Silly weight mgmt question

on 7/26/11 2:37 am - Canada
This might sound stupid, but how often do people have an issue with losing too much? Not sure when I will be seeing the surgeon again and I forgot to ask the either SW or nurse or dietician I saw today.  3 chances and I forgot, lol!  There must be some people who have a hard time maintaining their appetite, getting in their vits or had complications post surgery.  I'm worried I won't get to my goal, but also worried I will go too far and it sounds like getting it all in and the water at separate times...well, it just sounds like eating is going to have to become more of a daily focus than it already is.  Or does it just become easier, more routine?

Diminishing Dawn
on 7/26/11 2:49 am - Windsor, Canada
Far more people have issues with not getting to a normal bmi (not losing enough) versus losing too much.  I can say that honestly I've only seen a handful of these posts throughout the years. 

In addition, at the 2-3 year mark, may people will have a 10-20% bounceback.  It's a fairly common occurence so for most, they want to lose more weight than gain it. 

Regardless, that's when the Dietician is the one to talk too. They can adjust your caloric intake accordingly, suggest that you say, get in an extra shake or extra carbs.  That's the whole point of having a dietician - they'll help you adjust as need be and you'll see them at fairly regular intervals throughout your journey.  

Yes over time, it can become easier and more routine especially once you are past that 2-3 month stage, but then of course, the further you are out of surgery, the more challenging it can also become. At the 9th month mark, that's when they typically say that a lot of the psychological challenges start (emotional eating, boredom, stress eating etc). 

It's going to be a life long challenge and so, it's a good thing that you have a team on your side :) that's when your support group can help too!


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

Mike Terry
on 7/26/11 3:57 am - Staffa, Canada
  Thanks for answering this question, it was the question I asked a couple of post down, and these were the facts I was kind of looking for. Thanks again.
Diminishing Dawn
on 7/26/11 4:21 am - Windsor, Canada
I did not respond to your post there because I still think you need to go over it with your dietician and not just by what I've seen and heard are common practice. When you need info, you need to directly go to your team.


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

Mike Terry
on 7/26/11 6:19 am - Staffa, Canada
  I agree with you! Thanks for the information again! If you ever see me make a post that sends a red flag up to you, feel free to be assertive next time. I have thick skin.
Diminishing Dawn
on 7/26/11 6:32 am - Windsor, Canada
No red flag or anything.

I just don't want to give you advice that I'm not qualified to give.   I wouldn't want to mess up your good success =)


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 7/26/11 7:13 am - Canada
Thanks Dawn, that helps a lot.  I think I'm looking for a crystall ball as I can't wait to see where this journey ends.  I've gotta work on the patience as well as all the other goals the dietitian gave me today.

on 7/26/11 8:28 pm
I'm not sure where you are in the process? 
 Eating and drinking does become easier. Appetite came back for me. It was scary as I was in fear of losing control again.
Separating eating and drinking first is a chore and yeah you have to work on it but yes it does become routine. Eating does become a daily focus, but for me it was different. For example with 'diets' you plan and count everything but when you add in the "omg I feel like I'm starving" it just multiplied the torture! With the RNY it's more like planning to make sure you eat enough and get enough****er and take all your vitamins etc. ..and yes the further out you go it seems the more you can eat so I don't think losing too much will be a problem.
on 7/26/11 11:59 pm - Canada
Thanks for the info.  I am not that far, just SW, RN and NUT yest.  Have an appt with the internist Tuesday.  Still kinda wrapping my mind around the fact that I will be permanently altering my body surgically because I let my weight get out of control. Some times I feel so positive and can't wait and sometimes (tho less frequently)  I think I am crazy.

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