting my decision to have the surgery then I sat down and thought about it and weighed my personal pros and cons. One other thing happened I was sitting one night with my  daughter who was about 11 months at the time and she looked up at me with her big blue eyes and I realized I need to make a change because I want and need to be there for her as long as I can. Remeber OH is a support group so you are going to hear the good with the bad. Everyone has ups and downs.
Ultimately you have to do what is right for you!
Jean B.
on 5/6/09 1:49 am - St. Paul, MN
Come to coffee Sunday evening at Starbucks on Foley Blvd, just south of Hwy 10. We'll help talk you through this and be there for you. It really does help to get together with others!
Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

on 5/7/09 2:36 pm - Canada
I completely understand how you are feeling.  I nearly bolted right before my surgery.  I'm so very glad that I didn't!  Feel free to read my blog.  It's self-explanatory.  As long as you are committed to eating healthy and getting in regular activity, the band will change your life for the better.  It's only been 3 months for me and I've already lost 65 lbs, which is way more than I expected.  I can move, sleep and live better.  I finally feel successful at taking care of myself, whereas before it was failure after failure.  I've lost and gained 100lbs too many times.  This is the LAST time I will lost the weight.

Sending you strong energy.  You can do this.  Honestly, I was shocked at how easy the surgery and post-op period was. 

Take care of yourself and remember WHY you are doing this.  Life is too short, my friend.

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