MEMALT’s Posts

on 7/16/06 11:42 am
Topic: RE: Protein Shake for Dinner!!! Alert...may cause one to drool...
Bridget, The protien shake does sound nice,however I am 15 minutes away from being able to enjoy your Buffalo Ckicken Lasagna and I cant't wait!! It smells so good! I just have to wait for to cheese to finish melting and then wait the LONG 10-15 minutes to let it cool before digging in! Thanks in advance for the recipe! I will report to all after I get a chance to taste it. Mary
on 7/16/06 5:21 am
Topic: RE: what's for dinner??
Why Bridget's Buffalo Chicken Lasagna of coarse!! Just got back from the store and can't wait to start cooking this evening! I plan on having 1 portion tonight, one tomorrow for lunch at work, then freezing the rest as I get a fill on Tuesday and won't be able to enjoy much of anything for the next few days! Mary
on 7/16/06 2:04 am
Topic: RE: Buffalo Chicken Lasagna *I hope this makes Anita stop calling me Bridget Ann! I know I'm in trouble!
Wow Bridget! This looks awesome! I don't cook often-but this is going to be on the table tonight! Thank You-my mouth is already watering! Mary
on 7/16/06 1:42 am
Topic: RE: Why am I always sore!
Heather, I was banded on 6/5/06 and had discomfort in my port area for about 4 weeks. Not really bad pain, just a "twinge" like feeling. That went away. Now I find that after I have worked a 12 hour shift (I am a nurse and on my feet all day), that I feel that "twinginess" for an hour or so afterwards. I also can feel my port area when I am gassy-maybe from the extra abdominal pressure? Good luck to you! Mary 226/206/141
on 7/15/06 11:04 am
GREATjob Birdget!! I cannot wait until I fit into misses sizes again! I am actually trying to hold off from going shopping until I can do that, but my clothes are starting to get pretty baggy and frumpy looking! Congrats on your BIG NSV!! Mary
on 7/15/06 10:59 am
No Wendell YOU ROCK for helping us all to remember to concentrate on our successes! Mary
on 7/15/06 10:41 am
Topic: RE: Can you still get stuck without restriction?
Yep! Happened to me last night with pineapple! I think I have a small amount of restriction (no fill yet), but the type of food and the speed at which I ate it created a really "fun" sliming episode! Mary
on 7/15/06 10:34 am
Hi Wendell! My NSV has to do with exercise. I FIANLLY got off of my big (but shrinking) rear end and used the treadmill yesterday and today. I feel so great-have a major energy surge, and feel like the post-surgery naps may be over for me! I am so excited that I finally started real exercise and I am commited to keep it up. I am also psyched for my first fill on Tuesday-ready to get out of bandster hell (have not lost or gained (thank goodness) anything in 10 days! Mary 226/208/141
on 7/14/06 2:26 pm
Topic: RE: Fast foods
I love Mc D's Grilled Asian Chicken Salad! 290 calories and 31 grams of protien! Get it with the lowfat Sesame Ginger dressing-90 calories and I only use about 1/3 of it! Mary
on 7/14/06 2:18 pm
Topic: RE: Pineapple Party Foul!
Thanks for your advice KB-anything that will keep me form is key to me!! Mary
on 7/14/06 2:03 pm
Topic: RE: Pineapple Party Foul!
So tonight I went to a house warming party and felt so proud of myself. I stayed away from the food table for over 30 minutes before I decided to have a little snack. (Pre-band I would have made a b-line to the table of wonderful goodies!!). So anyway, I chose what I thought would be bandster friendly foods (which was hard to do with what was available). I had 2 pieces of broccoli, a tiny bite of artichoke dip, and a piece of pineapple wrapped in bacon. About 5 seconds after I ate the pineapple I got that aweful "golfball" feeling. I have had this before, but it generally goes away within about 30 seconds and is my "stop now" sign. This was much more severe. I tried to drink some water to see if it would help it pass down-to no avail. I knew pretty quickly that I had to run to the restroom. Well after just a minute or two, I slimed. Nothing came up except a bunch of clear mucous-gross!! The food then did pass down into my stomach and i had complete reliief. Okay, so now my question: I am 5 1/2 weeks out and scheduled for my 1st fill on Tuesday. I do not feel like I am restricted much (there is definately a little bit of restriction, but I can easily eat over 1 cup of food.) Is it common to slime before a fill? Is it just because I ate pineapple? Or maybe the artichoke dip? Any advice would be much appreciated! I know for now I will not eat pineapple for a long time, if ever again! Mary
on 7/14/06 10:33 am
Topic: RE: can someone give me a straight answer?
Christine, Have you tried using I just started using it today due to the fact that I am in "bandster hell" and am trying to keep off the 20lbs I have lost until I get a fill!! I have been a real slacker in terms of exercising (counting my SLOW walks with the dog as enough exercise!). Anyway so far I see a few things with this program that will really help me!: 1) Tracking my calories-I had NO idea how much fat I was eating!!! I have been eating lost of eggs which help me get in all of the protien I need (an more), but the fat content is pretty big!! 2) Tracking my exercise-It seems that they are a little conservative with the "calories burned" for each exercise, but the website also calcutales aprrox. how many calories you burn during your normal day in addition to exercise. (I know these are broad estimates but I think it will motivate me!) 3) You can track your eating, exercising, weight, goals and such over weekly, monthly, yearly timetables. It seems that this will really motivate me as well! Oh- and it's FREE Let me know if you try it and if you like it!! Mary
on 7/2/06 9:50 pm
Topic: RE: LMA: Shopping for some great support
Good mrning Frances and prayer warrirors! Prayers have been said for all on the list today. Please add Carol Mayfield to the "turn at bat" list. She will be having her surgery on July 6th and is feeling that "pit in the stomach" nervousness that we all feel prior ro surgery. She is a great lady and I am confident that she will join the list of very successful bandsters!! Her surgery page is Thank you all and have a wonderful day! Mary
on 6/28/06 12:04 am
Topic: RE: Hope this works!
You look fantastic!! Congratulations on your success-you are an inspiration!! Mary
on 6/27/06 11:52 pm
Topic: RE: LMA: Getting over "the hump" with help
Good morning Frances and prayer warriors. This morning I would like to request prayer for my best friend Shawn. Her father passed away on Saturday and there is a sad story attached. Due to a nasty divorce between her father and mother, and issues that occured in her teen years, Shawn has not spoken to her father in over 15 years. He attempted many times over the last few years to contact her but she just couldn't find it in her heart to forgive him and re-connect with him. I am so worried that she will regret later in life that she did not forgive him and establish a relationship with him prior to his death. I am asking God to help her find it in her heart to forgive him now and to forgive herself. I am hoping that she can find it in herself to greive and find peace. His funeral is on Thursday and she is not sure she will even attend. Please pray for Shawn and for the soul of her father Gus. Thank you to all, Mary
on 6/27/06 1:11 pm
Topic: RE: new pic 101 pound mark
Jason, I can't get through on the link and I really wanna see!! Can you post the pics to your profile? Congrats! Mary
on 6/23/06 2:14 am
Topic: RE: TOM and restriction
Ok, so I know that this question has been asked many, many times, but I guess I don't fully listen to the answer until it affects me. So, I was banded on 6/5 and don't feel like I have much restriction at all. (This is fine with me and I know is totally normal until I get a fill). I am on a mushie diet and have tolerated beef jerky and mozzarella cheese sticks just fine for days.(Both are on my Dr.'s ok list) Well long story short, I woke up this morning and kind of felt like I could "feel" my band around the top of my stomach-it didn't hurt, just felt like a "twinge". Then I ate a 1 oz cheese stick and about 1/2 oz of beef jerky and I now feel like it is all kind of stuck at the bottom of my throat. I can drink, have not PB'd, but I just feel kind of wierd. So my question is, did anyone have that TOM restriction before they got a fill? (My period should start today or tomorrow). Should I be concerned about slippage or does this sound normal? My main concern is that I have had bronchitis for the past week and have had an awful cough (that the doc knows about) and I am afraid the band has slipped. The cough is MUCH better than it was a few days ago and this restriction thing just started today, so i don't know what to think!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Mary
on 6/23/06 12:19 am
Topic: RE: FRI2FRI Challenge!
I'm in! 207 today-would LOVE to see 200 Mary 226/207/141
on 6/21/06 12:11 am
Topic: RE: Musings about my process
Congratulations!!! I am really happy for you. I read your profile and noticed that you had begun this journey with Dr. Snyder. Did you decide to stay with him or are you using a surgeon in Grand Junction? Dr. Snyder did my surgery 2 weeks ago, and I just love him!! I feel great, feel like I will have all the support I will need, and feel positive that I will have a successful journey. Please e-mail me if you have any questions about Dr. Snyder. Again congrats on getting your loan and good luck in the future! Mary
on 6/8/06 11:08 am
Topic: RE: Update on Brain Tumor & Lapband Surgery
My prayers and good wishes are with you! Good luck, Mary
on 6/8/06 10:30 am
Topic: RE: My Baxter buddy has been found!!
I just know that your prayers and good thoughts are what helped to bring my Baxter dog back home. He was found about 1 hour ago after an afternoon on the run in the 90 degree Denver heat. The way he was reunited with me surely had Devine intervention attached!: His name tag had my old phone number on it (from 2 or 3 years ago), so I called that old number to see if the person at that number had received any calls about a missing dog. Well come to find out, that number is now a FAX number!!! I felt lost and like there was no way I would find the dog (had called all of the shelters numerous times and so on). Well I sent a fax to the phone number and asked for the receiver to please call me if someone faxed them regarding a missing dog. Well by golly the guy that found my dog faxed his number to the fax machine and the lady called me!!! The man that found my dog has a very ill family member, so he had to leave the dog at his home for a few hours. Well from what I hear Baxter is happily playing with the Beagle who lives there, and we will be picking him up later this evening. So, lessons learned? Prayers WORK!! and Change the phone # on the dog tags!!! Thanks to all of you for your support, it was a hard afternoon but will all be better when I have my buddy sleeping next to me tonight!! Mary
on 6/8/06 10:21 am
Topic: RE: Prayers needed
Frances, Thank you for your prayers-yours and those of others I am sure helped-and my buddy has been found!! See future post for details. How are you liking Colorado? Have you received any relief from that awful headache? How long are you here for, and are you spending your entire time in Vail? I would love to meet you if time allows. Your prayers and inspiration are a big part of what got me this far-I am officially a bandster and SOOO happy!! I pray for relief for you daily-thank you again for your prayers. Blessings, Mary
on 6/8/06 6:23 am
Topic: RE: Prayers needed
I am hoping that the power of prayer that got me through my surgery on Monday will help to find my beloved dog. My dog baxter who is staying at my sister's house while I heal from surgery escaped from her back yard about 2 hours ago. He is the love of my life, and I am so in shock that Idon't even know how to react. All of the shelters and the humane society have been called, my brother in law is out looking for him, and he is putting up signs. I am about 35 miles away at my other sister's house and feel totally helpless. Can you please help me pray that my wonderful doggie is found? (He has tags but the phone # on the tags is an old number which is now a fax machine-so we are relying on someone to call the shelters). Thank you for your prayers Mary M.
on 6/1/06 7:21 am
Topic: RE: I need some competition!! Any takers out there?
I'm in!! 219 today, so -25 would put me into onederland at 194! I get banded this monday and this challenge will be a great kick start! Mary M.
on 5/29/06 1:44 pm
Topic: RE: SV and NSV
Bridget, You are doing great! Can't wait to be just like you! Congrats!! Mary M. (memalt)
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