bunch of NSV's

Karen W.
on 7/14/11 9:42 am - Canada
I just felt like posting about some of my NSV's.  I had surgery on April 11/11.  Here they are:

I can comfortably cross my legs.
I biked to work and back (45 minutes each way).
The pain in my knees is down by about 40%.
I have only worn my ankle brace once in the past month, and it was when I was hiking in Algonquin Park.  I used to have to wear it every day.
People often tell me how great I look.
A guy checked me out on the street the other day.
My husband checks me out all the time! (Although he did this quite a bit before surgery too).
I'm a size 16!
I comfortably painted my toenails recently.
Today I walked up 3 flights of stairs without feeling like I was going to die.

And the one that motivated me to write this:  Today I did a presentation at a national conference.  I do quite a bit of public speaking, including presentations, workshops and trainings.  For the past 18-19 years, every time I do something like this I feel very self-conscious.  I choose my clothes to try to minimize my "fatness" as much as possible, and I obsess about what people might be thinking about me because of my size.  Today I wore a really nice outfit that showed my figure, and I felt very confident and comfortable.  What a wonderful experience!  If you're new and awaiting surgery, please know that many experiences like this await you.  Have a great day!

Karen W

   RNY April 11, 2011       
Tanya T.
on 7/14/11 9:48 am, edited 7/13/11 9:49 pm
Those are all great things to accomplish Karen. Way to go!!! I have some of those on my list too.



on 7/14/11 10:02 am - Orillia, Canada
Way to go. You have inspired me to start my own list.

Keep up the good work.


                 "Don't trade what you want the most,
                    for what you want at the moment."


on 7/14/11 10:34 am
I forgot to ask, what does NSV stand for please?

    ~Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you really wanted!~    

Karen W.
on 7/14/11 10:48 am - Canada
NSV stands for non-scale victories.  It really helps to focus on these things more than on the number on the scale.
   RNY April 11, 2011       
on 7/14/11 11:11 am - Canada
 Hi Karen, 
                    I am in OAkville ON waiting for my surgery hopefully in August, I felt great comfort reading your post just wanted to say i'm happy for you!! Glad to hear things are getting better, I have oesteo arthritis in my knees and some days the pain is so bad, so I can relate to the knee pain!! All the best and thanks for sharing!!
on 7/14/11 11:38 am - Ottawa, Canada
 Looking forward to crossing my legs.......

  Choose love, power, and acceptance instead of what we default to which is fear, dependence, and intolerance
on 7/14/11 11:48 am - Canada

I almost called to leave you a voice mail this morning because we were both so rushed that I didn't get a chance to mention the incredible difference there was when I gave you a hug this morning. You're positively dwindling.

Congrats and we'll see you soon. 
~Just another day for you and me in paradise. 

on 7/14/11 1:41 pm - Ontario, Canada
VSG on 02/29/12
Thanks so much for this post Karen.  I LOVE seeing the NSV's.  There is so much I can't do now - and I look forward to being able to do those things even more than seeing the number on the scale drop.  NSVs ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

 TBIYTC-The Best Is Yet To Come Referral-Mar 2011   Surgery Feb 29th, 2012




on 7/14/11 1:56 pm
I feel suddenly motivated to made my own list, just to look back on and see how much it's improved throughout the journey. These are all so wonderful and I am incredibly proud of you Karen!
Amanda     I 1.5 Years Out     180+lbs Lost     Goal Reached +!  I
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