
on 8/3/11 8:33 am

Can anyone give me info on what it is like to be over filled? What are your first symptoms? I went today and was filled from 7.25 cc's to 7.5 cc's in a 10 cc band. The PA was hesitant on filling anymore since most people do not go past the 7.25 cc's.

I know the band is different for everyone. It has been a year since my last fill. I started gaining weight about 4 months ago and could never seem to get it off, and I am eating more.

I have lost about 80 pounds since July 2008. I have gained about 7 back in the past few months.
Your first hand knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

on 8/3/11 8:54 am
When I have been too tight -- or over filled, it has been subtle.

I feel like there is something in the back of my throat ---- and I have to clear my throat all the time.

It is just a sensation that there is mucous hung up back there ------ taking out a tiny bit (about 1/10th of a cc) has helped me.

This has happened twice during allergy season for me ------

Some people have vomitting or excess burping or heartburn --- symptoms range widely

on 8/3/11 9:04 am
Thank you, I think the lap band is great, but I see where others are not happy. I just want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly of what to look for from someone who actually experienced it. I have the list of symptoms but it is easy to get worried when there is no need to be.

Hearing what happens from experience is what I wanted to hear, so I appreciate your reply.
Kate -True Brit
on 8/3/11 9:53 am - UK
I have never been really over filled. But I did once start to get mild night time heartburn and so asked for a tiny unfill. 0.1 cc sorted me out!


Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


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