It's NOT Rocket Science, RIGHT??!

on 3/29/11 11:57 pm

Yeah, this whole weight loss has me completely baffled. I don't get it. I had my 1st fill on March 3rd.  I haven't lost any weight except for my 1st week on clear liquids after surgery.  I've been exercising but not consistently.  But then a couple weeks ago I got my butt in gear.  I walked 4 times last week and 2x this week. I've also been low-carb for the last couple weeks (at least). Even yesterday I stayed at 1,000 calories and wasn't even starving yesterday when I came home LATE from work at 5:30. I was perfectly content waiting for dinner. I've also been taking Kelp for the last week to help with my slightly underactive thyroid (not enough to get a prescription, but on the higher end). I thought to myself, "WOW, I must be making some positive habit/behavior changes." I have even eliminated my morning snacks for the last couple days because I'm just not hungry. Would you believe with all that I've GAINED weight?????? I thought I had dropped a couple lbs when I weighed in on Monday - 4 lbs in fact. Then I get on the scale and I've gained those 4 plus 2 more making me the highest yet. I seriously DON'T understand this. And no, I haven't lost inches or lost sleep either. Also, not to gross anyone out by any means, but I go #2s after EVERY meal and every morning. I'm so freaking regular, I'm like timework - seriously, about 60-90 minutes after a meal. I'm not constipated whatsoever.  So, is this really rocket science to losing weight???

on 3/30/11 12:34 am, edited 3/30/11 12:38 am

I know for me 1000 calories is way to low for me . I hit a stall in my weight for almost four weeks I ended up losing about 5 pounds last week right before I saw my doc for my monthly appt .

I had to up my calories by 300 to 400 calories per day and boom the weight started to come off again.  I have lost another 1.5 half just since Monday .

I was eating between 900 to 1000 calories a day .  The girls on here told me to try a week of upping my calories and they was right it worked .

I asked my NUT Monday about all this and she said the girls was right :o) Because of my exercise my body wasn't working right with just 1000 calories so now I eat between 1200 to 1300 calories per day and my carbs stay around 50 per day they NUT said because of all the Zumba I do and because its such a high impact exercise I could even go up to 70 on my carbs if I wanted to but I stay around 50-60 .

Sometimes you do have to play around with your calories your body gets use to it, but if you up your calories make sure you do the exercise to counteract it .

also are you weighing yourself every day ?

I can be up four pounds one day because of water weight.   Only weight yourself once a week. I weigh in on Fridays and I'm naked as jay bird lol.

Maybe you need to increase your exercise to something more difficult ? I dont lose alot of weight just walking either I have to do something high impact .

Those are just my suggestions on what I had to do just t his past week of a four weeks stall :o) 

Watch your sodium , sodium is a killer for anybody trying to lose weight.

Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

crystal M.
on 3/30/11 2:08 am - Joliet, IL
Maybe you need to increase your exercise to something more difficult ? I dont lose alot of weight just walking either I have to do something high impact .

I am the same way.  Walking just doesn't do it for me.  I have to jog.  It would be nice to be able to take walks and lose weight.  

on 3/30/11 2:21 am
On March 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM Pacific Time, cmagouirk wrote:
Maybe you need to increase your exercise to something more difficult ? I dont lose alot of weight just walking either I have to do something high impact .

I am the same way.  Walking just doesn't do it for me.  I have to jog.  It would be nice to be able to take walks and lose weight.  

oh same here I can walk and walk and nothing . Give me a high impact exercise and the weight comes right off its always been like that for me so I dont even bother walking no more lol.

Jogging I havent done that yet , I will try that once I get some more weight off me and makes it easier on my knee good idea there.

My mom is opposite of me though she  has always been a size 12 her whole life but she eats extremly healthy, gives herself a 5 pound leeway and then diets if she has to and exercises every morning and she is  67 yrs old .

She can go down to the park and walk and lose weight just do it three times a week and she can lose around 3 pounds a week when she watches her diet  wish I could do that I didnt get them genes lol.
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 3/30/11 2:29 am, edited 3/30/11 7:10 am
I don't always stick to 1,000 calories. I just had a fluke yesterday where I wasn't really hungry when I got off work.  Usually it's around 1200-1300 which is what my doctor recommends too.

I don't have a gym membership and it's something I'm trying to avoid financially. My husband and I are on a 3 year get-out-of-debt plan and the unnecessities don't make the budget list.  I have workout tapes & bosu system at home and I walk all over the place in the city that I work. I usually walk 2-3 miles per day 4-5 days a week.  It's wonderful and always scenic.  I also don't want to have to exercise so vigorously that my body DEPENDS on that in order to lose weight. I know plenty of people who have lost weight just by walking. A friend with the lap-band has lost 18 lbs since Feb just by walking and lowering her calories to 1000 per day.  She has had her band even longer than me and has not seen her doctor in over 2 years.  So, I know walking is great and very beneficial.

My first surgery back in Dec. 07, I got started doing cardio kickboxing - 30 minutes of it 2-3 times per week on my lunch hour.  It burnt a LOT of calories, but at the same time, I didn't mix it up and did the same thing every week. I was even using 5 lb dumbbell to punch with/hold the entire time.  My body was very much accustomed to the workout.  I was also eating Cheetos, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, hershey chocolate/caramel bars, etc.  YOU NAME IT and was losing weight.

Then I had a downward slip and gained 30+ lbs before my revision surgery (over a matter of 3 months).  Then I lost 14 lbs the 1st week of surgery.  Now, after 2+ months since my revision surgery, I have gained that 14 I lost, plus an additional 10 lbs.

1 month ago I started eating off small saucer plates and portioning out my food and only eating what's on my plate. I've been really good at that and eating really slow. I am making positive behavior changes.  It's 80% mind and that's the only thing holding me back from eating what I want and how much I want of it.  I know I still need another fill because I can only be so strong mentally before I'm exhausted. 

I'll keep a better eye on my sodium as well. I love to weigh in on Sundays. I have no idea why, but I always weigh the lightest on Sundays.   Sunday's weigh in showed I lost 4 lbs.  So, it probably is jus****er weight and fluctuation.

Thanks for responding and giving your feedback. Very Much Appreciated!
on 3/30/11 4:48 am
Also, if I'm not exercising as vigorously, I should not increase my calories.
Stephanie M.
on 3/30/11 1:16 am
Hang in there... and keep at it.  Everyone is different and it could be water, you're building muscle or just a stubborn metabolism, or your scale is broken!

Are you measuring your food and keeping a food log?  If not, start there.  If you are not hungry between meals, you don't need another fill.  Try lowering your salt, increasing calories by adding dense protein and lots of low gycemic veggies for snacks (peppers, raw carrots, zucchini, salad with greek yogurt ranch dressing (add ranch packet to greek yogurt and a little light buttermilk to thin).  Try keeping carbs under 50 per day.  Be sure to take your vitamins and drink your water 60-80 oz per day.

Let us know if things have changed in a week or so.


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 3/30/11 2:39 am
I'm doing just that with the whole glycemic approach.  I'm only eating fruit and veggies that are low on glycemic index. I truly feel a lot better just in that itself.  I too learned that dense, dryer proteins are key to making me feel full faster. 

I also keep a log on my food and I don't lie about what I eat. 

I am hungry between meals, but it's a mind game for me. I want to eat, but I restrain myself. I know I need a fill because my meals don't last very long.

I take vitamins religiously and drink lots of water (flavored via Crystal light).  It's my saving grace since I don't drink coffee or soda. I do have sweet tea in the evenings, but I've always drank that before and after my 1st and 2nd surgeries.
Stephanie M.
on 3/30/11 3:16 am
Sounds like it is time for a fill, then.


  6-7-13 band removed. No revision. Facebook  Failed Lapbands and Realize Bands group and WLS-Support for Regain and Revision Group


on 3/30/11 1:34 am
You may NOT be eating enough for your body. Find out what you Basal Metabolic Rate is go from there! I know that your doctor is now in with my surgeon's office, you can always call my NUT Jessie. Or you can email her at [email protected]  Just let her know you are one of Dr. Wagoner's patients. She has open hours to go see her. She is an actual Bariatric Nutrionist unlike the one that Dr. Wagoner brought into his South County office.

But I've been in the same boat as you before. Look at what types of food you are consuming and the water consumption too. And remember, just because that is what the scale said today, it could say something totally different tomorrow. My weight fluctuates 3-7 lbs a day depending on my sodium intake compared to water intake. How much caffeine you drink has an effect also. It is dehydrating and if you aren't replacing with added water to counteract that, it could effect it!

Good Luck!
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