Just wanting to admit this really quick

on 7/14/11 7:35 am - Athens, GA

Different things work for different ppl. If I didn't still have the things I crave sometimes I would feel very deprived and not stick to my diet. I eat well about 90% of the time. I eat much better at home than when I go out to eat. I don't bring much unhealthy/high calorie foods in the house. That way if I am home and decide I want it, the inconvenience of having to leave and drive about 15 mins. to go get it is usually incentive enough for me to just drop it.

I do high protein, lower carb, sugar and fat. However if I want something I get it. Just either not as much or not as often. If I am going out to Mexican...........I'm going to have the chips and queso. If I'm going out to a nice restaurant............I'm going to have something I really want. Now if I'm just going out to a buffet............I choose mostly good proteins.

I never drink with meals though, or for 30 mins. after.

I think anything is is ok in moderation. If I don't eat well for awhile I just go back to healthier eating and don't stress out about it.

Have I lost slowly? Yes. Extremely slowly. Would I have lost quicker if I was much more strict about my eathing? Yes. For awhile. But then I would not have been able to stick with it and would have more than likely returned to my old eating habits.

It's all about finding out what works for YOU! Don't eat like this b/c I say it works. Don't be extremely regimented and food journal and weigh all your food b/c someone else says so. Find what works for YOU and go with that.

Good luck!!!




on 7/14/11 9:15 am - CA
Tell that daycare worker she has NO right to give your kids drugs, and to stop or you will report her.  That's awful!!  Keep looking for good daycare, and don't beat yourself up.  Tomorrow is a new day to do the best you can.  You have so much stress right now that you need to be gentle with yourself.
  One day at a time, and one meal at a time, and I WILL reach my goal!  
on 7/14/11 8:48 pm
 When your life is out of control your eating will be out of control. Being talked into a mexican restaurant by a person who is supposed to be supportive was the last straw imho. Move on! Writing all that down was great. That was quite a list. 
on 7/14/11 11:15 pm
I ditto what Kristi said...not a "horrible mistake" just off track for the day.  Maybe also put your scale away for a bit...don't let it control your behavior or your feelings about yourself. 
Mags W.
on 7/15/11 1:28 am
 I had a similar hiccup Thursday.  My mum and I were almost in a car accident and had to swerve to avoid it and ended up in a Culver's parking lot (ironic, right?).  She offered to buy me dinner so I got the fish, figuring I could remove the breading and be somewhat ok.  Well the fish was AWFUL so I ate an order of onion rings instead of my side salad.  Oops.

I think we all have hiccups.  I'm not calling this a mistake, or a setback.  It's merely a free day.  For someone who's constantly struggling to make the minimum calorie requirement, and that's me 99% of the time, I'm not worried.  Did the fat content shock the hell out of me when I logged it on fitbit?  Yes, like RIDICULOUSLY so.  But it showed me how far I've come, and also that if I eat something I like occasionally (very occasionally!) I won't turn back into a big fat pumpkin.  ;)

You are NOT a failure.  You're struggling with addiction, and it's not easy. 
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