Would you do it again? Everyone please answer

Guate Wife
on 8/7/09 12:23 pm - Grand Rapids, MI
On August 7, 2009 at 7:11 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time, Kimberley M. wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 4:02 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 3:42 PM Pacific Time, Chad M. wrote:
Seriously? That's what lap-banders are reduced to? You guys have bullied everyone who ever had a problem with the band into thinking it's their own fault, and now you claim that people who got another WLS **** themselves???

I think you cut a little bit too close with that razor.

There are a few banded folks who do have the attitude that if the band fails it's the person's fault and not the band but those people are not the majority.

With that said, you have to admit there are some DSers who harass, annoy, follow around, insult, and slam dunk anyone for having made the choice to have a band.  They have come here and invaded the boards (and I'm not referring to a post here or there but invasion), scared the **** out of newbies, made fun of people and all because they don't want DS.

DSers have a horrible track record here and it is one they earned well.  You just don't approach someone that had surgery a week ago and laugh at them about their laff band or choke chain and tease them like a school yard bully telling them they will fail.  It's just plain wrong.

Why not do as others do and when someone asks about the surgery type you have or had, answer the question and leave it at that?

I'm not saying YOU have done these things but many others have.  It leaves a bad taste in the mouths of the regs here.  They start getting defensive with any DSer and you can't blame them.

I'm not a fan of the band, not by a long shot.  But I will go up against DSers and defend banded folks any 'ol when they start pulling their crap over here.  People have a right to get the surgery type that they want, period.

Tempers flare and people take it personally when facts & data are posted about a choice they made.  I've never quite understood that --- I'm not defined by the surgery I had.  I researched, and made the choice based upon what best suited me.  I assume others did the same, and that any of us that is further along on this journey would want each person seeking information about WLS to have ALL of the facts at their disposal to make an informed decision.

That is exactly how this thread was going.... personal experience was asked for and given --- until Bette made the choice to take it elsewhere.

So, with THAT said, I believe YOU will have to admit that some LapBanders lie and spread misinformation.  I can't be bothered to take a stab at her motive, because I could actually give a rats ass what her issues are --- but you can be assured that I will come in cleaning up after her lies, as will a number of DSers.  You may find that to be harassing, annoying, stalking, insulting, etc.... but, it is absolutely none of those things.

Some of these threads do get pretty entertaining when the gloves come off, but I have yet to see anyone get made fun of because they didn't a DS.  They get called out for defending their choice with inaccurate information --- and as you know, having been involved in many of these surgery wars yourself, that is seldom for the benefit of the person who has already had their WLS, it is simply to correct their misinformation for others who may be reading.

I DID acknowledge that some banded folks blame the person instead of the band.  I could not have been more clear about this.

You need to merely look at old posts to find DSers that are making fun of banded people.  They DO and you know it or you are hiding under a rock.

People have the right to make the right surgery choice for them whether you like it or not.

Whether I like it or not?  Come on, I could care less what surgery choice people make.
Do I spend time educating people about the DS?  Sure do.  VSG, also.
ONLY because so many surgeons are out there spreading inaccuracies, and in turn their uneducated patients spew the same crap.  AND, my heart has ached too many damn times when people find their way to the DS looking for a revision from another failed WLS --- and they never even knew the DS existed in the first place.

Yes, you did acknowledge that some (a lot, from what I read) blame the person for a failed LB experience --- I never said otherwise.

       ~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight  =  370#  /  59.7 bmi  @  5'6"

Current Weight  =  168#  /  26.4 bmi  :  fluctuates 5# either way  @  5'7"  /  more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9)  =  159#:  would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.

I   my DS.    Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options:  DSFacts.com

(deactivated member)
on 8/7/09 12:31 pm - AZ
On August 7, 2009 at 7:23 PM Pacific Time, Kimberley M. wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 7:11 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time, Kimberley M. wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 4:02 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 3:42 PM Pacific Time, Chad M. wrote:
Seriously? That's what lap-banders are reduced to? You guys have bullied everyone who ever had a problem with the band into thinking it's their own fault, and now you claim that people who got another WLS **** themselves???

I think you cut a little bit too close with that razor.

There are a few banded folks who do have the attitude that if the band fails it's the person's fault and not the band but those people are not the majority.

With that said, you have to admit there are some DSers who harass, annoy, follow around, insult, and slam dunk anyone for having made the choice to have a band.  They have come here and invaded the boards (and I'm not referring to a post here or there but invasion), scared the **** out of newbies, made fun of people and all because they don't want DS.

DSers have a horrible track record here and it is one they earned well.  You just don't approach someone that had surgery a week ago and laugh at them about their laff band or choke chain and tease them like a school yard bully telling them they will fail.  It's just plain wrong.

Why not do as others do and when someone asks about the surgery type you have or had, answer the question and leave it at that?

I'm not saying YOU have done these things but many others have.  It leaves a bad taste in the mouths of the regs here.  They start getting defensive with any DSer and you can't blame them.

I'm not a fan of the band, not by a long shot.  But I will go up against DSers and defend banded folks any 'ol when they start pulling their crap over here.  People have a right to get the surgery type that they want, period.

Tempers flare and people take it personally when facts & data are posted about a choice they made.  I've never quite understood that --- I'm not defined by the surgery I had.  I researched, and made the choice based upon what best suited me.  I assume others did the same, and that any of us that is further along on this journey would want each person seeking information about WLS to have ALL of the facts at their disposal to make an informed decision.

That is exactly how this thread was going.... personal experience was asked for and given --- until Bette made the choice to take it elsewhere.

So, with THAT said, I believe YOU will have to admit that some LapBanders lie and spread misinformation.  I can't be bothered to take a stab at her motive, because I could actually give a rats ass what her issues are --- but you can be assured that I will come in cleaning up after her lies, as will a number of DSers.  You may find that to be harassing, annoying, stalking, insulting, etc.... but, it is absolutely none of those things.

Some of these threads do get pretty entertaining when the gloves come off, but I have yet to see anyone get made fun of because they didn't a DS.  They get called out for defending their choice with inaccurate information --- and as you know, having been involved in many of these surgery wars yourself, that is seldom for the benefit of the person who has already had their WLS, it is simply to correct their misinformation for others who may be reading.

I DID acknowledge that some banded folks blame the person instead of the band.  I could not have been more clear about this.

You need to merely look at old posts to find DSers that are making fun of banded people.  They DO and you know it or you are hiding under a rock.

People have the right to make the right surgery choice for them whether you like it or not.

Whether I like it or not?  Come on, I could care less what surgery choice people make.
Do I spend time educating people about the DS?  Sure do.  VSG, also.
ONLY because so many surgeons are out there spreading inaccuracies, and in turn their uneducated patients spew the same crap.  AND, my heart has ached too many damn times when people find their way to the DS looking for a revision from another failed WLS --- and they never even knew the DS existed in the first place.

Yes, you did acknowledge that some (a lot, from what I read) blame the person for a failed LB experience --- I never said otherwise.

See above for my response to this post.

on 8/8/09 3:42 am - IA
RE this response: Whether I like it or not?  Come on, I could care less what surgery choice people make.
Do I spend time educating people about the DS?  Sure do.  VSG, also.
ONLY because so many surgeons are out there spreading inaccuracies, and in turn their uneducated patients spew the same crap.  AND, my heart has ached too many damn times when people find their way to the DS looking for a revision from another failed WLS --- and they never even knew the DS existed in the first place.

Yes, you did acknowledge that some (a lot, from what I read) blame the person for a failed LB experience --- I never said otherwise.

MY response to this:  Well at least you admit that you could care less.  I COULDN'T care less what kind of surgery someone chooses.  Personal choice. Period.
(deactivated member)
on 8/8/09 3:46 am - AZ
On August 8, 2009 at 10:42 AM Pacific Time, moparmemaw wrote:
RE this response: Whether I like it or not?  Come on, I could care less what surgery choice people make.
Do I spend time educating people about the DS?  Sure do.  VSG, also.
ONLY because so many surgeons are out there spreading inaccuracies, and in turn their uneducated patients spew the same crap.  AND, my heart has ached too many damn times when people find their way to the DS looking for a revision from another failed WLS --- and they never even knew the DS existed in the first place.

Yes, you did acknowledge that some (a lot, from what I read) blame the person for a failed LB experience --- I never said otherwise.

MY response to this:  Well at least you admit that you could care less.  I COULDN'T care less what kind of surgery someone chooses.  Personal choice. Period.

Not sure why you are writing that to me.  It's not my quote.  It's the wonderful DSers quote.

on 8/8/09 5:01 am - IA
 You're right!  I was trying to copy and past that DSers response, just like you had, but it wasn't working, so I did it this way, making it confusing since I hit the reply on your post.  Sorry about that!  

And thank you for supporting us banders even though you had a revision.  I would recommend to anyone to go to the revision forum and go to the links on the right and read about each WLS available and the reasons revisions might occur.  

Anyone who does their research would have misgivings about ANY of the WLS choices.  There are pros and cons about all, even though some of the DSers don't seem to think so.   There are side effects, problems, issues, dangers, etc. about each and every WLS, so making an informed decision is just that - an individual decision.   

I am comfortable with my decision to go with the band.   If something goes wrong, or it doesn't work, or if  I don't follow the rules so that it doesn't work, I'm prepared to deal with it, just as I would be if I chose another WLS.   I personally LIKE the idea of losing more slowly, as it's a much healthier way to lose.  I know that I will have to change my eating habits.  I'm ok with that.....in fact, it's one of the reasons I chose the band.   It's problably (from what I've read) the most difficult WLS for success because of that reason, but used correctly and without other extenuating cir****tances through no fault of my own, it will work.   A good friend had RNY and has begun to regain her weight.  She  said that if she had the band, it might have helped her in controling food intake.   Note I said HELPED ...not prevent weight re-gain.  

If insurance covered the sleeve, I would have strongly considered it, but I'm not willing to wait until (or if ever) my insurance decides to cover that.  

A funny saying I like to use sometimes-(revised) (I have a sick sense of humor at times).

Some DSers are like a Slinky... not much good for encouragement and support, but it brings a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

Bette B.
on 8/8/09 6:36 am
DAY-UM! That Slinky thing was HILL-AIR-EE-US!


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

(deactivated member)
on 8/7/09 12:30 pm - AZ
On August 7, 2009 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time, Kimberley M. wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 4:02 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 3:42 PM Pacific Time, Chad M. wrote:
Seriously? That's what lap-banders are reduced to? You guys have bullied everyone who ever had a problem with the band into thinking it's their own fault, and now you claim that people who got another WLS **** themselves???

I think you cut a little bit too close with that razor.

There are a few banded folks who do have the attitude that if the band fails it's the person's fault and not the band but those people are not the majority.

With that said, you have to admit there are some DSers who harass, annoy, follow around, insult, and slam dunk anyone for having made the choice to have a band.  They have come here and invaded the boards (and I'm not referring to a post here or there but invasion), scared the **** out of newbies, made fun of people and all because they don't want DS.

DSers have a horrible track record here and it is one they earned well.  You just don't approach someone that had surgery a week ago and laugh at them about their laff band or choke chain and tease them like a school yard bully telling them they will fail.  It's just plain wrong.

Why not do as others do and when someone asks about the surgery type you have or had, answer the question and leave it at that?

I'm not saying YOU have done these things but many others have.  It leaves a bad taste in the mouths of the regs here.  They start getting defensive with any DSer and you can't blame them.

I'm not a fan of the band, not by a long shot.  But I will go up against DSers and defend banded folks any 'ol when they start pulling their crap over here.  People have a right to get the surgery type that they want, period.

Tempers flare and people take it personally when facts & data are posted about a choice they made.  I've never quite understood that --- I'm not defined by the surgery I had.  I researched, and made the choice based upon what best suited me.  I assume others did the same, and that any of us that is further along on this journey would want each person seeking information about WLS to have ALL of the facts at their disposal to make an informed decision.

That is exactly how this thread was going.... personal experience was asked for and given --- until Bette made the choice to take it elsewhere.

So, with THAT said, I believe YOU will have to admit that some LapBanders lie and spread misinformation.  I can't be bothered to take a stab at her motive, because I could actually give a rats ass what her issues are --- but you can be assured that I will come in cleaning up after her lies, as will a number of DSers.  You may find that to be harassing, annoying, stalking, insulting, etc.... but, it is absolutely none of those things.

Some of these threads do get pretty entertaining when the gloves come off, but I have yet to see anyone get made fun of because they didn't a DS.  They get called out for defending their choice with inaccurate information --- and as you know, having been involved in many of these surgery wars yourself, that is seldom for the benefit of the person who has already had their WLS, it is simply to correct their misinformation for others who may be reading.

Shall we revisit what I DID write?

I wrote:

>>There are a few banded folks who do have the attitude that if the band fails it's the person's fault and not the band but those people are not the majority.<<

And YOU wrote:

>>So, with THAT said, I believe YOU will have to admit that some LapBanders lie and spread misinformation.<<

When you can be honest we'll chat.  In the meantime you are just another DSer speading misinformation.

STHU and let people have the surgery type they want.

Guate Wife
on 8/7/09 12:39 pm - Grand Rapids, MI
On August 7, 2009 at 7:30 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time, Kimberley M. wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 4:02 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 3:42 PM Pacific Time, Chad M. wrote:
Seriously? That's what lap-banders are reduced to? You guys have bullied everyone who ever had a problem with the band into thinking it's their own fault, and now you claim that people who got another WLS **** themselves???

I think you cut a little bit too close with that razor.

There are a few banded folks who do have the attitude that if the band fails it's the person's fault and not the band but those people are not the majority.

With that said, you have to admit there are some DSers who harass, annoy, follow around, insult, and slam dunk anyone for having made the choice to have a band.  They have come here and invaded the boards (and I'm not referring to a post here or there but invasion), scared the **** out of newbies, made fun of people and all because they don't want DS.

DSers have a horrible track record here and it is one they earned well.  You just don't approach someone that had surgery a week ago and laugh at them about their laff band or choke chain and tease them like a school yard bully telling them they will fail.  It's just plain wrong.

Why not do as others do and when someone asks about the surgery type you have or had, answer the question and leave it at that?

I'm not saying YOU have done these things but many others have.  It leaves a bad taste in the mouths of the regs here.  They start getting defensive with any DSer and you can't blame them.

I'm not a fan of the band, not by a long shot.  But I will go up against DSers and defend banded folks any 'ol when they start pulling their crap over here.  People have a right to get the surgery type that they want, period.

Tempers flare and people take it personally when facts & data are posted about a choice they made.  I've never quite understood that --- I'm not defined by the surgery I had.  I researched, and made the choice based upon what best suited me.  I assume others did the same, and that any of us that is further along on this journey would want each person seeking information about WLS to have ALL of the facts at their disposal to make an informed decision.

That is exactly how this thread was going.... personal experience was asked for and given --- until Bette made the choice to take it elsewhere.

So, with THAT said, I believe YOU will have to admit that some LapBanders lie and spread misinformation.  I can't be bothered to take a stab at her motive, because I could actually give a rats ass what her issues are --- but you can be assured that I will come in cleaning up after her lies, as will a number of DSers.  You may find that to be harassing, annoying, stalking, insulting, etc.... but, it is absolutely none of those things.

Some of these threads do get pretty entertaining when the gloves come off, but I have yet to see anyone get made fun of because they didn't a DS.  They get called out for defending their choice with inaccurate information --- and as you know, having been involved in many of these surgery wars yourself, that is seldom for the benefit of the person who has already had their WLS, it is simply to correct their misinformation for others who may be reading.

Shall we revisit what I DID write?

I wrote:

>>There are a few banded folks who do have the attitude that if the band fails it's the person's fault and not the band but those people are not the majority.<<

And YOU wrote:

>>So, with THAT said, I believe YOU will have to admit that some LapBanders lie and spread misinformation.<<

When you can be honest we'll chat.  In the meantime you are just another DSer speading misinformation.

STHU and let people have the surgery type they want.

Seriously?  Get some sleep.  You're not making any sense.

Oh, and no, I haven't been hiding under a rock --- I am well aware of how damn militant you were about how great the band was.  Glad you were one of the lucky ones who had a second WLS available to them when the POS had to be removed.

And, I'll STHU when you show me where I have even hinted that people shouldn't have the surgery type they want.

       ~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight  =  370#  /  59.7 bmi  @  5'6"

Current Weight  =  168#  /  26.4 bmi  :  fluctuates 5# either way  @  5'7"  /  more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9)  =  159#:  would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.

I   my DS.    Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options:  DSFacts.com

(deactivated member)
on 8/7/09 12:43 pm - AZ
On August 7, 2009 at 7:39 PM Pacific Time, Kimberley M. wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 7:30 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time, Kimberley M. wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 4:02 PM Pacific Time, MidwesternGirl wrote:
On August 7, 2009 at 3:42 PM Pacific Time, Chad M. wrote:
Seriously? That's what lap-banders are reduced to? You guys have bullied everyone who ever had a problem with the band into thinking it's their own fault, and now you claim that people who got another WLS **** themselves???

I think you cut a little bit too close with that razor.

There are a few banded folks who do have the attitude that if the band fails it's the person's fault and not the band but those people are not the majority.

With that said, you have to admit there are some DSers who harass, annoy, follow around, insult, and slam dunk anyone for having made the choice to have a band.  They have come here and invaded the boards (and I'm not referring to a post here or there but invasion), scared the **** out of newbies, made fun of people and all because they don't want DS.

DSers have a horrible track record here and it is one they earned well.  You just don't approach someone that had surgery a week ago and laugh at them about their laff band or choke chain and tease them like a school yard bully telling them they will fail.  It's just plain wrong.

Why not do as others do and when someone asks about the surgery type you have or had, answer the question and leave it at that?

I'm not saying YOU have done these things but many others have.  It leaves a bad taste in the mouths of the regs here.  They start getting defensive with any DSer and you can't blame them.

I'm not a fan of the band, not by a long shot.  But I will go up against DSers and defend banded folks any 'ol when they start pulling their crap over here.  People have a right to get the surgery type that they want, period.

Tempers flare and people take it personally when facts & data are posted about a choice they made.  I've never quite understood that --- I'm not defined by the surgery I had.  I researched, and made the choice based upon what best suited me.  I assume others did the same, and that any of us that is further along on this journey would want each person seeking information about WLS to have ALL of the facts at their disposal to make an informed decision.

That is exactly how this thread was going.... personal experience was asked for and given --- until Bette made the choice to take it elsewhere.

So, with THAT said, I believe YOU will have to admit that some LapBanders lie and spread misinformation.  I can't be bothered to take a stab at her motive, because I could actually give a rats ass what her issues are --- but you can be assured that I will come in cleaning up after her lies, as will a number of DSers.  You may find that to be harassing, annoying, stalking, insulting, etc.... but, it is absolutely none of those things.

Some of these threads do get pretty entertaining when the gloves come off, but I have yet to see anyone get made fun of because they didn't a DS.  They get called out for defending their choice with inaccurate information --- and as you know, having been involved in many of these surgery wars yourself, that is seldom for the benefit of the person who has already had their WLS, it is simply to correct their misinformation for others who may be reading.

Shall we revisit what I DID write?

I wrote:

>>There are a few banded folks who do have the attitude that if the band fails it's the person's fault and not the band but those people are not the majority.<<

And YOU wrote:

>>So, with THAT said, I believe YOU will have to admit that some LapBanders lie and spread misinformation.<<

When you can be honest we'll chat.  In the meantime you are just another DSer speading misinformation.

STHU and let people have the surgery type they want.

Seriously?  Get some sleep.  You're not making any sense.

Oh, and no, I haven't been hiding under a rock --- I am well aware of how damn militant you were about how great the band was.  Glad you were one of the lucky ones who had a second WLS available to them when the POS had to be removed.

And, I'll STHU when you show me where I have even hinted that people shouldn't have the surgery type they want.

Yep, I was militant about the band for about 6 months.  That was TWO YEARS ago.  I thought I was rare, I thought my issues were uncommon.  I had no idea how common they were.

So what the hell is your problem?  Got nothing better to shoot my direction?

Leave the banded folks alone.  You are making a butt of yourself.

Rhonda T.
on 8/8/09 6:36 am
Well said MWG!
Start weight 324 ~ Current 229 ~ Goal 175
Most Active