What am i doing wrong?

on 6/17/11 11:51 pm - FL
VSG on 03/10/14
Well I am 12 days out from surgery and i have been doing well except for the past 2 days i have gained yesterday .9 and today .2 for a total of 1.1 pounds I am on pureed foods now and i don't think i am over-eating yesterday i had a protein shake for breakfast- lunch- i had a hard boiled egg mashed with 1 tablespoon of mayo and 2 green olives, and 2 slices(thin) of beef bologna and dinner- was 3 ounces of chicken grilled and as a snack 11 ounce(2-5.5ounce) v8 juice.Does anyone have any suggestions ? I would appreciate any insight I know 1.1 isn't alot but I don't want to gain I have waited so long for the lapband I want to be successful. Thank you....


on 6/18/11 12:09 am
 I dont think you are doing anything wrong.  You are only 12days out and eating your first solids in a while.  
One of the things I have heard is not to weigh yourself every day.. 

Your body is still healing.  There is the trauma from the surgery, water weight... many diffferent reason for a fluctuation of 1 lb... 
One thing also could be retaining water from salt.. V8 is pretty high in sodium..
Work on getting all your protein and water in... Dont worry..

Stick with your doctors plan...You are doing great!!!!!!  
HW-272, PreOp Diet Start-269, SurgWeight-256,                                               CurrentWeight 189. 
on 6/18/11 12:29 am
Nothing is wrong I ended up gaining almost 7 pounds from week three to week six. Just like the poster above said it's many reasons. And she is right don't weigh yourself everyday. Pick one day and weigh yourself. I can weigh myself on a Friday be down two pounds weigh in again on sat and be up four. Sodium , heat, TOM all those play a huge factor.
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

crystal M.
on 6/18/11 12:41 am - Joliet, IL
Ok first of all you need to hide that scale.  You will fluctuate...no one stays one consistant weight, not even skinny people.  When you first switch over to purees and then when you switch to solid foods there will be some weight gain experienced by some people.  As long as you stick to the rules and eat healthy and stay active the weight will eventually fall off.  Right now your body is still recovering from the trauma of surgery.  Don't panic. 
on 6/18/11 1:46 am - TX
Friday morning I weighed 177, This morning 180.  Last week I was 185.  Flucuations happen.

I go more by measurements (done monthly) and how my clothes are fitting.

You're at the beginning of this journey, relax a bit.  It will work if you follow your doctors guidelines most of the time.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

Bette B.
on 6/18/11 8:12 am
 What are you doing wrong?

You just need to relax, be kind to yourself, and wait a bit. You didn't get obese overnight and you can't return to "normal" overnight, either.


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 6/18/11 9:49 am - FL
VSG on 03/10/14

thank you all for all your encouraging words i appreciate all the support i will put my scale away except once a week.......


debbie H.
on 6/18/11 11:26 am - AR
And putting that scale away is a good but hard thing to do.  Especially when you seriously lose daily in the beginning.  But you will be glad you did.
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