Self sabotage

elizabeth G.
on 3/23/11 10:10 am - Canada
Hey all,

I am sooooo annoyed with myself!!!!!!  I  have been sabotaging myself since Christmas time and I am having a really hard time stopping I am angry, embarrassed and saddened by the whole thing .  I have done so well and I need to keep losing, but I have been stuck at the same weight because of my actions.  I have NOBODY to blame but myself and I was wondering if anyone else out there did this to themselves?  If so, how did you get out of the horrible funk of eating crap????

Just wanted to share...feel free to kick me in the pants.  Perhaps a kick in the pants is what I need to get back on track


on 3/23/11 10:39 am - Cambridge, Canada
In the same place. Sometimes I think it's a mix of the weather, the lack of sunlight...just the general depression of winter.  Like we get in a funk and eat to try to appease it.

Have you considered counselling?  I know I have.  I haven't done it yet....

I think for me, I'm going to need to go hard core for a few days.  I think something like the 5 day pouch test...were every bite in your mouth is regulated.....a liquid diet to get rid of the crunch cravings and sugar cravings....
Proud Member of the Cambridge Crew!    
HW293/LW147/CW158   Height 5'9"  Working on Maintenance!
Fleur de lis TT and Brachioplasty - Oct. 19, 2010 Breast reduction and scar revision August 2, 2011
Diminishing Dawn
on 3/23/11 10:51 am - Windsor, Canada
This is exactly the kind of stuff that I consider the "head stuff" about post surgery life. After the first year or two, that "living to eat" mentality comes back, our addiction rears its ugly head.

The only thing we can do is to do what we always have done -- pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin again - one day at a time.  Setting a goal might help. Therapy might be something to consider. Finding a buddy or support group might be what you need.  

A course might be offered in your neighbourhood in regards to food addiction. Here (and in other communities) there is often once offered called Craving Change. Sometimes you have mental health services in your community that also course on thinks like this and how to change your relationship with yourself and food.  You  might find something like that helpful. Some go to overeaters anonymous. 

Some get books through the library on things like mindful eating, overeating, topics like that or at Chapters.

Good luck. Eventually most of us find that this is pretty normal - it becomes like a rollercoaster at times. 

One day at a time!


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 3/24/11 3:51 am - Windsor, Canada
I took the "Craving Change" couse, and it was pivitol for me.  It made a huge difference, like nothing else had done before.  I'd like to second Dawn's suggestion.  If it's available in you area, give it a shot!
(deactivated member)
on 3/23/11 10:53 am
Use your dietician/nutritionist at your clinic or the counsellor because that is what they are there for.
Get the junk out of your house.
Write everything down.
Plan your snack, plan an action to get you away from snacking too much. Spend some money and buy FUZE or 10 calorie Vitamin water to give you a treat in changes of flavour.

I haven't done this but I hope my suggestions help.  Keep coming here and being accountable.

(deactivated member)
on 3/23/11 3:59 pm - Sudbury, Canada
Hey hun, I just went through a whole month like that and finally today I jumped back on the wagon, Full on High protein/high fat and low carb diet.. I feel SOOO MUCH Better today..

The DS gives me such bag gas when i'm eating crap it feels amazing the difference today has given me.

It dosen't help that i've been on nights for 2 weeks and have not really seen day light.. :( I spent the day cooking yesterday, made meatloaf, a roast beef, ground beef for tacos.

Do you get so the icky farts when you're eating high carb? maybe even thinking about getting rid of the painful feeling you get from that by eating right may motivate you! lol

(deactivated member)
on 3/24/11 1:30 am - Toronto, Canada
 Thank you for starting this thread.  These types of posts are so important for me to read.  They help me stay out of denial re: how my eating problems are in my head and that this will not change after surgery.  I will still have to live with, manage and do my best with the food insanity that lives in my head.  

I'm hoping that with the surgery,  the damage that I may do during the times that I slip back into food insanity will be less severe.....given the real physical limitation of the restriction.  I'm also hoping that I will put in place some new habits that provide me with a foundation to get back on track.

I have to believe that wls will give me a tool to help in the battle...and that the battle will be won more often than not.
on 3/24/11 3:47 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hey Liz,

I was absolutely the WLS poster child for 7 months or so. Then I moved home to Vancouver.... I am trying to figure out whether it's because I'm so close to goal (and a little freaked out, partly scared that my body won't stop losing) or is it more like an alcoholic going back to where they drank? I'm starting to get back to business but it's not easy. I have been thinking about seeing if my therapist in Toronto will work with me via phone, or else I'll have to find someone local so I can sort out my feelings.

Good luck Liz! Maybe make small changes each week or day and get some success under your belt.


My angel is Karen M                                                  140 lbs lost!      

(deactivated member)
on 3/24/11 7:31 am - Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
Oh, I hear you loud and clear.  I've been getting in my own way for quite a while, but have been reluctant to admit it here (long story)

fact is, the head issues just keep on coming; if it's not one thing, it's another AND I went into this knowing that my weight loss would not be extremely quick ( VSG, age, restricted activity etc) so in a way, I think I've given myself permission to lose slowly.  Not good.

I suppose it's time to get back to basics (again!)  I keep telling myself that I will only be defeated when I give up ... until then, I'll just regroup and do what I know will do the job.  I hope you can join me in getting back up on this horse one more time.

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