Blood work was fine and ultrasound clear....WTF!


on 4/18/11 12:34 pm - Alamosa, CO
OK now I am worried.  I posted about a week ago that I was having pain, and described the pain and someone suggested gallbladder attacks.  Went to the dr. ~ he agreed, sent me for blood work and ultrasound and found nothing!  In the mean time I have had another attack and now I AM worried that it might be my band.  YIKES!  Advice, support? Anything? 
Angi vanIwaarden-Garcia
Have Fun, Learn Much, and Celebrate!
Surgery Date 8/13/2010
Heaviest Weight 256
Current Weight 156

on 4/18/11 1:01 pm
Did you see the GI doc? Also gallbladder attacks can be confused for really bad acid reflux. I was told acid reflux for 2 years before they finally figured out it was my gallbladder. I hope it's not your band. Exactly what is the pain? Does anything relieve it? Do you have hot flashes with the pain? Does the pain go around your body? Does it start in the front or the back?

on 4/19/11 1:28 pm - Alamosa, CO

The pain starts under my rib cage on the right side, and it moves around to my back and shoulder.  Sometimes I get chills and hotflashes..always accompanied by nausia, sometimes vomiting.  I have an appointment tomorrow for a HIDA scan...and then follow up with the GI doc.  Hope to get some answers.

Angi vanIwaarden-Garcia
Have Fun, Learn Much, and Celebrate!
Surgery Date 8/13/2010
Heaviest Weight 256
Current Weight 156

on 4/18/11 1:43 pm - Vancouver, WA
It may still be the GB, I've read on here lots of times where they look and look and say everything is fine only to end up 6 mos. later removing the GB and the pains ends. Whatever it is don't endure pain, keep at them to find out what it is. Good luck!
on 4/18/11 6:41 pm
They need to do a catscan maybe.
on 4/18/11 6:50 pm
Forgot to ask does it hurt in your back or shoulders? But they need to figure it out soon if it is your galllbladder it can become pancreatitis and cause liver failure. That is what happened to me and horrible pain.

on 4/19/11 1:29 pm - Alamosa, CO
Yep pain in back and shoulders...
Angi vanIwaarden-Garcia
Have Fun, Learn Much, and Celebrate!
Surgery Date 8/13/2010
Heaviest Weight 256
Current Weight 156

Yelena K.
on 4/18/11 8:49 pm - Plymouth, MN
 Typically the band isn't going to make you have attacks... it's possible that it really could be your gallbladder, but it's not showing up in the ultrasound. If it's an attack... under the ribcage and horrible pain, it is likely the gallbladder. I'd get a second or third opinion and see what others say. 

2019: 11 years out and maintaining a loss of 150lbs.

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on 4/19/11 12:36 am
 I fought with my GB for 10 yrs.  No stones, nothing unusual with ultrasounds but had attacks after eating certain foods (or just out of the blue).  FINALLY, my doc ordered a GB function test (no medical background so don't know what the correct term for the test).  Low and behold....results showed my GB was only 11% funtional.  Something to do with the ducts but never stones.  Maybe you can talk to your doctor and request a function test.  Good luck

Treat yourself with kindness

on 4/19/11 9:04 am, edited 4/19/11 9:04 am - TX
Inquire about a Hidascan.  That's more specific for gallbladder problems than a plain ultrasound.

You might do some reading here:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

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