Best Breakfast food?

on 5/9/11 9:48 am
Hello All,
  I was just wondering what is the best food or your favorite breakfast food to eat? I struggle with breakfast, I'm tired of my usual egg whites in salsa. Do you have any quick/simple suggestion when your on the go?
on 5/9/11 10:05 am - Marlborough, MA
Revision on 04/05/12
I love the following:

-high fiber oatmeal with a scoop of protien powder, with nuts and fresh fruit
-whole wheat small wrap spread with peanut butter stick a banana in it, roll it up and go!
-Greek yogert with granola and a piece of fruit
-Veggie frittata (my favorite is potato and onion) and it's great cold too.
-I still love my protien bars especially peanutbutter/chocolate I buy the ones with 20-30 grams of protien.

HW-244, SW-234, CW-207
4/8/04 Lap-band-Goal weight for 5 yrs, Tummy Tuck 6/23/08
Lap-band Leak 4/2011, Revision to Gastric Bypass 4/5/12

on 5/9/11 1:21 pm
Thanks so much Karianne! I also love Veggie frittata I will def have to try it with potato & onion. I Iike protien bars too. Oatmeal mmmm I have to think about that ,my father has scared me, as a child we had to eat malt o meal every morning (yuck) so im kinda turned off from it anything kinda mushy. LOL
(deactivated member)
on 5/9/11 10:34 am - San Diego, CA
I eat homemade egg drop soup for breakfast often.  Heat 1.5 cups of chicken stock (or broth), with a dash of low-sodium soy sauce, to a rolling boil.  "Drop" in 2 beaten eggs (I only use one of the yolks though), a tablespoon or so at a time.  It "flowers" up on its own once it is dropped in there.  Great, delicious protein dish and really fills you up! :)
debbie H.
on 5/9/11 1:16 pm - AR
Love this quick and easy creative dish, my friend.  Will have to try it!
on 5/9/11 1:23 pm
I have never tried egg drop soup before. It sounds super easy to make I will def give it a try. Thanks Lisa
(deactivated member)
on 5/10/11 11:03 pm
that's funny - i make homemade miso soup for breakfast most days.
i'll make my broth with dashi / kombu / bonita flakes (one batch lasts a wk).   i'll take a cup out, heat with some green onion / greens (spinach / kale - whatever i have) / tofu / roasted seaweed.

this fill me up better than anything else & i crave it.

(deactivated member)
on 5/11/11 12:10 pm - San Diego, CA
YUMMMM!  That sounds really good too.  MUST.TRY.TOMORROW. :) Thanks...
on 5/9/11 10:53 am
VSG on 03/25/16
I like English muffin alternative  with turkey sausage patty, slice of cheese

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16

on 5/9/11 1:27 pm
Thanks Cheyenne thats a good suggestion. I will try it first with out the muffin or maybe on Arnolds bread. Have you ever heard /tried it? Its really thin bread sorta like a bagelor bun it has only 100 calories. When I eat bread thats usually the only kind I get but I will look for the english muffins.
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