Eating Schedule? Day 2 to 14

on 7/14/11 3:50 am
I was wondering if someone would take the time to explain or even better, post an approx. eating/sipping schedule after clear brain can't wrap itself around the intake from day 2 to day 14 and I wouldn't mind seeing this.

The sipping 2tbsp every 15 for the entire day does not make sense in my head! lol  I know my brain didn't register that part for sure!

Thanks for helping me!

    ~Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you really wanted!~    

on 7/14/11 7:09 am - Hamilton, Canada
Have you had your surgery class yet?  I can see that you've got your surgery date (congrats!), but you're getting ahead of yourself.  This is something you can ask at the surgery class, or with the NUT.  Every hospital has its own schedule to follow, so I can't help you with it because I'm out of St. Joe's (Hamilton).


Former RNY patient revising to Sleeve then DS.
Appts: Dietitian - January 21/19; July 16/19, August 13/19, September 17/19, October 15/19; Social Worker: August 23/19; DS Orientation: March 20/19; Internist: September 30/19; Surgeon: November 13/19 (signed consent).
Surgery Date: February 28/20.


on 7/14/11 9:25 am
I have done all that needs to be done, all classes, met everyone..all I'm waiting on next is August 17th to start my where my mind gets isn't hard to do is that I have this "Nutrition Guidelines after Bariatric" and in there, it says the first 2 weeks, full fluids, to:
- drink or eat 2tbsp every 15 minutes
- You may be able to have about 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup (4-6oz) of Full fluids at your meal.

which I don't have a problem problem is that they also say

60g to 80g of protein a day (6 to 8 cups of fluid each day)

Now, a Premier Protein Shake contains 30g meaning I would need to drink 2 in the heck can I drink 2 shakes in one day if I can't sip more then 2tbsp every 15 minutes?!?!?

lol......know what I mean?

Thanks for reading/helping!



    ~Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you really wanted!~    

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